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For some people challenged by disabilities, a Service Dog is a way to integrate back into many activities that formerly were impossible or too painful to partake in.

Along with this wonderful gift of a canine assistance, comes the challenge of the added expenses. This can be challenging for those who are on a minimal income such as Disability Income.

Some people in an attempt to be able to continue quality care for their Service Dog, or to obtain one, have gone to the communities in which they are active to seek some support or engage in a partnership to make this possible for their improved quality of life.

All types of groups, businesses and, school classes, church groups, small businesses may be interested in joining this kind of community partnership.

Mara and Freely are a team in process. Freely is training to be Mara's Service Dog. Mara is owner-training Freely with the assistance and guidance of an experienced Service Dog Trainer.

On these pages you will read about Mara and Freely's life together, and how you can join in making their team a great success.

Mara and Freely are interested in not only receiving, but giving as well. We think you will find the ways we can do this together, a gift for everyone involved!
Please take the time to stroll through this site.
Enjoy your visit, learn something new,
And look at the possibilities
Of us all changing one another's lives.

Freely's Invitation

You are invited to be a part of a very
Special Sponsorship team.

Reading over this site will help you to see the
Unique adventure that can come from being partners.

Please accept my invitation
To receive freely
and to give freely…

Shared Sponsorship
Is a beautiful gift…

Please RSVP to Freely

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Proud Sponsor of a Service Dog
| Who We Are | About Sponsorship | What We Offer You | Special Partnership | Ways To Sponsor | Related Links | Freely's Work | The Proud Sponsors | Response Form

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