The Kitchen God's Wife
 Main Characters
 Alternate Ending
 The Kitchen God's Altar

The Mists of Avalon
 Main Characters
 Barge of Avalon
 Alternate Ending
The individual reading project was assigned at the very beginning of the year. We were asked to read the Mists of Avalon, unless we had already done that as summer reading, and choose one other novel from the summer reading list. The reports were due the day we returned from winter break. As usual, almost everyone procrastinated and had to cram during the last weekend of break. The summary, a seemingly easy component becomes difficult because of the sheer volume of the book. We are forced to choose what details to include and not to include and I had to go flipping back through the book to remember what happened. The analysis was pretty straightforward though not particularly well written. I ended up having a list of items to include and did not concentrate too much on organization and voice. Overall, I did okay on the projects. I recieved a 73/75 on the Kitchen God's Wife and a 68/75 on the Mists of Avalon.