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My Testimony

Inviting Jesus into my life was the best decision that I have ever made. He changed my heart and gave me a reason for living. After I came to know Him, I was surprised at the person He actually is. God loves us so much, and He only wants to make life better for us. Jesus came to give us life to the full. That means He wants us to have an abundant life here on Earth and an eternal life in heaven. Jesus died for our sins so that we can have fellowship with God. Sometimes He allows painful things that we don't understand, but I know that He knows what He's doing. I trust Him because I have seen Him work in my life. I don't have a whole bunch of religion, not at all. I have a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe!

It all started when I was 11 years old. I think I asked Him to come into my heart before then, but that's when I started to develop a personal relationship with Him. I was scared that I would go to hell when I die, and I knew there had to be more to life than what I was living. If there really was a God out there, I wanted to know and follow Him. I wanted my life to have purpose and meaning.

So, I asked Him what He wanted me to do, and the first thing I felt Him saying to me was that He wanted me to go to church. Attending a church all by myself as an 11-year-old wasn't an easy thing to do. I had never really been before, and I didn't know what in the world I was doing. So, I prayed that God would help me obey Him, and He blessed my efforts far more than I could ever imagine.

The next thing He told me to do was read the Bible. At first that was really hard, but I prayed for understanding and a desire to learn. Looking back I can see God's hand in everything, and just the thought of it is so amazing to me. He showed me how to apply the Scriptures to my life, and I'm still learning how to become more like Him. It's not always easy, but I'm thankful for His strength and His forgiveness. I can't do anything without Him.

Now I'm 18, and during the last seven years I have continued to grow in my relationship with God. He told me what steps to take in the order He wanted me to take them. I started listening to Christian music, and I have learned that I need to fill my mind with good things. It didn't take me long to decide that if I'm going to sing, I want to sing for God. So, I know that is my calling. I want my life to glorify Him, and I want Him to use me to help other people come to know Him. We are never alone. God is always right here with us, but He never forces Himself upon any of us. He's knocking at the door of your heart and waiting for you to answer. Will you let Him in?

If you would like to experience this love relationship that I have found, please pray the following prayer.

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner, and I need your forgiveness. I believe that you died for my sins, and I want to turn from my sins. I now invite you to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as Lord and Savior. In Jesus' name. Amen.

If you want to grow closer to Jesus, visit my Essentials page for tips on how to stand strong. Start reading the Bible in the book of John, and find a Christian church to attend. We all need good Christian friends to help us grow! :)

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