Bo & Hope #17 May 7 - July 9, 1986: 8 hour original edit

DVD #17A Bo, Hope, & Shane are stranded in the woods. Hope is asleep after being rescued from the river. Shane gets a message out to Peach but she falls ill before she can send in the rescue team. Bo is determined to kill the man that killed his brother. Shane insists that Bo stay put and wait for the ISA to arrive. Hope sides with Shane and tells Bo that he is right. Shane says to wait for reinforcements to arrive, that if Bo goes off on his own that will only hurt their efforts to track down John & Marlena. Bo later tells Hope that she doesn’t understand what it was like to have Roman die in his arms. She says she doesn’t want to know how that feels, she doesn’t want to see Bo die in her arms. She asks him if he has stopped to think about her? What would she do if Stefano killed Bo like he killed Roman. Meanwhile, Marlena struggles to get away from John, she thinks he is Stefano. (Note slight jitter on these scenes)

5/8 Shane is puzzled what is taking the ISA and Peach so long to arrive. Bo wants to go off on his own to find Stefano. Shane reminds Bo that Hope is still recovering from her river adventure. When Hope catches up to them, she insists she doesn’t need to take a break. He snaps at her. Her face collapses as she looks about to burst into tears. She doesn’t want to be the reason he doesn’t get Stefano this time. He takes her into his arms and assures her that it isn’t her fault, and he will get Stefano this time. Kimberly arrives to board the helicopter to go in search of the gang. She is shocked to realize that Victor is in the helicopter!

5/9 Bo, Hope and Shane continue the search for Marlena and “Stefano.” Bo shows them a campsite that he is sure they stayed at. Victor tells Kim that his person intercepted the call she made to the ISA. The gang is thrilled to see the helicopter arrive over head. Kim is thrilled to see Shane is alive, and Victor is happy to see that Bo is okay. Shane recognizes that Kim and Victor are on the helicopter.

As Victor heads away from Shane, he spots Marlena and John. Kim insists that Victor go back for Shane and she starts fighting with Victor aboard the helo and it goes down. Shane runs immediately to the plane wreck. Upon arriving at the site, there is no one there. He spots Victor and Kim up on the hill being led away by gunpoint. Victor and Kim are taken to a cabin by the Russian secret police. They tell her that she has made a grave mistake by showing up here and jeopardizing their mission. Victor urges them to let her go that she isn’t involved in their mission and doesn’t know anything about it. Victor realizes they plan on killing them both.

Bo has flashbacks of Roman’s death on the island. He insists that Stefano will pay with his life for killing Roman. Shane stumbles into the Russian hideout and notices a trap door. Everyone is below the door. They believe that Shane didn’t suspect anything. Marlena and John are in a cave together. She is disturbed to see the Phoenix tattoo on John’s back. Hope comes face-to-face with a mountain lion. (some glitches during scenes)

5/12 Bo shoots his gun and scares away the mountain lion. John hears the gunshot and runs to see what happened. He hides behind a rock and overhears Bo talking about killing “Stefano.” Hope wants to know why Bo didn’t get help from the authorities. He insists because that would have put Marlena in greater danger if Stefano had seen the marines arriving. Hope wonders if this isn’t about Marlena’s safety but about Bo’s desire to get revenge on Stefano. Hope continues to worry about Bo getting himself killed. He tells her not to worry anymore that night and tenderly cuddles with her before the fire. Bo continues to have flashes of himself holding Roman’s dead body on the beach.

5/14 Victor escapes his captors and runs straight into Bo. He is furious with Victor for putting Kim’s life in danger. Victor swears he is not looking to hurt any member of his family. A KGB agent whacks Bo over the head and Victor uses all of his leverage to stop him from shooting him. Victor deals with the KGB to help them find John Black and won’t help them unless they swear to leave Bo alone. Victor presses a cloth to the back of Bo’s head, he has come to and hears Victor bargaining to save his life. Hope discovers an unconscious Bo and grows concerned. Bo fills her in on Kirikis helping him and negotiating to save his life. Bo figures that Victor must need him around for some purpose. Marlena finally gives into her feelings for John and they kiss by the river. Bo and Hope find John and he starts aiming at his target. Slight jump on scenes.

5/15 Hope tries to talk Bo out of shooting John, she finds it hard to believe that he is Stefano. John wants Marlena to go with Bo and Hope to safety; she tells him to be careful and they part ways. Unfortunately, as soon as John walks away, Victor finds Marlena before she can go to Bo & Hope. He soon lets her sneak off, and she winds up back with John. Bo and Hope have a heart-to-heart about bad experiences with their parents, Bo with Shawn and Hope with Julie.

5/16 John can’t let Marlena be in danger with him and wanders off. Victor reveals to John that he has Dr. Peterson’s briefcase containing the picture of what he looked like before the surgery. They will let him see it in exchange for information, but John gives them the slip. In the process, Yuri drops the briefcase and the contents scatter. John is on the run from Victor and Yuri. Marlena comes across the scattered briefcase and is shocked when she sees the picture – it’s of Roman.

Bo and John come face-to-face. Bo and John fight on top of a cliff. Bo almost falls over the cliff and John saves him and pulls him back. Marlena searches for John and comes upon Bo and John fighting at the cliffs edge. Marlena cries out that this isn’t Stephano but Roman! Unfortunately, Bo can’t hear her. Marlena watches in desperation as it looks like Roman is headed off the cliff once again. Hope walks straight into Ingrid’s trap and is held at gunpoint.

5/19 Marlena screams at Bo, “He’s not Stefano, he’s Roman!” Bo is confused but manages to save John before he goes off the cliff. Marlena and her husband are reunited at last. Bo doesn’t know how to react to the news that John is Roman, he isn’t convinced that this man is his brother. Marlena is convinced that the news is accurate, but reveals that many people will not believe it at first. Hope is still captured by the KGB, they are planning to execute her. Hope is left alone with Ingrid, who is pointing a gun at her. Hope gets into a scuffle with Ingrid and comes into possession of her gun; she shoots Ingrid in self-defense. Roman, Marlena and Bo set out to find Hope. Bo informs his wife that Ingrid is dead. She is noticeably upset; as this is the first time she has ever killed someone.

5/20 Bo and Hope return home and are greeted by both Shawn and Caroline. They are curious as to where the two of them have been; Bo is ready to explain what happened. Marlena and Roman wait outside The Brady Fish Market until Bo and Hope have told the family. Shawn and Kimberly are shocked to learn that they have a new grandson. They believe this is the only news and learn the identity of The Pawn. Both don’t believe the news until they learn that even Marlena is convinced. Shawn and Caroline come face-to-face with their son. A jealous Bo watches his parents immediately embrace him. Doug welcomes his daughter and son-in-law back to Salem.

5/22 Bo takes a walk down memory lane by looking at old photographs of the brother that he knew and still is unsure of how to take in this new information. Hope comforts him and believes that it is his past rivalry with his brother coming to the surface. Bo stops by the Brady house and there is tension between the two brothers. Bo admits to believing that John is Roman, but wants him to remember all of the memories that they shared in the past.

Bo and Hope arrive at the gala in honor of their first anniversary dressed to the nines. Bo suggests just the two of them stay home, but are stopped when Doug surprises them with chauffeur services. Roman is re-introduced to Salem society when Marlena and him arrive at the gala. Carl convinces Liz to sing when she gets up on stage. Musical montage of “Friends & Lovers” plays while highlighting everyone at the benefit.

5/23 Doug calls his daughter and son-in-law on stage. Hope completely forgot it was her anniversary. The Brady’s and the Horton’s gather together to celebrate the anniversary. Bo is suspicious of Caroline’s interaction with Victor. Liz gets back on stage and sings, “Tonight, I Celebrate My Love for You.” Shawn toasts to their anniversary and Roman’s homecoming.

Bo grows extremely irritated when Victor goes up for his speech and intends to deal with the situation once and for all. Both his wife and brother try to stop him. Bo finally confronts Victor after he is seen talking to Kimberly. Bo walks in on Victor getting physical with Caroline, whom he believes has everything that she ever wanted. He quarrels with his henchmen, grabs the gun, and points it at Victor. Caroline screams, “No, Bo, don’t shoot – he’s your father!”

5/26 Everyone walks into the hall and hears Caroline’s declaration. Bo is astonished and storms out. Shawn verbally abuses both Caroline and Victor; he forces her to come home with him. Rumors spread rampant about what happened at the party. Hope finds Bo alone at the pier and tries to help him through the news – pieces of the puzzle are fitting together and making sense. Shawn is furious at his wife and she tries explaining her reasoning. He was gone building up his business and she turned to Victor for comfort. Bo overhears Shawn say, “Bo is not my son.” They have a confrontation and Shawn storms out of the Fish Market. Caroline tells Bo that she loves him, he responds saying that he hates her. Hope tries to comfort her husband, who is going through the motions. Montage sequence rotates around all the characters.

5/27 Kimberly stops by Bo’s apartment and wants to talk with him. Kimberly wants her brother to know that nothing has changed and that they are still family; she reveals to her that she has known this information since last Christmas. Bo is shocked to learn that Kimberly slept with Victor and that his nephew could possibly be a Kiriakis; she tries explaining to her that she can relate to what Caroline did because it’s happening to her right now. She lashes out at Bo when he refers to their mother as a whore. Victor unsuspectingly arrives at Bo’s apartment. He tries telling him that he is proud of both him and Hope.

5/28 Hope asks what happened to Bo when she notices his black eye. Hope tells Bo that Victor is not right and that he will always be a Brady no matter what. Kayla surprise both Bo and Hope by showing up in Salem and tries to support her brother in this difficult time. Kayla tells Bo that she just has to give it some time. Both Kayla and Bo learn that Shawn moved out.

5/30 Hope receives a package in the mail. Hope talks to Bo about having children. She wants to start right now, but Bo thinks that they need time.

6/3 Hope thinks that things are finally settling down for her and Bo. They have a good discussion until Caroline calls and wants to speak with her son. Bo goes to the hospital to see his nephew and runs into his mother. The two get into it and then Victor demands that he never talk to Caroline like that again. Bo rips up the picture of his family that he was carrying around.

6/5 Roman wants to talk to his brother about Victor Kiriakis, but Bo refuses to talk about the man and asks him to leave. Roman wants Bo to jog his memory to bring up events in Stockholm. Bo refuses to do this and leaves. Hope is left alone with Roman. She tells Roman that Bo never got over thinking he had died, and that Bo hadn’t done enough to help him. Hope always felt he resented her for Bo helping her and not being there to help his brother. Roman wants help reaching Bo. She tells him that her husband hates Victor more now than ever. Bo and Patch run into each other on the docks. Patch tweaks him by calling him “Little Vic”.

Dvd #17B 6/6 Bo stops by Shane’s and realizes that Kimberly has decided to move out. Caroline pays a visit to Victor’s mansion, concealing a gun in her purse. Bo pretends to be “drunk” and arrives at the Kiriakis mansion. Meanwhile, Caroline is in the other room pondering shooting Victor for everything that he has done to her family. She realizes that her son is right outside the door. When Bo arrives, Victor asks Caroline if they can move their conversation to The Continental Hotel. A “drunk” Bo overhears this information and plants a bug in the room. He informs Shane of his actions. Bo and Shane arrive at the hotel and are listening to the bug, he realizes that it’s his mother Victor is meeting with and that she intends to kill him.

6/9 Hope wants to talk with Kimberly about moving out of the main house. Caroline points her gun at Victor and threatens to shoot. Meanwhile, Bo and Shane overhear the entire commotion due to the bug in the hotel room and race to the hotel. Caroline pulls the trigger and shoots the mirror. She curses Victor and storms out of the hotel. Bo wants to go after her but Shane convinces him not to reveal their position. Hope talks to Shawn and refuses to sit back and continue to let the family fall apart, she tells him that it’s not too late.

A short time later, Bo makes a decision and goes to the Kiriakis Mansion to talk with Victor. He promises to acknowledge him as his father. In return, he must agree to stay away from the Brady family completely, including little Andrew. Victor agrees to the terms but has one request, that both he and Hope move in with him. Bo talks to Hope about moving into the mansion. She agrees to move in.

6/11 While Bo is packing up the loft, he finds a letter from Shawn while he was joining the merchant marines – it brings back good memories. Hope tries to convince Bo to take things a little slower regarding the mansion situation, but he is insistent on getting Victor off his families backs.

Kimberly confronts Bo and he purposely tries to upset her. Bo is upset about doing that to her but Shane insists that he must sever all ties to gain Victor’s trust. Bo and Hope say goodbye to their familiar loft. Shane and Kimberly have a romantic evening at Blondie’s and are surprised when Bo, Hope and Victor arrive at the same place. Bo and Shane have a fake confrontation.

6/13: Victor joins Bo and Hope for a drink in the drawing room. Bo asks Victor for a job in his organization. After some hesitation, Victor agrees and names him the new manager of Allied Cargo. Shawn confronts Victor about his reasoning and is shocked to learn that Bo is staying at the Kiriakis Mansion now. Hope tells Caroline and Kayla that they are living with Victor now. Shawn cannot comprehend the idea that Bo would go after the money and lifestyle that Victor can offer. Victor wants Patch to keep an eye on Bo down at Allied Cargo.

6/16 Bo gets furious with Victor for lending Hope one of his limos for the day. Bo visits Carrie in the hospital and they talk about Roman and how it’s hard to accept him as their brother/father due to his new face. Alice walks in and convinces the two of them that Roman does indeed love both of them. Roman confronts Bo about him moving into the mansion. They get into a fight when he keeps bringing up their history in Stockholm.

6/18 Hope is angry with Victor for insinuating to Bo that she was “basking in the lap of luxury” with his money and limo. He threatens her not to interfere with his budding relationship with Bo. Kayla secretly gathers together all the Brady siblings to try and get Shawn and Caroline back together. Bo feels that he is the reason that they are separated and doesn’t want to take part in it.

Caroline breaks down in her apology and flees the house; Shawn rushes out after her and they hug. He says that he cannot make any promises, but he is absolutely willing to try. They have too much together to let it all go. They come back in hugging each other.

6/19 Hope feels that she cannot run Brady & Brady alone without Bo. Kayla stops by Hope’s office and announces that now that Shawn and Caroline are working out she feels that she can go back home. The workers at Allied Cargo refuse to take orders from Bo. They are only following Patch’s orders, which means that orders have to go through him. Hope tells Bo that she is going to need to find another partner if he cannot come back. He says, “You have to do what you have to do.” Patch overhears Kayla telling Bo and Hope that she has been offered a job at the Riverfront Clinic. Hope offers to let Kayla use The Loft as her home if she decides to stay in Salem.

6/24 Neil informs Bo, Hope and Roman that Marlena has slipped into a coma. When Shane attacks Victor, everyone learns that Andrew has been taken. They are all quick to point the finger at Victor, but he firmly denies any involvement in the disappearance of the baby. Kimberly is furious with Bo for taking Victor’s side. Shane warns Bo not to underestimate Victor; Bo feels that being on the inside will help him find his nephew if Victor was indeed the one that took him.

6/25 Hope starts the beginning of the investigation for Kimberly and stars mapping out potential suspects; Bo informs her that he cannot help her on this case. Bo diffuses a bomb down at the docks that was set by Victor.

6/26 Eugene informs Hope, Shane and Abe of his “vibes” that he has gotten about Andrew. Shane asks Hope to pose with him as a childless couple, but she informs him that it will be impossible to do.

6/27 Victor demands to know why Bo was on the docks Wednesday night. Hope continues to insist that she cannot pose with Shane for their plan. Kimberly walks in and demands to know what they are talking about. Victor gets the feeling that Bo is trying to set him up and wants to bring up their deal again. Neil informs Hope that she is pregnant, which she has been suspecting. She later runs into Alice at Shenanigan’s and informs her grandmother that she is expecting. Hope debates what to do about telling Bo as he didn’t want children right away.

6/30 Bo warns Patch to stay away from his sister, Kayla. Bo is challenged by his employees at Allied Cargo. Patch reports back to Victor.

7/2 Patch and Bo are injured down at Allied Cargo. Hope has flashbacks of her history with her husband to “Celebrate My Love”. Kayla treats her brother at her clinic. Patch, who was injured as well, passes out in her arms. Hope learns that Bo was injured and takes him home to care for him.

7/3 Bo wants to know what Hope wanted to talk about before the accident. She is about to tell him when Victor storms in and demands to know about his accident. Everyone in Salem gathers at the park for a Fourth of July picnic. Bo & Hope arrive with Victor. Shawn and Bo have a tense encounter at the picnic. Back at Victor’s later, Hope finally tells her husband the she is pregnant. Bo doesn’t take the news as well as she was hoping.

7/8 Shawn, Caroline and Doug learn that Bo and Hope are going to have a baby. Hope confronts Alex about Victor’s involvement with Pete.

7/9 Victor advises Hope to drop her accusations regarding him, Pete Jannings and “Jump.” Hope learns that Kayla was on the same flight as Andrew and his abductor. Surprisingly, Patch ends up comforting Hope at the Riverside clinic and learns that she is pregnant. Patch promises to keep quiet about the pregnancy. Hope tells Kimberly that she is expecting.

**The End**

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