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Destiny's Children : MISSION

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take the character that I have found in you, and write scenes. A scene with your main character. A scene with you.

I'll give you basic stats for the scene (ie. being kidnapped, meeting other potentials, etc.) and then you get to decide. You get to write it. And then, I get to incorporate it into Destiny's Children.

Essentially, I'm turning this novel idea I had into a kind of group written project. Sure, I invented the pretense, but you get to star, and you get to affect the outcome.

How? Put it this way. Fortune needs an heir. And Fortune will have its heir.

I have no idea who this heir is. That desicion will come about by direct result of your writing. So get out those writer's caps, my friends, because this is certainly Mission Possible!

Go to the message board to see what that mission is!


Each individual character is copyrighted to the person on whom they are based. (Ie. I don't own any of you ;) ) All artwork and writings are copyright their respective owners. Destiny's Children is copyright Heather McGugan 2003. Please do not use without permission.

Thank you.