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Prayer Requests

Even though this doesn't deal with Lou, we wanted to add a section to our site that includes various needs. We hope that each of you will keep these in your prayers. If you have any prayer requests, please email us at

"And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other, and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." (James 5:15-16)

I am asking for prayer for my sister's mother-in-law -- a beautful 76-year-old German lady named Hedde. She has come to the tough stages of brain cancer and is very very weak and tired. I am asking for a miracle from the Lord to restore here to perfect life and love.

In Jesus Name

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I have been engaged to be married and my girlfriend just told me that someone younger is interested in her. She doesn't know if she should go with him or stick with our engagement. He is an alcoholic and a drug user but a pretty handsome guy. She is confused about me but says she will always love me. I am heartbroken and in shock. She says she will find out if there is anything going on with him, and if there isn't she will come back to me. She is sincere but a little influenced by single or divorced friends.They say I am too old for her and she could do much better. I believe she really loves me, but I am not the most attractive person. I am about ready to fall apart in a major way. I am asking that God would bring their attraction to complete nothingness and that the fullness of God himself would shine in OUR relationship and it would be brought back together miraculously. This person trying to steal her away is a person who posed as a friend of ours.I even saved his neck when people tried to pick on him -- I stood up to 5 guys on his behalf. I am so devestated . I am asking for God's direction and hope she comes back to me and sees through this situation with Gods help in a hurry. I really love her and her name is Toni. We have been dating a long time and she is a Christian. I am so utterly devestated. I ask for prayer to survive and that my engagement will survive. I ask that God will bring her back and clearly show her the truth right away. May God clear the confusion and bring her back a hundredfold in Christ, But I ask God to take care of everything. She is now finding out if she wants the other guy and I have to wait. She is not calling me ...

In Jesus Name

Please pray for me. I have gotten into some trouble, and I want God to help me get out of it. I need prayer to help me stop lying all of the time. Also, my aunt's son was told that he has 1 to 6 years to live. Please be with his family and mother.


Please pray for me. My name is Leann, and I am battling depression after a life changing experience. I am finding it very difficult to go on. I am saved and I know there is hope. I need God to intervene and make me well again. I am so lonely and sad. I don't want this to last forever. I'm hurting!

Please pray for my father, Robert Sorvillo, who was recently diagnosed with stage 3 esophageal cancer. Please pray that the Lord will heal him. We love him so much and need him here with us.

Thank you

Please pray for me and my husband. We lost our 19 year old daughter to a drunk driver. The wreck almost killed us, too. Our lives have been changed forever, and it is really hard for us to go on. We miss her so much.


Please pray for my 22 year old son Ryan who is in a treatment center for his alcohol addiction. Please pray God will set him free and allow him to find a job when he completes the 42 day program.

Thank you and God bless,

My sister, Ismut, is going for surgery to remove a tumor from her ovary we are very worried and request a pray from you.

God bless

Please add my mothers name to the cancer prayer list. She has fluid buildup around her right lung which caused it to collapse. She was hospitalized again today because of shortness of breath and thru an X-ray found something going on in her left lung. They are thinking either pneumonia or another cancer. Please pray with me to God for her healing. We lost our dad to a car accident 13 years ago, and even though we are grown up, we wouldn't know what to do without mom. Please also pray that her treatments are effective and that she doesn't give up hope. Her name is Raquel from Bolingbrook, IL. Thank you all.


Please say a prayer for me as I have skin cancer on my nose. I put off having the surgery for it was small and on the end of my nose. Did not know what it was till last year and then it started getting bad. I have to have a piece of skin taken from my neck and make a flap on my nose. Have to be put to sleep in opereating room for this. I pray that all the cancer will be removed and that my nose will heal soon. I am told at least 4 months before it will look well at all. I know that all the ladies will understand why I am worried. It will be hard to work untill I am well. Thank all of you for your prayers. And please check your skin. This was a small sore that started to bleed. About the size of the small end of a straight pin. God bless.


Hi. My name is Roger Johnson; I live in Imperial, MO. I have a prayer request for myself. I have a very bad back with a double curve to the spine. I have been on SSI and Social Security since 1991. I'm 46 years old and have to be both mother and father to my 6-year-old son!!! I'm in a lot of pain right now and would like for Lou and anyone else who might read this to pray that our Father in heaven will touch me with His healing hands and take away the pain!! I am a child of God and have been since I've been about 13 years old.

May God bless Lou and his family. I thank God for healing Charlie Hodge after his heart attack!! May He be with each and every one of you.

Your friend in Christ,
Roger Johnson

My name is Cindy and I am from Parrottsville,TN. I would like to ask everyone to pray for me and my family, we are going through a family fued and I said some things I shouldn't have said and now my family will barely even talk to me. I ask that someday soon we will be able to put all this behind us and be the family we have always been. Please keep me in mind when you pray. God Bless you everyone.


I would like to request prayer for my mom. My dad passed away last month and she is trying to give up. I have requested prayer for her before and GOD answered our prayers. Her name is Earlean. Friends also told me to go ahead and ask for prayer for myself. I normally wouldn't do this. However, I had surgery in Feb. The doctor made a mistake and I have had many surgeries which I haven't recovered. I am still very sick. I have to be fed through an IV in my neck. (No food or drink since Feb). Thank all of you in advance for prayers for all of us.


Please keep a dear friend in your prayers. Robert Cabella (a fantastic Elvis tribute artist) had an accident in June 2001. He is still recovering from the head injuries. He has touched so many lives with his music. I pray that God will take of him and his family, and hopefully someday soon he will fully recover.


I would like you to please pray for my family. My uncle has just passed away from Leukemia. He was in the hospital to get chemotherapy and they gave him to much treatment. Also pray for my sister's baby LaRue; he has to go to Charleston Hospital Friday 4/5 to get checked out and see why his head is bigger then it should be.

Thank you,
Lisa SC

My name is Mary, and I live in Baltimore, MD and I met Lou a few times. My mom is in the hospital with tubes in her. They think she has a blood clot in her lungs and I have a very bad cold. I am asking for everyone's prayers for me and my mom.


I would like everyone to remember my grandbaby Gavin in prayer. He is a preemie and has contacted pink eye and a virus at daycare.


I would like for every one to pray for my dad so that he finds the Lord. He will not go to church and we pray and pray, so please pray that God will just move him to change his ways and go to church and get right with God.

His Daughter,
Jessica Hoskins

I would like it if everyone would pray for my father. His name is Kenneth. He has had pnemonia for six weeks, and I would love it if he got better becouse he is the preacher of Friends of Faith Baptist Church. Well, he can preach, but he does not like being sick at all, so please pray for him.

His daughter,

I would like for you all to remember my husband, Roger Duty, in prayer; he has a very rare lung disease called alpha one. He is missing the gene in his lungs that filters the blood. He also has stomach trouble and colon trouble. And I also have a sister in the hospital with chest pains. Thank you so much. God Bless.

Please pray for a new friend of mine who was just recently saved. My husband met him (Kevin Kuykendoll] at a gas station, and he was crying and told my husband that he had gotten saved the night before.He said the old devil was really on his back and asked my husband to please have folks to pray for him. This was about a month ago and I have spoken with him several times and have found him to be such a sweet guy [he is 22 years old]. My family and church have been praying for him and he is really growing stronger in the Lord. I spoke with him last week, and he said he thought the Lord might be calling him to the ministry. Isn't God good to us? Please pray for this young man as he begins his walk with our Lord and Savior.

Love in Christ,
Sarah Whitlock
Easley, S.C.

I ask your prayers for my son, Joshua, who is 19 and is having a lot of depression and difficulty dealing with life in general. I have done everything I know to do as a mother. I turn this over to God and his saints and ask that all who read this pray not just for Josh but for everyone on this list. I know there is power in prayer.

Belinda Kelley
Centerville Tenn.

I would like everyone to pray for my uncle, James Smith. He recently found out that he has lung cancer caused from his years of work in the automobile body repair business. At first, they performed a test that said it had not spread to any other parts of his body. They thought they would only have to take out a portion of his right lung. Today, they met with the surgeon and he said that the test showed some abnormalties and that the cancer was in his lymphnodes. He also told them that if they found this to be true when they started the surgery that they would do nothing but sew him back up. Although this may be true, I know someone who is able to take care of the situation. After all, he said that it was his will that we prosper and be in good health. Nothing is to hard for our Lord. I appreciate everyone's prayers. I will keep you informed.

With Love,
Tara Padgett

Our friend, Bill Ryan, fell in June and is now paralized from the neck down; he and his wife need our prayers. He has also developed complications and is confined to a VA hospital, and she is so alone.


Please remember Barbara, along with her family and friends, in your prayers; she has a large cancerous mass in her liver. She is in acute pain, and very depressed. God has already gotten her through a battle with lung cancer, and we know that with prayer He will get her through this as well if it's His will.

Earlean Fordham had a heart attack 3 weeks ago. Now she is back in the hospital. Was touch and go. She woke up for a while Saturday saying she walked on the Milky White Way. She is very tired. My father was placed in a nursing home several months ago and her partner isn't there anymore. She is having so many health issues. She's had a heart attack, stroke, diabetes and other problems. Please pray for her and for GOD to do His will again.

Michael Novenche is a 2-year-old beautiful little boy in Clifton Park, New York, and the grandson of a very dear friend of mine. A few months ago, he started throwing up and telling Mommy "boo boo in my head." He was brought to the doctors and tests were ran on him, later that week he started losing feeling in the left side of his poor little body. They found a large tumor in his brain.

He was brought to a hospital in Boston where doctors told his family the tumor was too big and it was too risky to operate on it. His aunts and uncle would not give up, they called Beth Israel, then E-mailed Dr. Epstein for him to look at Michael's films. Michael's uncle then drove the films to New York City himself for Dr. Epstein to look at. Dr. Epstein operated but couldn't remove the entire tumor and now he has to go through chemo to keep the tumor from growing and hitting the brain stem.

We need all the prayers we can get for the chemo to kill the tumor entirely. He started chemotherapy on March 28, 2000, and we are hoping desperately that it works. We need all the prayers we can get.

Please stop and say one prayer for this beautiful baby boy Michael when you think about him today. I am asking that each and every one of you please forward this on to everyone that you know. Just think if this was your little child going through this right now. We all know that God can heal this little angel.

Thank you from family and friends of Michael Novenche, but most of all Michael.

Listen, I have a BIG problem. Had to take my wife Carole into ER on Saturday AM. Spent the whole three day weekend at the hospital. She's very very sick- they still don't know for sure what's wrong. Suspect meningitis or some similar infection has invaded her spinal colunmn and brain. More test results due Tues. and Wed. Need your prayers desperately. Don't want to lose her.

Your brother in Christ,

My good friend, Tommy, age 23, was diagnosed with lung cancer a few months ago. Three sessions of chemo have been completely unsuccessful in treating his cancer. It is spreading rapidly, and he now has 10 tumors. Please keep him in your prayers along with the others. As God's children, it is our privlege to speak to our Father asking him to intervene on behalf of our brothers and sisters. Let us always lift each other up in prayer!
