Bo & Hope #14 October 23 - December 27, 1985: 8 hour original edit

DVD #14A Hope arrives at the hospital to check on Brother Francis.

10/25 Bo & Hope return home after being followed for miles. Shane has a new offer for them to go to Miami. Party at Curtis’ to celebrate Bo & Hope's safe return. Amy poses as a hostess at the party to get to talk to Bo & Hope. Todd tells Bo & Hope about Boston.

10/28 Bo & Hope take over the treasure hunt for Pete & Melissa and figure out the clues lead to Miami. Patch finds Hope and takes the last two clues from her in Boston, then turns them over to Savannah.

10/30 Bo & Hope arrive in Miami. They are staying in a dumpy motel. It is really HOT in Miami, as Bo is walking around with his shirt open…yep its getting hot in here! Bo & Hope make love.

11/1 Shane meets with Bo & Hope. Bo & Hope go to the Orange Bowl. Great locations scenes, includes football players wearing only towels!

11/5 Bo & Hope in their hotel room. Steve breaks into Bo & Hope's hotel room and steals a picture of them, he tears off the half with Bo and kisses the picture of Hope.

11/7 Savannah arranges to meet with Steve on the “Dolphin”. Meanwhile, Bo & Hope who have snuck onboard the “Dolphin”. They become stranded there when their boat floats away, just as Patch & Savannah are arriving for their meeting.

11/8 Bo & Hope are stranded in the shower on the yacht during Steve & Savannah's meeting. Savannah gives Patch details of the drug deal and tells him to go meet with Panama Jack. Bo suggests that Shane take Panama Jack’s place to meet with Patch. Patch kidnaps Hope who is dressed as a Salvation Army worker.

11/11 Steve takes Hope to his sleazy room & torments her with fake acid hanging over her head.

11/12 Patch leads Bo & Shane to Hope, Shane knocks Patch out. Hope asks what makes Patch hate Bo so much, but Bo begs Hope not to ask him. Bo has flashbacks to Stockholm with Patch in bed with Britta.

11/14 Bo & Hope attend the party at Victor’s estate.

11/15 Bo & Hope search Victor’s estate for the treasure, more great location scenes. They find the book in the grotto and give it to Shane. Bo & Hope find the map to the treasure and head off to find it. Bo & Hope bring the treasure up from the sea, only to find Savannah & Patch on the yacht, with guns trained on them.

11/18 Savannah & Patch take Bo & Hope hostage on the yacht. Patch wants to open the treasure, but Savannah won’t let him. Bo & Hope break free and Bo & Patch fight on the yacht. Shane & Chris arrive by helicopter as Bo pushes Savannah overboard and Chris jumps in to go after her. Shane shoots Patch from the ladder on the helicopter and Patch also falls overboard. Bo & Hope escape onto the smaller boat with the treasure in it as the lid opens with a ticking bomb inside with only seconds to go. Shane yells to Bo & Hope to jump, which they do just as the boat explodes. Miami finale “Just A Job To Do”.

11/19 Bo saves Patch from drowning, and they have an awkward moment as Patch realizes that Bo saved his life. Miami finale "Just A Job To Do"

11/20 Bo & Hope again search for the real book at Victor’s estate. Bo & Hope find film in Kim's trash can. Bo visits Patch in the hospital and Patch wants to know why Bo saved his life. “Broken Wings” (glitchy scenes)

11/21 Victor who is in jail offers Larry Welch the deal to take the fall for him and Larry agrees to do it.

11/22 Bo, Hope & Kim all back home in Salem. Party at Horton's to welcome everyone home and to meet Jennifer. “I Don’t Care Anymore”

11/25 Kim, Bo & Hope try to enlarge the photo of the pawn that Kim took out her window at Victor’s estate. Patch goes to Hope’s apartment and she holds him at gunpoint wanting to know how he got out. Patch tells her if she shoots him, she will never know the new secret.

11/26 Patch destroys the picture of the pawn. (Patch is caught and arrested, not shown). Hope visits Patch in jail, but he won’t talk, yet he taunts her by telling her they will be together someday.

Dvd #14B 11/27 Hope goes to see Patch again and he sings “The Ballad Of A Boy Named Bo” for her. Bo shows up repeating the scene from Stockholm by catching Hope with Patch. Through flashbacks, Bo confesses to Hope that he put Patch's eye out over Britta when he caught them in bed together. Petrov brings the pawn to Salem.

12/2 Hope goes to see Brother Francis who is now teaching Theology in Salem. Shane, Bo & Peach hunt for the pawn. Nurse Honeycutt changes the dressings on the Pawn.

12/3 Hope tells Alice about Bo and Patch's eye.

12/5 Hope is upset that Patch is getting released from jail and that Bo arranged it. Petrov sets up a meeting with Victor. Shane, Bo, Hope & Peach sneak into the basement and eavesdrop on the meeting between Petrov & Victor.

12/6 Petrov is eliminated from the game by Victor who takes Nurse Honeycutt and the Pawn home with him. Peach, Bo & Hope are gassed at Victor’s, but Shane saves them in time.

12/9 Hope goes to see Larry in jail. Bo finds Patch on the docks and they talk about the old days, their dreams and their bargain. Hope overhears them and that Roman is part of the secret. Hope enlists Howie’s help in figuring out Bo and Roman’s Stockholm connection. The Pawn is now upstairs at Victor’s house. Hope decides she wants to be a PI. Bo helps Shawn with his problem.

12/11 Patch later taunts Hope and tries to lure her to him with his harmonica. He breaks into Bo & Hope’s apt and leaves his harmonica there. The Pawn’s re-orientation is about to begin. Hope tries to convince Howie that she would make a good partner for him. Note: Glitchy reduced quality episode. I did not have this one and had to get a copy of a vhs tape, sure makes me appreciate the amazingly good quality of the original episodes!

12/12 Bo upset that Patch was at his apartment. He returns the harmonica and tells him to stay away from Hope. As Bo leaves, Patch laughs that Bo believes that Britta is dead. Bo & Shawn wind up on the same side over the riverfront problems.

12/13 The Pawn is shown pictures and given the names of various people in Salem, by Victor and Honeycutt. The Pawn shows no reaction.

12/17 Hope takes on a case about a jewel thief magician while Howie is out of the office.

12/18 Hope and Gene plan to catch the jewel thief magician.

12/19 Honeycutt has the Pawn removed by ambulance, driven by Shane incognito. There is an accident and the Pawn overtakes Honeycutt and begins to escape. Hope goes undercover as the magicians assistant to try to prove he is the thief.

12/20 Patch finds the Pawn and takes him home with him. He sets out to tell Victor, but decides to hold out for awhile. Patch tells Victor he has it covered and then later plays his harmonica for the Pawn. Hope successfully captures the magician thief.

12/23 Patch & the Pawn make a deal that Patch will take care of him, if he will stay out of sight when people are around. Howie agrees to allow Hope to become his partner, she tells him she wants to investigate Bo’s past.

12/24 Patch gets a tree and decorates it, then tucks the Pawn in and plays “Silent Night” on his harmonica. Savannah stops by Patch’s for an update on the search for the Pawn. The Horton’s Christmas with decorating the tree with their special ornaments. Bo returns from Mexico with a Christmas Tree and then he and Hope go to the Horton celebration. Brother Francis conducts the Christmas Eve service at the chapel with the Horton’s in attendance.

12/25 Christmas at the Brady’s.

12/27 Kimberly asks for Bo's help with Shane's espionage charges, but Bo says he doesn’t know anything. He defends he was just a kid during the Stockholm days.

Bo goes to see Patch. Patch ushers the pawn into the bathroom while asking if he recognizes the voice on other side of that door? Bo tells Patch that he has tried to put Stockholm behind him but it is getting more and more difficult every day. Bo apologizes for putting out Patch’s eye and says he didn’t mean to do it. Patch acknowledges that Bo wanted to kill him that night and didn’t. He also observes that Bo saved his life in Miami.

Bo tells him to leave Hope alone and out of this. Patch says he is afraid that Hope will wind up like Britta. Bo promises that he will do anything he has to in order to make sure Hope is not involved in this. Patch warns him that Hope is not going to stop digging. He says that Hope married him yet doesn’t know anything about Bo’s past and it is killing her.

Hope asks Howie for help in investigating Bo’s past. Hope fills Howie in on what she does know about the past. She says that whatever happened changed Bo and is starting to hurt their marriage, sometimes she doesn’t even know him anymore. She has to find out what happened so she can assure Bo that it has nothing to do with their current happiness. She wants to save her marriage. Howie warns that he hopes she really does want to know the truth once she finds it!

**The End**

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