Hope Returns #2 January 17 - July 31, 1984: 8 hour original edit

DVD #2A 1/17 Alice gives Hope the puzzle box that only she and Tom could open. She doesn’t tell her the significance.

2/3 Court proceedings commence to certify that Hope is legally dead. Bo recalls how Hope died. Gina is not at the court to testify. Alice gets on the stand and tells how she believes Gina is Hope. Alice later goes to find Gina at Hope's grave. Gina finally shows up at the courtroom and testifies that she's not Hope. The court declares Hope dead.

2/16 Alice implores Gina to try and open the puzzle box.

2/21 While Gina contemplates her lost past, Alice continues to encourage her to try and open the puzzle box, especially when Shawn-D accidentally calls Gina “mom”. Mike cautions his grandmother against being too optimistic, but when he gives Gina a lift back to the loft from St Luke’s, he tells her that it is very easy to believe that she is Hope.

2/24 Gina has a nightmare that Bo and Billie’s wedding will be stopped because of her again. At the Salem Place, Alice urges Gina to have another go at opening the puzzle box. Celeste overhears and realizes she must not let Gina open the box in order to undo the evil that has already been done in Salem. She follows Gina to John’s loft. Gina tries opening the box and actually makes progress.

2/27 As Gina makes progress with opening the puzzle box, she gets a call from one of Carrie’s friends, telling her she is late for the wedding. She rushes off, and Celeste (who actually made the call) picks the lock to the apartment and takes the box. She hides it in a garbage bin in a back alley and returns home.

3/2 Alice is still convinced that Gina is Hope. She gets Gina an interview for the Police force. Shawn D tells Hope that Billie is going to adopt him.

Gina visits Alice and tells her she can’t find the puzzle box anywhere. However, Alice is ecstatic at the news that she could open one side of the box. Shawn-Douglas tells Gina that Billie is going to adopt him. When Maggie and Alice meet her later on, they can sense that she is upset about something and she tells them the news. Alice suggests that Gina applies for a job on the police force.

3/8 Alice again suggests Gina try for the police force. After handing in her application, Gina sees a robbery and races after the thief. She gets her man. Bo is stunned to arrive and learn Gina is the hero.

3/13 Gina receives accolades after becoming a hero after she rescued a woman from a mugger. A news crew shows up at her door asking how it feels to wake up to learn she is the hottest hero in town! Bo & Billie see the news report and even Sean comments on how much she reminds him of Hope. Bo later congratulates her. She tells him that she isn't trying to emulate Hope’s life by becoming a cop. He encourages her to do whatever is right for her.

As Hope is leaving, Shawn D comes in very shaken up. He tells her that some man outside just tried to sell him drugs!

3/14 Gina again comes to the rescue and captures a drug dealer in front of the Brady Pub.

3/16 Billie has another dream about Bo being paired with Gina and them celebrating breaking a big case. Billie hears Gina got 24 out of 25 questions correct on the first part of the police academy exam, Gina passes the oral exam with flying colors, Gina passes the final exam with the highest score they've seen in years, and Bo reminds Billie that Gina is not Hope.

At the police station, Gina passes all the required tests and discovers that she has the profile Hope once had. Abe informed Bo that since Gina's score was so high, they looked back at previous police academy applicants. The last one who scored that high was Hope. After hearing that Gina's personality profile thing matched Hope's exactly (Bo still thinks it's a coincidence.) Billie gets upset and walks out.

3/22 Gina has to answer questions on her background in order to join the police academy. Since she couldn't do that, she is giving up on the idea of being a cop. Hope tells Billie that she doesn’t have to worry about her becoming a cop. Billie is indignant that she would give up on her dream. She suggests that Bo will be able to find Stephano and get the answers and Gina shouldn’t give up, Billie will help her. She will ask Bo to help her. Gina is touched by her kindness and promises that she won’t regret it.

3/24 Gina sees Stefano at Salem Place and rushes to find him but he gets away. John and Bo find Celeste alone in the hotel room and arrest her. Gina tries to interrogate Celeste.

3/29 Gina is in police uniform and ready to go to Police Academy. Billie is taken aback when she walks into the Brady’s wearing her uniform. She is there to say goodbye as she is leaving for boot camp. Billie is surprised as she thought that Gina couldn’t be a cop without the background check. Gina happily tells Billie that Bo waived that requirement.

4/11 Gina returns from Police boot camp and learns about Kate's fatal plane crash and consoles Billie. Bo takes this opportunity to tell both Gina and Billie about Stefano being arrested. Gina goes to see Stefano and implores him to tell her who she really is.

4/12 Gina reminds Stefano that he promised to tell her who she is. He mentions that she was found badly disfigured in July of 1990 in New Orleans. He shares that the world's finest specialist operated on her, guessing that the disfiguring burns were from an acid fire [several weeks earlier and that's when Hope was presumed dead]. He claims that her face was reconstructed as to how it once looked, but he doesn't know if she really is Hope. Gina has no memories except for waking up in the hospital. She doesn't know whether to believe Stefano or not, though Bo sure doesn't. She later tells an excited Alice what Stefano said, and Alice gets hopeful again that Gina is Hope.

4/13 At the New Orleans hospital, the orderly Bobby Lee, tells Gina and Bo that he found the Jane Doe at the river with no identification. Considering that he'll get into trouble, Bobby Lee fails to show them the gold bracelet that Gina was wearing when he found her. It has an inscription on it, which he claims (talking out loud to himself of course) would tell Gina who she is. Ah, but it's safely put away in his hospital locker in an envelope marked "July 30, 1990". They'll never find it.

/14 In New Orleans, nurse Jane brings Gina her hospital file, which shows she was admitted at the hospital on July 30 with burns from an acid fire some ten days earlier. Dr. Harper [her plastic surgeon] shows her and Bo how her face was constructed based on her bone structure. He admits that he might never have known the name of Gina's benefactor, or if he did, he's since forgotten. Jane demands her money from Bobby Lee and suggests he sell some of the jewelry he stole from the hospital. Bo asks him some more questions, but gets no further information. Bobby Lee keeps talking to himself and hinting that the bracelet will tell Gina who she is, but it would also land him in jail, so she'll never know.

Later, Gina tries on a bracelet offered by a street vendor, and gets a strange feeling about the trinket [it looks like the one Bobby Lee has. He attempts to sell the bracelet, but then spots Gina and splits. The rather nosey and forward waitress at the restaurant where Bo and Gina stopped to eat tells them that they're destined for each other. Nurse Jane gets pissed at Bobby Lee for not paying her back her money, and decides to hint to Bo and Gina (anonymously, via a note handed to Bo) that the answers they are seeking are in New Orleans. Gina overhears Bo tell Billie that she is the only woman for him, he called to tell her that he and Gina are staying in New Orleans for an unspecified amount of time to follow up on a lead. He felt bad because Billie needs his support after Kate's death. Since once again it looks like Gina could be Hope, she starts looking at Bo longingly again.

4/26 Gina gets her police name tag that reads Gina Horton. She talks with another cop, played by GH’s Real Andrews (Taggert!). She wishes it could read her real name, whatever that is. She runs into Billie and Shawn-Douglas at Salem Place, and they stop by a vendor selling jewelry. While trying on a bracelet, Gina has a flashback about receiving a bracelet as a gift. Gina notices a bracelet on Hope's wrist in a photo Shawn-Douglas has for school.

In New Orleans, nurse Jane demands her money from Bobby Lee even as he eyes the bracelet that is inscribed from Bo to Hope. Ta-Dah! Gina is Hope. The nurse calls Gina and uses a disguised voice to urge her to come back to New Orleans to find out about her past and it looks as if that's just what Gina intends to do.

4/27 Gina tells Bo about the anonymous phone call she received. Bo learns that Bobby Lee was in charge of gathering all the personal belongings of patients. Nurse Jane gives Bo Bobby Lee's address (very reluctantly). Bo threatens to get the police involved unless she cooperates unofficially.

4/28 Bo and Gina arrive at Bobby Lee's as he holds the bracelet over a flame. Gina begs him not to melt the bracelet. Bo assures him he doesn’t want to hurt him, he just wants to talk to him. Bo rushes him as Bobby Lee drops the bracelet into the melting pot. Bobby decks Bo sending him flying and he grabs Gina by knife point. She gets the jump on him and with Bo’s help they subdue him. Bo demands answers, they know he was on duty the night Gina was brought into the hospital. Bo tells Gina that he once gave Hope a bracelet that looked like that one. Bobby Lee says the style is very common. Gina begs him to tell her about the bracelet. She pleads that it is hell not knowing who she is if she has family. He tells her that he can’t help her.

5/8 At the cadet school, Bo is plagued by memories of helping Hope when she went through school [Gina was having problems with the physical part of the training. The instructor asked Bo to give her a hand. Bo has flashbacks of helping Hope, which strangely are repeated almost exactly with Gina. Bo is spooked by it, and tries to forget it by planning a romantic afternoon/evening with his wife Billie. Gina passes and is assigned a beat downtown. Sarah sells the puzzle box, which ends up in a store downtown and Gina walks right by it, unnoticed, of course. Note: Bo didn't become a cop till after Hope died, and he wasn't very supportive of Hope becoming a cop back in the 80’s.

5/11 Bo helps Gina with some of the self-defense moves she has to learn for her police academy test. They run into each other at the Cheatin Heart and get into a friendly argument about female cops, which ends up in a pool match between them. Bo comments that he hasn't seen such a bad pool player since.... Hope.

Gina goes on her training beat and almost notices the puzzle box sitting in the window of the pawn shop. When her supervisor leaves her alone, Gina hears a store break-in and pulls her gun.

5/12 At the pawn shop downtown, Gina's not hurt when the burglars start shooting. However, her superior is wounded. Bo gets a call that an officer is down on Gina’s beat. He freaks and rushes out there, and hugged Gina tightly with relief when he saw that she was okay. Gina and Bo are unable to find the burglars, who have dumped their goods in the park trash, including the puzzle box.

5/15 Gina had also earlier fallen asleep on the sofa and had a dream of Bo. She realizes that Bo still has strong feelings for Hope. Shawn is unconscious due to the bee stings and is taken to the hospital. Since he was stung so severely. When Gina hears a news report that Shawn Brady was attacked by a swarm of bees and is unconscious and taken to the hospital. She rushes out to the “Fancy Face” to find Bo and tell him.

5/19 Bo wakes Gina when she has a nightmare, and mentions the name 'Carson'. Knowing Hope once busted a guy named Carson, Bo checks into the file and decides that it's yet another one of Stefano's memories implanted within her. Craig asks Bo if he could put in a good word for him with Gina to get a date with Gina. Bo declines and pretty much says that Craig will have to ask her himself. Billie is thrilled with the idea when Craig tells her. Craig asks Gina out, but she turned him down flat, saying it wouldn't be fair to him since she's still at a very difficult time in her life. Gina shows Alice the picture of the puzzle box from the pawn shop (guess the cops recovered the bag of loot the robbers dumped in the park).

5/24 Gina introduces her date, Craig, to Mickey, Maggie, and Alice. Mickey tries to talk some sense into Alice, that Gina is not Hope, and needs to start her own life. Bo offers Craig some advice on how to treat Gina [as in "don't hurt Gina or I'll kill you", though not in those words exactly.

5/25 Craig boasts to Bo that he had a great time with Gina on their date last night [he seems a little too excited about it). He can't wait to go out with her again. Craig asks if it's okay that he dates Gina. Bo states that he's a happily married man but he's clearly upset about it. Craig can't wait to show Gina the puzzle box and has it in his hands about to show it to her when they are interrupted. Gina continues to send out flyers to area pawn shops in order to find it.

Alice tells Bo that while the court has announced the Hope is dead, she feels that Hope is still alive. Alice asks if she is Hope, what would he do? Bo assures her that isn’t going to happen, no matter how much she wants it to. Bo reminds her that Gina isn’t Hope, that Hope is gone and he is married to Billie. He admits that seeing Gina with another man makes him think of her as Hope for just a minute. Alice observes that she thinks he is going to continue to have a very hard time seeing Gina with another man.

DVD #2B 6/2 Bo & Gina are having breakfast, laughing and talking. Gina wakes up and realizes it wasn't a dream but a memory of Bo & Hope. Alice comes over to see Gina and Gina tells her of the dream/memory. Alice is thrilled at this further proof of her being Hope. Alice asks if Gina still has the book of memories that Stefano gave her? They can check if it was one of the memories. The dream/memory isn't in the book, Alice is sure that she is remembering her past and she is her granddaughter! Hope says she still needs more proof.

At the rummage sale, Craig is about to give Hope the puzzle box but Shawn pulls her away to help him. He changes his mind and thinks a classy lady like her won’t be interested so he gives it to Shawn to sell at his booth.

6/5 Jack buys the puzzle box from Shawn. Alice tells Gina they must find the puzzle box because Tom and Hope where the only ones who could open it. So if Gina opens the box then she's Hope.

6/8 Alice and Gina discuss the Puzzle box. If only they could find it. Little do they know that Jack has it with him at the cabin.

6/13 Gina asks Abe to be put back on the Pawn Shop case, so she can locate the puzzle box. Mrs. H visits Hope and she observes the relationship between Gina & Shawn D. Hope doesn’t understand how she could forget her son if she really is Hope. Alice insists that she does remember on some level that Shawn D. is her son and that is why she loves him and has such a bond with him.

Hope is babysitting Shawn D. and he complains about the pain of a spider bite and tells her that he was out in the woods. Gina takes a look at his arm and rushes him to the hospital. Bo & Billie arrive and want to know why his son is at the hospital. The doctor tells them that it is most likely a black widow bite and can become very serious if not immediately treated. She compliments Gina on recognizing the danger and getting him medical treatment so quickly. Alice tells Gina privately that her granddaughter, Hope, had a similar spider bite and that is how she new how dangerous it was and what to do. She continues that Hope’s instincts as a mom kicked in.

6/15 In the morning, Bo and Billie arrived at the hospital and find Gina asleep by Shawn Douglas’ beside. Shawn-Douglas awoke and asked for his Mommy, and both Gina and Billie moved to comfort him. Gina realized later that she was instinctively trying to comfort her son. Gina tells Alice that she realizes now that she really is Hope. The look of pure joy on Alice’s face is priceless, she is overjoyed to have her granddaughter back.

6/16 Gina asks Laura to help her uncover her memories. Laura takes her through her first hypnosis session. Gina has a memory of Hope and Bo, and when she wakes up she is sure she is Hope! Laura remains objective and wonders if Gina wants to be Hope so badly that she's allowing Hope's memories to become hers. Gina insists that her memories and feelings are real, and that she IS Hope. Gina's disappointed when Bo tells her that she must stop looking for the puzzlebox. The other police cadets felt she was getting preferential treatment. Bo agrees to give her two more days on the case, but that's final.

6/22 When Gina interrupts Bo's big undercover drug buy, he saves her life by kissing her. Bo tries to pass Gina off as his girlfriend, but the drug dealers don't believe him, so he grabs her and kisses her. Billie sees the kiss, but not the guy holding the gun on the two.

6/23 Billie confronts Bo and Gina when she finds them kissing, not knowing they're on a stakeout. She nearly gets them killed when she starts ranting about why he's here with Gina - she thought he was going out on a stakeout. The drug dealers hear this and tie them all up. Gina turns on the charm and gets one of the guys to loosen her ropes, and she and Bo take the opportunity to attack and apprehend them. Bo assures Billie afterwards that they were simply working together, but she's concerned by Gina's interest in Bo. Billie comes right out and asks Gina if she still has feelings for Bo. What will Gina say to her?

6/26 Billie confronts Gina about the kiss she saw between her and Bo. She knows Bo did it as a cop, but wonders if Gina still has feelings for Bo. Gina admits that she's seeing Laura Horton to try to figure out her identity. She says she doesn't want to hurt Billie, but Billie needs to know what Gina would do if she found out she was Hope -- would she be a friend to Billie, or try to get Bo back? Before she can answer, Bo walks in on the very tense conversation. Gina leaves them to talk, but they just argue. Bo insists that he loves Billie and intends to be with her forever, and they need to put this Gina/Hope mess behind them, but Billie can't. Gina listens to them argue and later has a dream about Hope and Bo.

6/27 Bo learns from Abe that he and Gina are to work on another stake-out together. At first he resists and begs Abe to pair Gina with someone else because Billie will be upset, but Abe says the police department can't make such decisions based on her feelings, and Bo realizes he's right. Bo tells Gina about it, and she's thrilled, but they decide not to tell Billie yet and potentially upset her since it's still not official. Shawn-Douglas makes a family tree at camp and shows Gina some of Hope's things. He asks her to put on a shawl that belonged to Hope. When Bo sees it, he asks her to take it off.

Bobby Lee's letter to Bo arrives and Billie spots in the mail and reads it. She later lies to Bo that there's no mail for him. The letter only said that Bobby Lee knew Gina's true identity. Billie walks in on Gina asking Bo if he thinks of Hope when he looks at her.

6/28 Billie meets with Bobby Lee in New Orleans. He agrees to tell her once she makes a deposit in his bank account. After she does so, Bobby Lee tells her the inscription on the bracelet Gina was wearing read: “To Hope, with all my love, Bo." From the look on Billie's face, it's not what she wanted to hear. Bo tells Gina that she shouldn't have put on Hope's shawl. Shawn-Douglas must understand that he will never see his mother again. He calls Gina "Mom" by accident again.

While out for a walk, Jack runs into a deeply disturbed Gina and invites her back to his place. Both are looking for a way to prove something, Gina to prove that she's Hope, and Jack to prove Peter is bad news. To get their minds of their troubles, they agree not to talk about them. Jack offers to cook dinner and chases Gina with a huge fish that neither want to clean and prepare. Jenn and Alice return from shopping, and Alice takes over the cooking. Abby wants to show Gina her magic treasure box, but they are interrupted and neither Gina nor Alice sees the puzzle box.

6/29 Gina tells Hope that she had Laura hypnotize her but the phone rings before she can tell him about her memories. Shawn calls to tell Bo that Shawn D is missing, looks like he “slipped out”. Hope insists on looking for him too. Bo is amazed when Gina is able to find Shawn-Douglas after he runs away. They find him at Hope's grave asleep, but when he awakens he thinks Gina is Hope. Gina comforts him, and Bo thanks her for helping him find him, though he can't figure out how she knew where he was. To herself, Gina says "Because he's my son.”

Billie flies back to Salem realizing she must tell Bo what Bobby Lee said. She tries to convince herself that she must have faith in Bo's love for her. When she arrives at home, she finds Gina and Bo together. She overhears them saying they shouldn't tell Billie about what happened tonight since it would upset her, and Bo comments on seeing Gina react with Shawn-Douglas.

6/30 Bo and Gina reluctantly tell Billie about how Gina was able to find Shawn-Douglas at Hope's gravesite. Feeling threatened, Billie decides not to tell them that Gina is Hope. [Gina senses that Billie is upset about something, and leaves Bo and Billie alone to talk. Gina realizes she must find that puzzle box to prove she is Hope. Even though she hates hurting Billie, she must get her life back. Billie tells Bo that she doesn't think Gina should be allowed to see Shawn-Douglas anymore. It's too upsetting for him, and he'll never get over his mother's death if he always sees Gina and is reminded of Hope. Bo agrees.

7/11 Billie pushes Bo to tell Gina that she can't see Shawn-Douglas anymore. Gina is upset, but since she can't prove she's Hope yet, says she understands and leaves to go for a walk. Billie contemplates telling Bo the truth about Gina's identity, but has a nightmare about losing Bo so she's afraid to tell him that Gina is Hope.

7/14 Gina hands out flyers about the missing puzzle box. It hurts Gina to see Shawn-Douglas and know she can't talk to him. Gina almost finds the puzzle box [again. She also returns the pictures of Abby with the puzzle box to Jack, but doesn’t notice the box in the pictures. Billie overhears Shawn-Douglas confide to Bo that he misses Hope. She realizes that she can't keep Gina's identity a secret. It's not fair. Billie says this several times but still doesn't manage to tell Bo.

7/17 Alice tells Bo that only a mother could love a child so much. Gina goes to the prayer service for Marlena, but can only watch in the distance as Bo tries to comfort his son over the loss of his aunt.

7/18 Alice shows Bo some pictures of Hope that he had never seen before -- pictures of her pregnant with Shawn-Douglas, and at his first birthday party. Bo admits that he knows how John feels, since he felt responsible for Hope's death too. Then it starts hailing fire, and the dry bushes go up in flames. The men put it out. Roman walks in with Marlena in his arms, everyone is horrified as she is dead. He lays her on the altar and she comes back to life, no longer possessed!

7/20 Billie continues to debate whether she should tell Bo that Gina is Hope in case he leaves her. Gina and Kristen tell each other about their respective problems. Gina accidentally discovers Bobby-Lee's letter and is angry that Bo never told her about it. She decides to go to New Orleans to confront Bobby-Lee. Kristen goes with her.

7/21 Gina and Kristen head to New Orleans to confront Bobby Lee about his letter. She is disappointed to discover that Bobby Lee's in solitary and she cannot talk to him. However she does learn that Billie was just there. Gina finally realizes that Billie has deceived both her and Bo. Billie calls the prison and learns that Bobby Lee is in solitary confinement for 30 days and can't talk to anybody. Billie tells herself that she has 30 days left with Bo.

7/24 While Bo is out, Gina confronts Billie about the letter from Bobby Lee. Gina is sure if Bo knew about the letter, he would have told her. She wants to know what Billie is hiding, and why.

7/25 Billie admits to Gina about reading the letter from Bobby Lee and how she panicked. [Gina is speechless and hurt. Billie claims that she was going to tell Bo tomorrow, and then she and Bo could tell Gina together. She reveals what Bobby Lee claimed was written on the bracelet, and then offers to help Gina find the puzzle box. Gina doesn't think it's a good idea, but Billie says it's the right thing for her to do. As for what happens if they do prove that Gina is Hope, Billie says she'll cross that bridge when she comes to it.

7/26 July Gina joins Jack and Peter and Jennifer and Laura and Abby for dinner, and talks about her attempt to find the puzzle box. [Of course she never mentions that she's looking for a puzzle box just 'something' that will help prove her identity. Carrie’s bachelorette party.

7/28 Billie talks with Jack about the puzzle box, and he realizes that Abby has it [finally]. Abby hands it to Billie, and Billie [after hesitating a moment] gives it to a relieved Gina.

7/31 July Alice tells Billie that she's sorry that the return of Hope has caused her so much unhappiness. [Billie says she'll deal with whatever happens. Kristen tries to convince her that she doesn't know for sure that Bo will go back to Hope. Gina tries to open the puzzle box but is too nervous, and is afraid she can't do it. Billie encourages Gina to try to remember what is was like to be Hope, so she heads for Hope's gravesite. After a visit with Shawn-Douglas, Gina takes the puzzle box and starts to open it.

**The End**

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