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Cousins become sisters

This is my aunt Shirley and my cousins Jennifer holding my cousin Heather. Shirley passed away on Mother's Day of this year aftering fighting with breast cancer. We all miss her but are blessd with the memories of her laughter, smiles, and kindness. She'll never be forgotten.

"Everyone LOVES the fair!" Heather and me on the "scary" roller coaster! Those were the days... not a care in the world and laughter was our biggest goal. One mentioning of the fair and our eyes would light up from the past year's memories of the smell of cotten candy and corn dogs, the thrill of the rides, and the fun of the games we played just to win that itsy bitsy stuffed toy.

Heather and I scared to death on the wild ride called "The Kiddie Scrambler" Could it get any better than this? Haha this ride seemed so scary to us when we were little. Our fears of the Scrambler soon faded and they moved on to bigger more frightening things. Things we thought that we'd never face.

Look out Hell's Angels you got new competition LOL Look how sweet... 3 cousins riding the motorcycles at the fair. Me, Heather, and Jennifer... get us three together and you'd have endless laughter, small fights, and secret pass words. I sure do praise our parents for putting up with our oddness and hyper days. They've taught us well and made us the strong young adults we are today. The ones who know what it means to work hard for a living, the ones who knows what it is like to do with out, the ones who have been taught it's ok to lend a helping hand to the hungry man, and the ones who knows family love can get you through most anything.

It's my party! Ahh birthdays at the McD's! Those were the days LOL :) Mom captured the innocent looks of Jenn, Heather, Me, and Allison without warning us.

"Wittle Birfday Girl!" Wasn't Heather so cute and innocent? :)

Heather and her mom, Shirley. They (and Jenn) had it rough after their dad passed away. They all bonded and became closer and refused to let the cruel world take control and break them. Shirley was not only their mom but became the girls best friend as well as mine.

Who are those "sexy" girls? ;) I thank God every day that I have been able to be close to my cousin. It's not every day that you see cousins as close as we are. We know each others secrets, hopes, and dreams. We've been through thick and thin together and would do anything for each other. Haha we are so close that most people thing I'm one of her sisters.

As time passes the tables turned. It's Heather time in the spot light of graduation just 2 years after I graduated. Even though her mom and dad weren't with us to celebrate this joyous event you could feel their spirit there and there is no doubt in the world they were looking down smiling on their little girl for her accomplishments. Keep your head high Heather and you'll go far. I love ya and always will :)

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