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Five Essentials For Standing Strong

The following was taken from the Rebecca St. James devotional book, "You're the Voice: 40 More Days With God".

1. DIG INTO THE BIBLE: It really is our "instruction book for life." The deeper we dig into it, the more we know how God wants us to live. I encourage you to start out by reading a chapter a day and really absorb the Word of God. That Book rocks!

2. DIG INTO PRAYER: What a privilege to actually be able to talk with the Creator of the world! Pour your heart out to Him. Give Him your burdens and everything that's going on in your life. He's God -- He can handle it! Prayer is so powerful!

3. STICK CLOSE TO CHRISTIAN FRIENDS: We all need Christian friends to hold us accountable. We can't stand alone. I'd encourage you to be a part of, or start, a small accountability group or Bible study. Stick close to people who will not let you stand still in your walk with God.

4. GET RID OF JUNK IN YOUR LIFE: If there are certain things you are watching, listening to, or reading that God does not want you to have in your life, get rid of them. If you don't, those things are going to hurt your relationship with God. We've got to remember that once we get something in our minds, we can't get it back out.

5. GET INVOLVED IN A CHURCH: It's so important that we are grounded in a Bible-based Christian church where we can grow spiritually and give out the light and love that we have in Jesus. We all need to be a part of a church that loves God, loves one another, and loves the lost. This world desperately needs Him!

Rebecca St.James is a 23-year-old Christian singer who is on fire for God, and she gives great advice in her devotional books. They have helped me so much in my walk with God. They are written mainly for teenagers, but anyone can learn from her awesome example. Rebecca has a wonderful heart and is a faithful servant of God. Look for "40 Days With God" and "You're the Voice: 40 More Days With God" in any Christian bookstore. God has really used Rebecca St. James in my life to help me grow closer to Him. :)

The following is a prayer for you to pray to receive Jesus if you have never made that commitment before.

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner, and I need your forgiveness. I believe that you died for my sins, and I want to turn from my sins. I now invite you to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as Lord and Savior. In Jesus' name. Amen.

The book of John is a great place to start reading in the Bible, and "Experiencing God" is also a great Bible study that will help you grow closer to God. :)

Rebecca St. James

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