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Camper Secrets

"There are so many rules it's almost useless to try and learn them all.
But it must be absolutely thusly when we're living at Nakanawa!"

So, you wanna know what REALLY goes on at camp? Here's a sneak peek at camp life...the stuff they DON'T show you in the brochure. While camp does have alot of rules to keep us out of trouble, there are many ways to go wild. Here are a few how-to's and tips provided to help you have a great time at Camp Nakanawa!
Learn the rules. Then have fun bending a few.               

Here's How To...

Do a successful Barnyard
It's late at night, but you and the rest of the cabin aren't quite ready for bed. You're in the mood for a Barnyard, but worried about Patrol coming after you with pesky flashlights and intimidating looks. Here's what to do:

     *Stay on your bunk beds. Do not move into a
     * Choose your victim cabin
     * Quietly whisper "1..2..3!"
     * Holler "Moo-Moo Cabin (#)!" as loudly as
     * Patrol has no idea you started it, so you don't
      get caught. Hopefully, the victim cabin will have
      made their call to another cabin, sending Patrol
      all over the place.
     *You have just done a successful Barnyard!
Look at those legs!

Find the best stall in Egypt
There are about 36 toilet stalls in Egypt, but only a precious few remain loyal to modern plumbing. If you want a trusty throne, here are the ones guaranteed to serve you best:

Left Side

Stall #1
Stall #6
Right Side

Stall #1
Stall #3
Stall #7
Stall #10
You and your cabin can also contribute to the Keep Egypt Clean Foundation by adopting a stall. Spruce it up by placing magazines, comic books, air fresheners, a little mat, and a guest book inside. You'll be amazed how much well-deserved respect and attention your stall will receive. It will instantly become the most popular, most loved spot at Nakanawa.

Get recognized in Posture
Standing tall and sitting straight are the key rules for good posture. You should use it all all times, as the Posture Bird sees and knows all. However, it is especially important to strut your stuff at the following events:

       *Any & all gatherings in the Wigwam
       *Every meal in Dining Hall
       *Glee Club
       *Soccer Meet
       *Softball Meet
       *War Canoe Race/Drill

Smile! The posture bird is lookin'.

Host a Midnight Disco
When Jan is away, the 2nd Year Seniors will (attempt to) play. Throughout the years, this age group has tried several different techniques to host the rambunktious annual Midnight Disco. Although it is highly discouraged among counselors, there are so many ways to do one, even if it is for just a few seconds of glory.
Here is what others have tried in the past:

Attempt #1
     *Pre-record a mix tape
     *Synchronize all CD players to go off at the same time
     *Hide CD players under cabins, in bushes around camp
     *Wait for the fun to begin!

Attempt #2
     *Gather age group and synchronize watches
     *Use flashlight signals to indicate your cabin is ready and waiting
     *At same time, play music, jump up and down, scream, slam doors
      and trunks

Attempt #3
     *Everyone gradually sneak into one or two cabins
     *Send one or two scouts to Egypt to distract Patrol
     *Play music, dance, yell, and party like there's no Tent Row

Boogie down!

Skip Swimming Class
Hah! Well I had to throw one in here. There is no way to beat swimming class. I know, I know. It's the pits sometimes, (especially if you have an early class. BRRRR!) Any excuse other than a "broken bone" or "confined to the infirmary' are unacceptable, so don't even bother asking the staff if you can leave. Remember you bathing cap and have fun doing those laps!

Spice up your food

Camp only provides salt and pepper on the Dining Hall table for seasoning. Since I'm from Louisiana, I just gotta have my food spicy hot. If you want to add a little kick to your powdered eggs or a little whizbang to your meatloaf, I suggest you bring:

         *Tony's Chachares

         *Tabasco Sauce

         *Mrs. Dash

         *A1 Sauce

Dining Hall

But You Just Can't Get Around...

The Swim Test     Glee Club      Mac & Cheese      Meatloaf     Inspection

Sorry, no free passes on these. Fortunately, the list isn't long. I mean, c'mon that's only 5 things. And remember, this is just my opinion. You might love singing while eating Mac & Cheese and Meatloaf after passing your swim test and winning Inspection.  Wowsers, what a great day that would be!

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