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Puffy Tails

Welcome to The Hexing Section @ Kittycats Cattery. All tutorials were written by me so no stealing without asking! Last updated 26th March 2002!


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Puffy Tails


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Puffy Tails

For this tutorial we are going to use a Great Dane.

Remember to make back ups of your breed files before starting

Remember to save often

Open the Great

Scroll down until you come to this…

Change the number in red to 5.

Change the number in red to 15 and the number in pink to 30.

Change the number in pink to 30 and the number in green to 15.

And finally…

Change the number in red to 5.

Save and put the breed into petz. Don’t see a puffy tail on it? If you do then stop here but if you don’t then follow on…

Some breeds need something extra done to make it work breeds such as the Great Dane breed.

Re-open your breed file and go back to tail 1 and then to tail 6..


Remember those 2 numbers scroll down till you come to this…

See there’s that same 62 and 57.

Place the cursor next to the comma on 52 and space it out until you’ve deleted the comma after 62.

This is what it should look like now…

Now save and take a look at your breed, and congrats you have a puffy tailed Dane! This is what it should look like…

If it still doesn’t work then start over.

Still need help with it? Email me