Bo & Hope #11  March 18 - May 27, 1985 - 8 hour original edit

DVD #11A  Hope tells Bo that she wants to elope that night. He wants her to take a couple of more days to heal from her stiches. They also need to get the license and he needs to get some money together. He suggests Wednesday and while disapointed, she calls Bo over to talk about Shane. Bo heads over to Kim’s and she tells him about her problems with Shane, that she doesn’t think he will be able to forgive her for being a prostitute. Bo is very sweet to her and tells her that is the past and it is out of their lives. He promises that he loves her and that is all that matters.

Mar 20 Bo and Abe argue about Hope returning to the police academy. Bo wants her to take it easy a bit longer. Abe stalls Bo from leaving by faking chest pain. Chris comes over and Abe reveals that he is trying to keep Bo at Shennanigan’s till almost 9:00 so they can surprise them. Meanwhile, Melissa cries to Hope about her troubles with Pete till just about 9:00. The Horton’s dim the lights and hide. Bo arrives to pick Hope up. When he enters, Hope stops him and gives him a big kiss. Their elopement is delayed as they are surprised with an engagement party instead by their friends and family. Bo and Hope get away for some quiet time together. They agree it is too risky to try to sneak away during the party. Bo & Hope then plan to elope the next week and kiss away their disappointment.

Mar 22 Hope tells Melissa about her and Bo planning on eloping the night of the engagement party. Marie overhears Hope say that her and Bo are eloping next week. Marie goes straight to Marie and tells her. Alice tells Tom about the elopement and her plan for them to be the witnesses. Tom tells Mickey.

Mar 25 Bo & Hope go over their elopement plans, thinking it is a big secret. They are going to get married at City Hall and then debate where to go for their honeymoon. Hope opts for the mountains while Bo wants to go somewhere that Hope can wear a bikini. Bo looks inside her music box and finds some special momentos she has saved. He is surprised to find a lock of his hair. She admits to cutting it off when she was taking care of him after he was attacked by the vipers. She also saved the mistletoe that he kissed her under, hay from the stables when they first said, “I love you”. Finally a momento of their “wedding” at the plantation in New Orleans.

Alice is shocked to overhear Tom discussing the elopement with someone on the phone. She can’t believe he told Mickey. Tom says that Mickey has a right to be there along with the rest of the family. Alice insists that Tom not tell anyone else. Mickey arrives and gives Alice grief, he can’t believe she wasn’t going to tell him. When Bo and Hope come downstairs, they find Hope’s family acting strange, insisting they are getting ready to play a trivia game. Marie slips up and lets on they know about the pending wedding.

Bo and Hope go upstairs to discuss the secret being out. Hope admits she did tell Melissa but insists that she wouldn’t have told anyone. Bo says it doesn’t matter as the whole clan now. Hope says he might as well call his folks and have them book St. Joseph’s. A disapointed Hope laments that it would have been so romantic. Bo leaves and goes to the docks and thinks of Hope, as she is thinking of him, this leads into a great series flashbacks to "Whatever We Imagine". Just as the montage is ending, Hope finds that Bo has climbed a ladder up to Hope's window. He tells her to get her suitcase. She is very excited as he tells her that they are getting out of there. Hope wants to take a nightgown, her favorite shoes, a stuffed animal. Bo can’t believe how much stuff she is taking and tells her that when eloping your supposed to pack light and won’t let her take another thing. Her heel gets caught and her suitcase spills open. He tells her that she isn’t supposed to wear high heels when eloping!

Mar 26 The elopement looks doomed when the car won’t start. Finally the car starts, and they get on their way. Then it starts to rain and there is a leak in the roof! The car breaks down and the disappointed couple begin arguing. They are given a ride in a pick-up by Henry. Bo and Hope spend the night with Henry and his wife, Alma, at their farm. Bo sneaks into Hope's room later but she is sound asleep.

Mar 27-29 The next morning, Bo & Hope ask if they can hitch a ride to New Orleans with them. Bo & Hope ride in the back of the pick-up truck to New Orleans. They stop at a motel for the night, Bo and Hope in separate rooms. When Bo jokes about sneaking into Hope’s room, Alma is shocked. Bo assures her he is just kidding! Bo sneaks into Hope's room and Hope rushes to him to kiss him. Hope suggests they spend the night together. Alma shows up and then Henry joins the party, they wind up eating chicken! Finally, the couple goes back to bed. Bo puts a “Do NOT disturb” sign on the door and crawls into bed with Hope. They begin kissing and next thing, Alma is back as Henry is snoring! Poor Bo winds up alone in the bathtub.

Apr 2 Bo & Hope arrive in New Orleans, great location scenes. Henry & Alma take them to a motel. They tell them they are getting married immediately so they might as well only get one room. Alma wants to stay over and be the witnesses for the wedding. Henry insists that they have an emergency back at the farm and they are heading home! Henry and Alma have a big argument about it and it seems to disturb Bo and Hope that the seemingly happily married couple had such a dispute. Bo & Hope then arguing about whether or not to complain about her dry dinner. She doesn’t want to, and he does as he doesn’t want to pay for something she didn’t like. He says its a waste of money, and insinuates because she comes from a rich family that she doesn’t value money the way he does, that he comes from a hard working family. He says he is going out to get some air.

He returns and they then argue about the first place they made love. He points out the irony that they are back in New Orleans and they are arguing. They both seem a bit nervous about the impending nuptials. Hope goes into the bathroom.

Apr 4 The next morning, Hope asks where he went last night? He tells her he had to get some air. A nervous Bo tells her he needs some time alone. [Special Report pre-empted the rest of Bo & Hope's arguing and then making up from my episode of DOOL from LA]. Scenes resume as they arrive at Oak Alley and Bo carries her into the bedroom. They spend the night together. The next morning, she wakes him up and he teases that she is going to kill him. She tells him that she doesn’t want to make love that she heard someone outside. He tells her there is a bunch of workmen. They hurriedly get dressed and leave but kiss one more time before they go.

Apr 10 Hope walks into the Horton’s, back from New Orleans. Alice is delighted that they didn't elope (evidentally Hope had informed Alice and Melissa by phone, these scenes did not aired and are just referred to). Hope tells them Bo is very excited, and they are ready to plan the wedding. Abe has a lead on Megan’s murder. Bo is eager to help with the investigation since Hope had been a suspect in her murder. 

Bo arrives at the Horton’s and receives a huge welcome from Alice. Hope is thrilled to see him and says they are ready to start planning the wedding. He tells her he can’t, he is helping Abe on a case. She wants to know if he thinks this is more important than their wedding? He insists not, that they will talk about the wedding that night. Bo and Abe go to see Larry, they believe he killed Megan. Their evidence? A parking ticket on a rental car the night Megan died. Larry had rented the car and the time of the ticket proves he lied about what time he left the Body Connection. Larry insists they don’t have proof. The boys promise him they will get proof and Bo taunts him about getting any sleep in the meantime. Bo goes back to his place. He finds Hope there waiting for him, laying naked in his bed, strewn with flowers. Music plays as Hope begins to undress Bo, and they make love.

Apr 11  The next morning they wake up in each other’s arms and agree to begin planning their wedding. Hope wants to stay in bed with him a bit longer! They eventually get moving and head over to the Brady’s Fish Market to discuss the wedding and have breakfast. They decide on the first weekend in May.

Bo and Hope attend the Anna DiMera Designs fashion show with Caroline. It is quite the spectacle as Anna has sabotaged the designs and the clothes begin disintegrating on the runway. The Dragon is seen lurking at the fashion show. He makes a fake call to bring Prince Nikolas to the phone in the lobby, as he menacingly twists a ring on his finger to show a pointed object.

Apr 12 The Dragon comes upon Nicky from behind and stabs him in the neck with his ring. Hope comes upon the scene and sees the Dragon’s face and screams as Nicky collapses. Bo comes running, and asks what is wrong? She tells him that Prince Nicky has been murdered and she saw the guy who did! Hope tries to remember what he looks like. Kim develops the pictures from the fashion show hoping to get a picture of the killer. Shane recognizes the mark on Nicky's neck and tells Kim he knows who killed Nicky. It was the same man who killed his wife, an international terrorist. Bo and Hope go into Shenanigan’s and Bo worries about Hope’s safety. He tells her that she just witnessed a murder and could be in a lot of danger and they have to be very careful.

Apr 17 Tony asks Bo to find the killer of the Prince. Sonja apologizes to Bo about the Ice Show. Bo later realizes she is a Romanoff and next in line on the Dragon's list. Shane realizes it too. Both arrive and find her dead at the hands of the Dragon.

Apr 19 Bo shows up at Kim’s to tell Shane that another Romanoff descendant has been killed in France. Shane realizes the Dragon has struck again. Shane is going after the Dragon and he wants Bo to go to England with him to help with the investigation. They both realize Hope is going to hate the idea. Shane gets Kim out of the room so Bo can talk to Hope alone. Bo tells her the good news is that the Dragon is in Europe. The bad news is Bo is going with him to work with him as his partner. Hope tells him he can’t go, they have a wedding coming up! He assures her that she can make all of the decisions about flowers, bridesmaid dresses, ect. She believes this is just another way for him to get out of the responsibility of planning the wedding, and figures he isn’t anymore ready for the responsibilities of marriage. She huffs off after delivering an ulimatium, about the wedding or him traveling to Europe for this case!

Bo finds Hope at Shenanigan’s and tells her they have to talk. She starts to walk off and tells him she doesn’t have anything to talk about. He asks her to just listen and says that he isn’t leaving for a couple of days. She accuses him of running away to Europe, of getting away from her and making an excuse. He says that he wants to marry her and spend the rest of his life with her. But that doesn’t mean that he is going to stop his work, that it is part of him and that makes him feel alive. He assures her the trip of Europe is just a job and he isn’t trying to run away from anything, he is just living his life the only way he knows how but he doesn’t want to live it with her! Relieved, she hugs him and tells him she loves him too, that she just gets scared. He promises to be careful and that nothing will stop him from returning for the wedding.

Apr 23 Bo has info for Tony about the Dragon being in Europe and tells him that he is going there. Hope overhears this and she does not want Bo going after the Dragon. Kim & Bo fill in at the fishmarket and talk about Shane and committment. They continue their talk on the docks and the fishmarket is vandalized in their absence. Kim decides to go to Shane in England after all. Bo tells Hope he won’t go after the Dragon, which pleases Hope. The Dragon is standing right outside the fishmarket.

Apr 25 Hope and Tom talk about wedding plans and Alice's excitement about the wedding. Dragon is lurking around Jump, where Hope is. Jump opens.

Apr 26 Hope is attacked by the Dragon at Jump.

DVD #11B  Apr 29 B&H

May 1 Hope's bridal shower. Melissa steps outside and sees a vandal going after her car (a friend of Ivy’s). She runs back upstairs and tells the women at the shower that they have to stop him. Hope heads down to deal with the vandal. Her grandmother tries to stop her but she reminds her that she is a trained cop! Calliope grabs a pan and insists she is going with her. The rest of the ladies join in, all going out different directions to surround him. When he tries to get away, Liz beans him over the head. Hope subdues him as the women threathen him with pots, pans, rolling pins as weapons. Abe arrives to take the perp away and is amused by the women’s determination and congratulates Hope on the “collar”.

May 2 Bo calls Shane and tells him about the Dragon attacking Hope in Salem and that Hart Bennett committed suicide. Shane tells Bo that he thinks his wife, Emma is still alive! He doesn’t know if it is true, could just be a trick of the Dragon’s! A few minutes later, Shane and Kim are home!

May 3 Shane figures out a way for Bo to go to England to help find the Dragon. Bo is to become a rock singer. Bo sings, "Surrender To Me" at Jump as a surprised Hope looks on.

May 6 Shane, Bo & Hope are going to England for Bo to sing. Kim joins them at the airport to go to England with them.

May 10 Bo, Hope, Kim & Shane discuss not finding the Dragon at Westminster Abbey, too much publicity. They figure he will try to kill the queen at the Masquerade Ball.

May 15 Bo sings, "Surrender To Me" at the charity event. The Dragon captures Hope and interrogates her. Hope escapes and jumps into the moat.

May 16 Hope hitches a ride back to Donovan Manor.

May 17 Hope prays in an old church, Bo shows up and they tour London on a bicycle to the song, "Starcrossed". The Dragon tells Emma to kill Lady Johanna when they play "God Save The Queen". Emma tries to warn Lady Johanna, but the Dragon is close by and foils her attempt. They all go to the Masquerade Ball. Bo sings, "Turn It On". Kim unknowingly talks to Emma in the ladies room, Shane sees Emma [pt 1]

May 20 Hope identifies the Dragon at the unmasking, Bo chases after the him. Hope follows them. Kim tells Shane she talked to Emma before and she seemed fine and not dazed like she now is. Bo & the Dragon duel [pt 1]. While Bo and Hope look for the Dragon at the Masquerade Ball, Shane and Kimberly find Emma alive and in a daze at the ball. During the unmasking, Hope spots the Dragon, resulting in chaos at the ball. Bo chases after him When he catches up, they get in to a sword fight.

May 21 Bo & the Dragon duel [pt 2]. Dragon is captured. Grand Duchess wants to show her gratitude to Bo & Hope. They ask if they can marry in the church Hope found in the Cotswolds. The family to be flown in for the wedding. Shane, Kim, Bo, and Hope get invited to the palace. As a gift for capturing the Dragon, they are rewarded a church wedding.

May 22 Invitations to Bo & Hope's wedding are delivered in Salem. Shawn & Caroline arrive at Donovan Manor. Dragon is put into jail, but he kills the guard and escapes. Bo steals a milk truck to escort a sleepy Hope. Later, Hope gets a call from her father who is feeling he's too sick to make it. Hope asks her grandfather to give her away at the wedding.

May 23 Bo and Hope's Wedding/ Bo arrested for stealing the milk truck. People are arriving for the wedding. Bo steals a white horse and races to get to the wedding on time to, "Holding Out For A Hero". Bo sings, "Love Between Us" to Hope during their wedding. Emma tries to shoot Bo & Hope.

Hope gets her pre-wedding gifts. Bo steals a horse so he can get to the wedding on time. The Dragon gets into Emma's room and activates the hypnotic suggestion he has planted in her mind to kill Bo and Hope. The Dragon drives her to the church. As Bo and Hope walk up the aisle to leave the church, Emma shoots at them.

May 24 Shane stops Emma from shooting Bo & Hope. Dragon calls Kim and says that Bo & Hope are the new targets. Wedding reception goes on at Donovan Manor without Bo & Hope, who are arrested as he is about to carry her over the threshold. Bo & Hope have adjoining jail cells for their honeymoon night to, "Starcrossed".

Theo catches a plane to England and tries to get info on Bo and Hope. Bo and Hope escape the church unharmed. Shane grabs a hold of a dazed Emma and wakes her up from the trance. Emma is upset over what she did. Bo and Hope are arrested and taken to jail since Bo stole the milk truck and the horse. Kim gets a call from the Dragon. Bo calls Shane for help. Bo and Hope spend their honeymoon in jail.

May 27 Theo helps Bo & Hope escape by impersonating a Magistrate. Shane & Kim go to the police station to help Bo & Hope, but they are already gone. Bo, Hope & Theo on the plane back to Salem. Theo wants Bo to continue as a rock musician to infiltrate the video company.

**The End**

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