Five years ago when I found my wife was leaving me for the bartender from Wisconsin I was sitting on my sofa reading the daily devotional called " Daily Bread". I heard the words, " you can do this." I began to argue with God like Moses on the Mount. I told Him in no uncertain terms that I can write praise but I can not write exhortive words. " Then I heard, " Trust me and I will give you the words." That night I was woken up at exactly 4:18 A.M. and that became the norm for many months. I would roll over, glance at the clock and see that it was exactly 4:18 A.M and simply say, " Here I am Lord talk to me." Sometimes words would fly out so fast I could barely catch them. After five notebooks. I asked the Lord what I should do with the teachings and i heard the words, " Brad you can walk all around the world without even leaving your office." So hear I am sending words to encourage and lift up the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. May He be glorified in all that I do.

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