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Holistic Health and Beauty

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Holistic Health and Beauty
Getting Restful Sleep Info
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Restful Sleep

Free Natural Sleep Aid Offer
Choose from two free bottles with your order or try the 21-day trial offer. U.S. orders only, please.

Subliminal Sleep Program
Stimulate your body's natural sleep-inducing mechanism for deep, restful, rejuvenating sleep.

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Help for Insomnia and Restless Sleep - Information on sleep related conditions such as sleep apnea

Stress-Related Insomnia

Another factor in poor sleep is, of course, stress. You know the feeling. You ly down, tired from a hard day at work, and the thing you want most is to drift away into peaceful slumber and forget the cares of the day. But what happens?

You can't get your mind to SHUT UP! You toss, turn, maybe even get up and eat something just to have something to do (which further prevents good sleep because then your energetic system has to go to work digesting instead of regenerating and cleansing your body, which is what it wants to do while you sleep!).

What's the answer? Well, many turn to prescription sleep aids, only to find that they feel hung over and dull-headed the next day and/or that they need more and more over time to get the same result. Also, many find that their dreams stop. Dreaming is one way we work out the issues of the day and many prescription sleeping pills impede this vital healing capacity. But you have got to get sleep so what do you do?

Try the natural approach. Try a natural sleep formula that supports your body's need to destress, turn off the mind, and drift into the peaceful slumber you desire without sacrificing your clear head in the morning, or your dreamtime at night.

If nervous tension is the root of your sleep disruption. How do you know if it's nervous tension? Well, a good sign is that, as soon as your head hits the pillow, you start worrying about things. In those cases, where the nervous system may be over-stimulated, a natural approach can help. There are very effective natural nerve tonics that can assist in calming the nervous thoughts and worry without risk of addiction or unwanted after-effects.

Sleep Experts suggest keeping your bedroom quiet, dark and at a comfortable temperature. It is helpful to go to bed near the same time every night. Meditation is good before bed but exercise is not.

Reading can be ok if it's not something that is work-related and apt to add more stress. Study is definitely out. And if you can't go to sleep after 15-20 minutes, it's better to get up for a little while and try again than to toss and turn and try to make yourself sleep.

About sleep apnea

Sleep Apnea is a health condition that can drastically interfere with a person's ability to sleep soundly.

A person with sleep apnea may actually stop breathing many times during the night.

This health condition can cause serious health challenges in the longterm and should be properly addressed by a health professional.

learn more about sleep apnea

Symptoms of sleep apnea