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2003 Archives

Mon Jan 27, '03 (1:56pm)
Finally the internet is back!!!

I've missed it so much. Didn't realize how much of a part of my life it was. I depend upon it for something to do when I'm not studying or reading, and for a bit of social contact.

But now it's back! I'm so happy it's back.
Especially since it made it a bit hard to send my assignment to my teacher... which was due yesterday. gack!
But hopefully she'll understand.

To make it even worse I ran out of books. (cries)
So I had nothing at all to do. :-(
But I'm going to go to the lib today. And everything will be good! :-)

ttyl, hope everyone survived this net shortage,

Tue Jan 21, '03 (11:23pm)
Another night spent reading... this time I got maybe an hour or two of sleep... did take a 30 min nap earlier tho. My eyes feel... well, definitely not fresh as a daisy.

Oh, not on the same book, no siree! Now I'm on Owlflight which is by the same author and all... I'm definitely looking forward to getting the next book in the Mage Storms trilogy... and then getting to finish the Owl Trilogy. :-)

I should make a decision on that paper topic and start researching... not as if I really have a lot of studying to do anyway... Though even with the little reading I have to do I've fallen behind. (guilty look)

But I'm a procrastinator! What more do you expect?
Guess I should sleep... (wry look)... so ttyl.


Sat Jan 18, '03 (11:03pm)
I had some doubts about Criminology, but it's not too bad and I like the teacher. Only two tests and a paper, which made me a bit uncertain... but Dragonfly has it even worse off than moi... so I guess I can survive.

Didn't sleep last night. Was up all night reading Storm Warning. Good book, not done with it yet. And then I'll have to find the other two (wry look). Then this morning I had to attend an orientation for speech. Doesn't sound like it'll be too hard, though I'm definitely not one for speaking in front of groups of people. Even groups of 10-12 people like she promised we'd start out. Ah well. I'll survive. I hate it though.

All in all a good day. I missed my cartoons :-( but this morning I simply didn't feel motivated enough to get up and stick a tape in the vcr... was too busy reading and all snug in my bed. I'll catch the reruns later. No problem. Hope I didn't miss anything big, but that's ok. The big ones they always rerun like nuts anyway.

So I fare well, hope you do as well, ttyl,

Mon Jan 13, '03 (9:50pm)
I start school tomorrow. Went and got my books today. Then we went to Sam's... not that you care. Loads of money spent today... at least more than usual.

I'm nervous about school tomorrow. I think that I should wear something nice, something that would make a statement... the problem is I don't own anything like that. All of my clothing is sensible, normal clothing. Most of it from WalMart, with a couple of pieces from places like Dillards, and Lane Bryant that my Gran bought me.

Did I ever tell you that I'm poor?

I can't make a statement, because I have none to make, anyway. I'm a reasonable person, I don't ask much. I ask for peace; I ask for books to be written, for movies to be made, and tv to be if not spectacular then somewhat good and anything but re-runs (too bad that request is never honored). And that's about it. Basically I ask for life to go on. Oh, sure I want people to stop tearing down the rainforests, mucking up the air, polluting, committing crimes, etc. Also for the hungry to be fed, and for children to have clothes, shoes, a decent education and home... But mostly I just want life to go on. I'm a person of small dreams, small wants, and huge wishes. :-)

I'll stop making you read this stuff now,

Tue Jan 7, '03 (11:13pm)
Having trouble getting signed up for classes. $$$ problems. My mom isn't helping any either, though. She said she'll get it so I can sign up but she takes forever doing anything, so I have no faith in her. I have to go back to school though... I don't know, I just don't understand her.

I mean, yeah I stay at home and do nothing, but that means nothing... I make very few dirty dishes, and I don't ask her to wash my clothes. I probably could wash a few dishes, but that's about all... yet she acts as if I totally mess the house up or something. Fact is I'm not a burden for her, and even if I was she wouldn't take care of me... and she's being a real biotch lately.

So I don't know... we'll see. Still, she's better than my dad. It's so cold here, though... I wish I'd stayed at my Granny's. Anyway, that's all for now.


Thur Jan 2, '03 (11:28pm)
Yesterday Cynthi decided she had to take me out somewhere, and we ended up at Borders. It was ok... nice to be out, really, and able to see what new books there were, but it wasn't the best thing ever. This is funny because we get back home and she proceeds to tell my mother that I had a lot of fun. (nonplussed look)

On the bright side I got a book from it. :-) And I didn't have to pay for it!!! Though only because I forgot my money at home. :-S Silly of me. You see, I put it away... so I wouldn't spend it, hehe. Then I ended up spending it later anyway... Cynthi wanted to go out to eat, just Jack in the Box, and I was hungry, too. But ah well. Easy come easy go, yeah?

Today I went to work with my mom again... I was afraid no one would be online, and I'd have nothing to do. But there are new posts in TYI!!! There is someone online but I talked to him yesterday and the day before for hours at a time... and I'm not in a talkative mood right now. If Sharroll, Queen, or Talia came on I'd talk to them, though... it's been so long.

Anyway, I guess that's all I have to say...
I wish you peace and joy.

Wed Jan 1, '03 (1:42am)
Well yesterday was a pretty good day... Let's see. A bottle of lite syrup committed suicide. A group of black birds conspired to kill the human race for polluting the air. A look into the future revealed some neat things. And guess what? I wasn't high. mwahahaha.

Was rather fun, but can't compare to a certain trip I took in which trees were giraffes, bushes were cows, and some other very weird things... and no I wasn't high then either. I'm really not sure how things like that happen to me... but they're fun. :-)

Oh, and personally, my opinion on drugs? Don't do them. I mean, I regard it as a personal choice, of a fashion... though they are addictive. Ok, let's say this. A personal choice whether to start or not, but if you can't keep your life balanced then you need help and should get some. Of course kids shouldn't have access to that choice. Simply declaring them illegal isn't working... Sometimes I wish I could move to Sweden... or Switzerland, whichever country it is. I know it starts with an S, ok???!!!

Anyway, may peace and goodwill fill your days this new year.

2002 <> NOW <> 2001