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Of Lou

We asked fans to give us their stories about Lou and the show. If you have a story about Lou, we would love to hear it! Email us at, and we will add the stories as we receive them.

    Lou was the best birthday present I could have asked for. My husband and I were in the second row that night and what a blast. Lou is such a wonderful performer. This was the first time I saw his show and I will never, ever forget it. I received two kisses from him that night, which I don't think I ever went to sleep. I bought the tape of the show and play it all the time. My husband told me that I was going to break the tape. I plan on coming back in the near future. I am a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant and when I debut as a Sales Director, I want Lou to be my very special guest for the event. What an honor it would be to have him be there with us. He is such a beautiful person on the inside as well as on the outside. Keep up the wonderful work you do. You have touched so many people's lives. You are my hero. XXX000

Jeannie Culpeper, Virginia

    We recently visited Memories for what may be the last time. My mom is very sick, though you will never know, as she is too strong to show it. Lou and Charlie were very kind and sweet...I only wish as the daughter I could have let them know my mom is very very ill....she said, "No -- no pity, just prayer, and the good Lord will take care of things." If you have a way of telling them, let them know. I am Ashley and my mom Sabrina; we were there the 26th, and Lou talked with me about playing in the band and oboe and such. Thanks a lot.


    My name is Jordan. I am 9 years old and recently moved to Ashville, North Carolina. Last week my Mom and Dad took me to Pigeon Forge to visit Dollywood. One night after dinner my Dad asked if I wanted to see a show, and I had seen a billboard with a picture of Elvis that also said something about Barney Fife so this had to be the show for me.
    Being 9 and watching lots of Nick At Nite, I probably know more about Barney than Elvis, but I have heard a lot of Elvis music and I love it. Lou opened with a couple of songs and then left the stage. I couldn't believe that was the end of my Elvis experience. I always thought Elvis wore jump suits and shiny belts. I looked at my Dad and asked, "Is that it?" He promised me the Elvis I knew and loved would be back. He was right. Later Lou came back in a tiger jump suit and a big shiny belt that kept coming undone which he and Charlie Hodge had a great time making fun of.
    To make a long story short, being 9 years old, I never got a chance to see Elvis, but thanks to Lou, I feel like I was in the same room with not one, but two of the greatest entertainers in the world- Elvis and Lou. To make the night complete, Dad bought me Charlie's book and had him sign it for me.

Keep up the good work. I'll be back.
~Jordan Cantrall

    My name is Ashlei. I loved Lou's show he put on. I went to his show twice and I'm trying to go back. I'm also signing up to Lou's fan club.
   OK, where do I start? The first time I saw Lou, I was very impressed. I'm only 16 years old; I have never seen Elvis Presley, but I love his music and his movies. Even though I have never seen him, Lou showed me how Elvis really was. The first time I saw Lou perform, I fell in love with the show. It was awesome; he really did a good job.
    The last time I really enjoyed myself was before my grandfather passed away. I was really bitter towards God, but when I saw Lou's show I didn't only enjoy myself, but when he said he was a Christian, I really thought highly of him after that; ever since the first time I saw his show, I realized that He took my grandfather for a reason and Lou gave me hope.
    He was very sweet, and I really appreciated the autographs and the scarf he gave me. He is truly a good person. I hope I can continue to see him perform even more. He inspired me a lot; I love him for that. He gave hope. I'm joining his fan club. I plan to come back in about a month or so to see him again. I can't wait to see him. I'm so excited.


    Hi. My name is Paige Couch and I am 8 years old. I have gone to see Lou about 8 times. When I think of him I think I am right next to him and I get goose bumps. I like Elvis a lot too but not as much as Lou. He knows me real well. When I give him my name he can say, "Hi Paige. I remember you."


    My name is Shelby Buswell, and I will be 8 on September 17. I have seen Lou two times, and I think he is just awesome. He can sing. And when he does, I pretend he's singing just to me. I went up twice to get a scarf, but he ran out before he got to me, BUT I got a KISS both times, and that's a lot better. My Mama bought me a scarf the last time I saw him & he signed it for me. Can't wait to see him again.

Lou with Shelby

    This is just a story to give you my thoughts of Lou. He is not only a great entertainer; he is a great person. I saw the show for the first time in July 1998 and enjoyed every minute of it. Lou does the best Elvis show ever. After the show, Lou was gracious enough to stay and sign autographs and let us take some snapshots with him. Whe I arrived home and had the pictures developed, it started me to thinking. Lou looked really great and I looked terrible as well as unhealthy (being over 100 pounds overweight). I immediately told my sister that I was going to lose 100 pounds so that I could have a retake of the picture. This dieting war raged on with no success for two years. During the two years I visited Memories two more times. Still in disgust I decided to do something about it Iin February 2000. You may say, "What does Lou have to do with any of this?" During my trips to Memories I started to realize what kind of person Lou is. Although I have probably never talked to him more than a couple of minutes at a time, I started to see him as a friend. I found myself telling others about how I would love to sit down and havve a personal conversation with him for an hour or so as friends. I atarted to feel sad as though I was leaving something behind when I had to return home. His kind and generous ways were starting to shine greater than the looks and the talent. I guess you could say, even though he knows nothing about this, that I started to look up to him and set myself goals. First, I prayed. I asked God for His help and strength. Next, I made reservations at Memories for the week of July 4th and then started my diet. I started by drinking lots of water. As you know (if you have ever seen the show), when Lou drinks water onstage he refers to it as wawa. This is exactly what I did. Every time that i would turn up a glass of water, I would look at whomever was close by and simply say "wawa." This reminded me of my reservations. The next thing was just as simple. Every time I started to eat I would try to eat healthy and light (always thinking of Lou). Equally important was the exercise (to Lou tapes and CD's of course). July finally came around. When I attended the show, I was 45 pounds lighter. Yes, I do realized that I haven't reached my goal; so that is why I must continue. The next step is getting my reservations for the Halloween show after the fan club picnic and continueing my efforts. Hopefully with the help of the Lord and the memories I have of Lou I will have off the other 55 pounds. At the show that night, during my couple of minutes with Lou, I would like to present him with a card and some before and after photos just to show him that he really does touch lives. In closing, I guess you could say that I look up to Lou as a person. Most people look at him as an entertainer-another Elvis. I look at him as a great person with his own individuality. I look at him as a friend. Thank each of you for taking time to read my story!

Love You Always Lou,
Email: TaraPadgett@AOL.COM

    I am a 16 year old female, and I live in Albany, GA. My parents brought me to Pigeon Forge on vacation about a month ago. We had been trying for about 2 years to get away. You see, I was in an auto accident 21 months ago. They told my parents that I was brain dead and both of my legs were broken. But thank God I was not brain dead, but I did have two broken legs and was in a coma two days and nights. I've had three surgeries thus far and one more to go. It's been a long struggle for me and my family, but we have pulled together and tried to get through it by God's help. But coming up there and seeing and meeting Lou has been better than any medication. I have always loved Elvis and his music. I know that not many 16-year-olds do today. As for me, it's like a dream come true that I thought would never happen. Lou is a wonderful down-to-earth person, and he is so very sweet. If I had it my way, I would come up there and stay the whole summer and see him every night. When Lou comes on stage, my heart skips a couple of beats. It takes about 6 or 7 hours to get there, but when Lou is on stage and singing and moving, all the miles don't mean a thing.

~Priscilla Cross

    One time Lou was singing "Hound Dog," and I had a dog for Lou. I went up to the stage, and I was told to go back in my seat because it was too fast of a song, and I did. Right after that Lou said, "What do you have for me?" and stopped the whole show for about 3 minutes and said, "Thank you." I loved it!

8 Years Old

    It has taken me a while to write this story about my 3 year old daughter Morgan and her favorite entertainer, Lou Vuto. (she says Woo Vuto) There are so many funny things to write about. She is only 3 but she remembers everything about her trips to Pigeon Forge. Every time we drive past Memories Theatre and she sees that big picture of Lou she points and says, "There's Woo Mommy!!" That happens more often than you might think!! She likes to sing some of Lou's songs on our karoke machine. One of her favorites is "Blue Moon of Kentucky", (she sings Blue Moon of Turkey)!!! She also likes "Teddy Bear" because that is when Lou gave her a scarf. We have watched that part of the videotape a million times!!! Every time we go to see Lou she has to get her picture taken with him on the motorcycle and she expects to get a scarf at every show. I tell her that she can't get a scarf every time. She is not always happy but when Lou leans down to give her a kiss she gets over it pretty quick. She now tells her daddy that she is going to marry Lou (Woo). I guess she doesn't notice the SLIGHT age difference. She always enjoys herself and he is always very sweet and kind to her. He knows her by name and that really makes her feel special. I guess he has that affect on all of us!!! Thanks for making your biggest or should I say littlest fan have such a great and memorable time!!!!

Lou with Morgan

    We have many great memories of Lou, but there is one night in particular that we will always remember. Lou had given our 8 year old daughter a scarf, but that was not the best part. Lou was singing "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You" and our little 5 year old son went up to the stage to shake his hand (we were sitting on the front row) and Lou told him to wait a minute, and went and got his towel and gave it to Andrew. You would have thought he had given him a great toy. Well, Andrew is now 8 years old and he still talks about that towel and shows it to guests in our home. He cherishes it very much. Lou also autographed the towel after the show and that made it even better. Lou has definitely made a friend for life!! And we were so touched by this, my husband wrote Lou a letter thanking him for what he had done. We love going to Memories and it is always the highlight of our vacation. As far as the Groover family is concerned, Elvis lives through Lou. Elvis was the King of rock-and-roll, but Lou is definitely the Prince!!!!!
    To all the employees at Memories, keep up the great work and May God Bless each and every one of you.

~Michael, Andrea,
Michelle & Andrew

    He is such a great performer. My granddaughter, who is 8 years old, now went with me to see the show and she never turned her head. She stayed focused on him and every move he made. When I started to pick her up to get her to the stage she scratched her leg on something there- a nail or something. I don't know what it was, and she stared to cry. When Lou saw she had hurt herself he came over and picked her up to the stage (something Elvis would have done himself) and asked her if she was OK and she said, "Yes sir." Then he put a scarf around her neck and gave her a big kiss on the cheek, then asked her if she felt better now. Of course she replied, "Yes." He was so sweet and kind to her. She still has the scarf on her mirror. She was six then but she still remembers Lou and wants to go again.

~Cindy Glasgow

    When I first came to Memories I was not all together- I was on everything you could think of and I thought that the show was going to be a floot but when I heard Lou sing the song "Help Me" I was so stunned and thanks to the song and Lou I'm now flying right and now I come to the show all the time and I think Lou is great. Thank you Lou.


    Nate, my four year old grandson, went with me to Memories to see Lou. He had wanted to go for a long time. Nate wanted to request a song, "Johnny Go-Go"; his name for "Johnny Be Goode".
    As Lou sang Nate waved and Lou waved back, as Lou does to the children in the audience. When Lou announced he had a special request, Nate was so excited. Lou waved to Nate and sang part of the song in front of Nate. Lou threw the last scarf to Nate and said "Here you go, son". My grandson felt so very special.
    At the motorcycle pictures, Lou pretended with Nate that they were driving the motorcycle "around the block". At the autograph table, Lou signed Nate's scarf and posed for pictures again, all the while paying close attention to Nate.
    Lou is so patient and kind to everyone. Lou wins everyone's heart so completely because of his genuine sincerity, kindness, and his ability to make everyone feel special, even the smallest child.

~Zona Whisnant

Lou with Nate

    I would like to share a little bit about a person, by the name of Lou Vuto, who has touched the lives of me and many others around him. Here are some of my feelings about him.
    I must admit that when Lou Vuto first came to the Memories Theatre, I figured that he was going to be like the ones before him. Now, I don't mean that in a bad way, its just that I didn't expect this person to be friendly and warm to his audience. However, after seeing one show, I quickly saw that there was something different about this Elvis impersonator. And as the years have progressed, I have come to understand why. Here are some of my memories of Lou Vuto.
    Several years ago on Labor Day weekend, we, my aunt and myself, were in Pigeon Forge. We decided to see the Salute to Elvis show starring Lou Vuto. I had visited the show before, when there was a different impersonator, so I knew what to expect. BOY, was I shocked!! I could not believe what I saw. This man, Lou Vuto, was awesome! I mean sure, the other impersonators were good, but Lou's character and personality were outstanding and quickly caught my attention. After that show, they announced that they were going to have a special Sunday show, so we decided to get tickets and return. Money well spent! At the Sunday night show, another great performance, Lou came out to greet his fans, as he usually does. We, my aunt and myself, were standing by some seats, when Lou came by us. He looked at us and said "Glad to see you came back tonight". I mean, how many entertainers know who is in their audience. That night, we joined the Fan Club...Thanks to Lou.
    Being in the Fan Club, has let us see Lou at his leisure from playing volleyball to being Master of the Grill. Lou is just a down to earth person that is admired by many.
    Another memorable occasion for me, was the weekend I was there celebrating my birthday. It was the night that I got my first scarf. Lou held my hand and sang a few words of "Love Me Tender." Well, words cannot express how I felt that night. :) After the show, he signed the scarf and wrote Happy Birthday, Tabatha on it. That memory will always be in my mind.
    Another thing that I feel that makes Lou an unique person, is his love for his fans. Whether you see him every night or once a year, he shows you a real heart felt Thank You for being there to support him. This always brings a smile to your face. Lou always makes us feel like we are part of his success. He has never lead me to believe that he is better than anyone, including Elvis.
    When Lou is performing, he is doing his Salute to The King..He does not think that he is Elvis or better than Elvis. Lou is his own person. That is what makes him so special to all of us.
    There are so many things that can be said about Lou Vuto, the person. He is truly a role model for many people. His true sense of self and his outward acknowledgment of his Christianity makes Lou Vuto one remarkable person. Whether, it be on or off the stage.
    We could write a book about how he has touched each of our lives. As Lou always gives credit to God, we should also thank God for sending us this wonderful FRIEND!!! We should also give thanks to Dee for bringing him to us. Dee, that was one smart choice!! Thanks!
    Thank you God and thank you Lou for giving us such sweet memories.

Written by:
Tabatha Martin
Fan Club Member
from Kentucky
Lou with Tabatha

    To begin my story, my Mom was a very big Elvis fan; she had his lps and 45's-even carried some in this cute little pocket book tote. She had photos, posters, postcards, etc. She was also in a fan club. She would always get excited when he came on TV-be it a movie or a concert; her favorites were The 68 Comeback Special, and Aloha from Hawaii. Her favorite movies were Viva Las Vegas, Blue Hawaii, and King Creole. When he passed away, I was 12 years old. I remember she cried for three days solid. She'd say she could see his image in the clouds, hear him singing in the background when his songs would play. She really loved Elvis a lot.
    One year before she got her sickest, I saw an article in the paper where an Elvis fan was doing a show of his own; his name is Ray Maas. He calls himself the Elvis Illusionist He didn't want to be known as an imitator. His show was based on bringing back the memories of Elvis. I invited my mom to go with me to his show and we got to meet with him. He was very nice and did a good job. Mom took to him right away. Mom enjoyed this so much she asked if I would take her to see him in Boone, North Carolina, of course I agreed and we met him in NC. He did a three day show at a mall there that consisted of 7 shows; we saw them all. She enjoyed herself so much! After she grew her sickest, we managed to see one more show in a nearby mall. That was our last trip together. She passed away two months later on April 1, 1993 of Lymphoma Cancer at the age of 51. My mom was my best friend and we did everything together. I went to two more shows after that, but without her there it was very painful. I haven't seen Ray lately, but I do get an occasional note or card from him and his wife.
    My first show experience with Lou Vuto was a very healing experience for me. I had spent the weekend of Feb. 3-6 there and wanted to attend his show very badly, but for various reasons wasn't able to get there. I was very dissapointed and my husband promised me he would bring me back soon. The weekend of the 25-27 my husband honored his promise and brought me back to Pigeon Forge to see this show. I was so excited; my first show!     To Lou, it's just so amazing how much you brought my mom's memories back to me. It was like she was there cheering you on right beside me. You touched my heart, the way that show went that night. I look so forward to going back very soon. You impressed me very much and brought tears streaming down my face. When you did "Memories" first and were wearing mom's favorite suit, I felt like you heard my request after all. The Memories Showband, the Three Inspirations and Charlie Hodge were great. You did an excellent job with your show, and your kindnesss was very overwelming to me. I'm looking forward to going back very soon; I was extremely excited to see this show and to recieve your autographs. I missed getting Betty's, Brian's and Jeff's autographs, so I'll catch them on my next show. I had some trouble getting the photos that we made of you and me and Charlie and me. I took them to a professional and he fixed them for me; they look great! I loved your show!
    To Charlie Hodge ..... It was such an honor to stand beside the man my mom used to point out to me on the Hawaii concerts in 73 & 76; she always wanted you to pass her a scarf through the screen. She also kept up with you too Charlie. Thank you so much for your kindness as well.

Maria D. Gardner