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Separate Breeds

Welcome to The Hexing Section @ Kittycats Cattery. All tutorials were written by me so no stealing without asking! Last updated 26th March 2002!


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Separate Breeds

Open the B+W Shorthair that we hexed.

Remember to make a copy of your breed file before beginning.

Remember to save regularly.

Scroll up from the bottom slowly until you find this…

We are going to name the breed Ginger and Tan shorthair (G+T Shorthair). So where you see that B+W change it to G+T.

Don’t do anything to the Bw part, or the P.o.u.n.c.e.r part.

It should now look like this…

Save your work!

A breed file has a name, so we are going to right-click on the file and rename it to G+T Shorthair.

Now remove the original breed and place yours in if it doesn’t work you’ve gone wrong.

We’re still not done yet!

Open your breed file and scroll down from the top to this…

See that E8 03 I’ve highlighted? Change that to whatever you want.

I’m going to change it to F8 91.  

You can use the same number on another breed or it won’t work!

Save your work. And place both the G+T Shorthair and B+W Shorthair into your resource\catz folder. Now open your petz program.

The pictures will both look the same but we are going to change that now.

It will have the same picture as the original file, but now you have made a new breed!