Bo & Hope #13 July 29 - October 23, 1985: 8 hour original edit

DVD #13ABo & Theo are in NYC.

7/31 Cates tells Hope that Melissa is missing and Hope is relieved that McBride is on the case.

8/5 Hope & Norma fight as Norma is tired of hearing about Bo all the time. Later, they apprehend a flasher in the park and then go to Hope’s grandparents house and they talk and begin to bond.

8/7 Hope has a message from Bo. Later, Hope arrests Patch over suspicion of arson, to try to find out his real name and to question him about Bo, but Patch walks out on her.

8/12 Hope goes to Caroline’s and goes through Bo’s footlocker & memorabilia, and remembers. She sees a copy of Bo’s tattoo. Hope searches Patch’s room and hides in his closet when he comes home. He undresses and she sees his tatoo which matches Bo’s. Ending “Forever, In My Heart”.

8/13 Bo & Theo talk about Paul Grant was also connected to Savannah when Hope shows up at their door in NYC. Theo comes back home to Salem alone, leaving Bo & Hope in NYC. Bo & Hope have a romantic picnic on the roof to, “Shame On The Moon”.

8/14 Bo & Hope continue to picnic & make love on the roof, then later go out on the town and to a carnival. Hope gets a fake tattoo at the carnival and when she shows it to Bo, he angrily wipes it off and runs out on her as “Broken Wings” plays.

8/16 Bo & Hope around NYC with location shots to, “Broken Wings”. Alice bumps into McBride and wants to make sure that Hope will not be penalized for staying in NYC another day. “Broken Wings”

8/20 Bo & Hope return from NYC and run into Patch at Shenanigan’s. Patch & Bo talk and Patch tells him that Hope had him arrested and asked about Bo’s past. Patch tells Hope she will get what she wants, when he gets what he wants. Bo confronts Hope and later brings her flowers and apologizes. Hope & Norma go undercover and catch under-aged drinkers. Bo & Theo tell Cates about the drug ring and the use of videos.

8/23 Bo & Theo at Shenanigan’s, but leave when Hope & Norma walk in, Patch comes in. Hope wants Patch to tell her about Stockholm and he tells her to meet him at Pier 19. Chris tells Bo that Norma is worried about Hope meeting someone on the pier. Bo rushes off and waits for Patch & Hope on the pier. End Montage of various couples to “In The Air Tonight”.

8/26 Bo & Hope on the pier, she admits she was going to meet with Patch to find out about Bo’s past. Bo tells Hope that Patch was his best friend. Later, Hope tells Bo she can’t give up her search for the truth for his sake.

8/28 Bo

8/29 Bo comes into the Fishmarket and tells Caroline there are two moving guys at Victor’s. Marlena tells Caroline & Bo about Kim staying at Victor’s. Bo tries to get Kim to leave, but she won’t go.

9/3 Bo sets up Norma & Hope in the park, Norma covers and give Hope some time alone with Bo. Bo tells her he is burying the past and puts a down payment on a condo, but he is still troubled. “Broken Wings”.

9/4 Hope, Marlena, Alice and the girls gather at the Brady Fishmarket

9/6 Bo & Theo meet Abe & Cates in the park.

9/10 Hope gets a note from Patch and goes to his place. Bo & Theo find more evidence in the locked room.

9/11 Bo & Hope, Hope reminisces of being in Patch’s place.

9/12 Cates gives Bo, Theo & Abe the okay for an unofficial bust, after seeing the pictures.

9/13 Bo

DVD #13B 9/16 Abe & Bo are upset because someone tipped off Savannah.

9/17 Chris tells Bo he thinks he gets carried away with his heroism. Melissa calls Hope and tells about the crooked cop, McBride. The call suddenly ends on Melissa’s scream.

9/18 Hope tells Norma about Melissa’s phone call, together they tell Cates that McBride tried to kill Melissa. Cates warns them not to discuss it with anyone, then later sets them up on the pier to be shot. Norma is shot as Hope watches and she sees Cates in the darkness. “In The Air Tonight”

9/19 Bo & Hope are being followed in their car by Cates. McBride visits Norma in the hospital and disconnects her IV, and Norma dies. Bo is captured by Cates and imprisoned, while Hope is rescued and taken to a monastery by a monk.

9/20 Hope regains consciousness with Brother Francis by her side. Bo cannot find anyone to listen to him.

9/23 Bo & Hope are noticed to be missing when Hope does not show up for work. Shane promises Theo to use all of his resources to find Bo and Hope.

9/24 Brother Francis takes Hope to a phone booth and she calls Alice, but Cates is there, so she quick thinkingly tells her that she has to go as her flight is being called.

9/26 Hope has nightmares about the accident, and Brother Francis comes in and comforts her. Bo is in his prison cell and is visited by Cates who offers Bo a deal. Bo is beaten by Cates and lies on the prison floor.

9/27 Hope with Brother Francis as an injured Bo lies on the prison floor. Bo is found by the nurse who fixes him up and he tells her his story. Brother Francis offers to wash Hope’s clothes. Hope writes a note for Francis to deliver. Kim who is pretending to be blind sees McBride in Bo & Hope’s apartment. Bo has the nurse call his apartment to see if Hope is there. McBride holds Kim back from answering their phone.

9/30 Francis couldn’t deliver Hope’s note because McBride & Cates are at the Fishmarket. Hope finds out that Norma died when Francis tells her about Norma’s funeral. Bo’s nurse calls his apartment and McBride answers the phone. Kim escapes from McBride who was holding her there. Bo in his prison cell. “Broken Wings”

10/2 Love an episodes that begins with anyone telling Bo to “take your shirt off”! His nurse is trying to treat him. Bo wants a pen and paper so he can write a letter. Bo steals a hypo from Michelle and tries to escape, but is caught.

10/4 Hope talks to Brother Francis and wants to leave the monastery. Kim finds a letter to Victor from her mother.

10/7 The head monk finds Hope and she pleads for Brother Francis. Bo convinces his nurse that Cates is keeping him hostage and for her to go to the site of the accident. Cates drops in on Bo in his prison cell.

10/9 Bo's nurse helps him write a letter for help.

10/10 Michelle gives Alice the letter from Bo telling her about Cates.

10/11 Bo's nurse gets caught helping him. Alice shows Abe, Shane & Theo the note from Bo about Cates. Alice tells Theo & Shane about Bo’s letter and then the three of them break Bo out of jail. Hope dressed as a monk, bakes bread and sees Marlena & Tom at the monastery and tries to serve them, but Cates shows up and she misses her chance. Ending Montage to “Run To Her”.

10/14 Alice, Shane, Theo, Bo & Michelle narrowly escape, as Cates almost catches the breakout, but Bo manages to inject him. Hope has nightmares and Brother Francis comforts her. “Broken Wings”

10/15 Bo hides out at Blondie’s where Shane takes Kim to see him. Bo, Theo & Alice decide to have Cates arrested. Theo is shot while trying to trap Cates.

10/16 Abe is devastated to hold his brother in his arms. Theo is gone.

10/17 Bo finds out about Theo's death from a distraught Abe.

10/18 Brother Francis sneaks a note from Hope into Brady’s Fishmarket hidden inside a loaf of bread. Caroline cuts the loaf in half and gives it to Alice. Back home, Alice finds the note which has been cut in half. She happily reads that Hope is safe and hidden but the rest of the note is missing, it was left in the other half of the bread back at the Fishmarket. Alice calls and tells Caroline that Hope is safe. Caroline finds the rest of the note and shares that Hope is at the monastery.

10/21 Alice goes to the tunnels to tell Bo that Hope is at the Monastery. Cates poses as a Priest to get into the Monastery to get to Hope. Hope asks for her gun and tells Brother Francis that she is leaving the Monastery tomorrow. Brother Francis kisses Hope and then confesses it to a Priest (Cates).

10/22 Bo rescues Hope and they are reunited, but Francis gets shot protecting Hope from Cates. Marlena figures out what happened to Hope. Richard Cates draws on and is killed by Abe.

10/23 Bo & Hope are safe and back in Salem. Celebration of the Bradys & Hortons. Shane asks Bo to go to Miami to trace the drug dealers.

**The End**

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