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2002 Archives

Sun Dec 29, '02 (10:08pm)
Sorry I haven't been around to check-in lately. I got sick, and didn't feel like getting online for a while. Then I ended up blowing a dental appointment cuz my granny insists on taking me to the doctor. I already had medicine... just an antibiotic from calling my allergist and describing my symptoms. I wasn't taking it right, but I was sick! Wasn't thinking clearly. *stubborn look as I cross my arms and pout*

Anyway, I'm a lot better now, thank goodness. No pain, and feeling very much better. Can hear, too. Oh, did I mention? Guess not. It was an ear infection. A pretty bad one, too. Well, once I was over there at my Granny's it was sort've hard to get away. But I managed to do so before New Year's Eve! Yay!

My Dad really ruined my Christmas, and those of my Gran, my Uncle and my Aunt... I don't consider them really close relatives my aunt or uncle, though. In fact, given a little bit of time my uncle becomes a lot like my dad in a way, very annoying. Never quite as annoying as my dad though. They say my aunt yells and screams and my uncle... she seems pretty smart so I think I know why. But overall she's not much better than him.

I didn't get much for Christmas, in fact my mom didn't get me anything other than a book or two... very confusing. Oh, that's right. I guess she's considering the rest of my Christmas her car, which she gave me. You see, I still don't have my driver's license, and the car's not in very good condition, loads of miles on it, so I don't consider it a very good gift... but it's a car, so I guess I have no reason to complain. But I reserve the right anyway!!! 8-P


Wed Dec 11, '02 (8:52pm)
Well it's done! The tests are taken! I know I made an A in comp class, and I have a chance at one in history... *crosses fingers* I know my grade, but I think he didn't mean one of the grades that's online... typo or whatever. So if it's as online then I got a 92... if it's as I think then I got a 89. :-S.

I don't know what I have in psychology. A solid B, a chance at an A. Biology is definitely a B. Ummm... Is that all my classes? Yeah. So As and Bs... yay! Go GPA go!!! hehe. Sorry, but it needs the boost. I'm a 2.8 right now... maybe I'll get up to a 2.9! well. I can hope.

Ok, I'm... off to watch something... if I can find something interesting. :-\

Tue Dec 10, '02 (9:18pm)
It's finals week, so take a big guess what I've been doing. Nope. Nope. Nope. Yeah, that's it. (and to you who said... well, you know who you are and what you said, but back at you pal!)

Plus it's the christmas season! But it doesn't feel like christmas yet. Ok, maybe a bit, but not totally. **suddenly remembers she was supposed to study tonight** Oh... forget that. I'm so studied out. I'm burned out! The only thing I want to read for the next week is any signs I happen to see along the road, or any text that happens to appear on television. Books? Um, yeah, I've been looking forward to being able to read my own books... Actually I've been looking forward to buying new books like sequels and such. :-)

Lalalala... no, i don't want to talk about school. TYI? TYI is fine. Couple new members... go see for yourself if you're really curious. Here, I'll even give you yet another link. LINK. Happy? Happy? HAPPY? Ok, toning it down... now.

Oh, I actually have something of interest to say. Well, of interest to me, maybe not to you. Last oh... Friday or Thursday I slept in and when I woke up I saw this light on my ceiling. It was flickering and flowing, like a combination of water and fire. I kept watching it, maybe because I had just woken up and was trying to decide if I'd actually woken up and maybe because I was being hypnotized, but I kept watching it. Then there emerged this picture, and it was so clear to me, as to whether it was like a picture you see in clouds or inkblots I don't know, but it was a wren on its nest. I've seen it again, and I've concluded that it has something to do with my old window, and the light at a certain angle... but it's still pretty, and I happen to believe in signs.

So whether it's my animal guide, or just my imagination... I don't know. Well, I don't know if there are animal guides or not, but a friend believes, so I'll believe there's a possibility. :-)

Your Wren-guided friend,

Thur Dec 5, '02 (5:51pm)
Well I wrote an entry and then IE froze. (an annoyed look) Anyway, I'm not going to say everything I did... because typing it in the first place took time.

Urm, in summary, I made an 86 on my Biology Lab test, and it was harder than I thought. I only made that because I got the bonus. I think I did ok on my Lecture test, but I won't know for sure until I see my grade. I hope we'll find out before the final... which is cumulative and optional... Well, not optional but she said we could bubble in smiley faces if we want... but we have to show up. I'm hoping it will help my grade tho, so no smiley faces for me!

Enough school!

Had a great convo with friends yesterday... I won't bore you with the details but it was fun. :-)
Actually I had one with online friends and one with school friends earlier in the day. A pretty good day. Really cold though. I sort've miss the friends I made at school these last two years. It was always interesting talking to them. Not that it's not interesting talking to online friends, but sometimes we don't have the same interests, and I miss that.

Anyway, I'll let you go back to your regularly scheduled life. :-)

Mon Dec 2, '02 (1:09pm)
Made a 94 on my Psych test. Yay! Now I need to study for two tests on Wednesday (why, oh why did I stay at Granny's house when I knew I can't get any studying done there??????). :'(

So it's study time... and I'm gonna be studying my butt off. If I don't add entries for the rest of the week... well you know what I'm up to.


Sat Nov 30, '02 (10:08pm)
Well the last two days have been... interesting.
Granny wanted to go see something at the Omni... it's an Imax theatre... with dizzying seating. Anyway, I went... and was reminded of my slight case of vertigo... and why I don't go to the Omni theatre.

It was about... (gasp) Australia... which is funny since my friend Dragonfly is the one who wants to go there, not me... it was sort've a more entertaining version of a national geographic special... it *was* good tho.

And today, since I suffered through the Omni, I got to go see a movie of my choice! (cheers: Yay!!!) And guess what I chose? Com'on, Guess!!! OK, ok, I won't keep you in suspense. ;-) MIB2. Loved it. As good as the first... not as much action, and seemed rather short but the humour was as good as ever, and there was still action.

Oh, wierdest thing happened to me last night... I was reading in bed, getting ready for sleep when I heard someone whisper something. It was as if they were standing right beside my bed. It was sort've blurred, fuzzy... indestinct. Anyway, it frightened the heck out of me... I pulled my arms in and laid rigidly in bed, my mind racing as my imagination came up with all sorts of things... Malevolent spirits aka ghosts, demons, who knows what... Anyway, eventually I fell asleep this way, and woke up at 6am, except my clock was wrong cuz of a power outage and I thought it was after 7... ack, cartoons... nooo! Well, that was my general reaction.

So after rushing into the living room and finding out my clock was wrong I went back and started reading... only then remembering the voice... but nothing had happened when I got up, so I put the memory away and concentrated on my book.

I clicked on a news article about emailing santa... and I eventually ended up here. Rather interesting actually, it's about Buy Nothing Day (BND), and at first I thought it was stupid... it can't really do much for the economy. But then I realized it's just symbolic. To raise awareness. So I fully support it... not that BND isn't like any other day for me... I rarely go shopping.

that's all folks!

Thursday Nov 28, 2002 (4:18pm)
Thanksgiving was ok. My Aunt and Uncle were there, and my Granny was nice enough to give up her own bed so that I didn't have to... I hate the cot in the living room.

Unfortunately I'm at my granny's house, and the computer they have here has some really bad problems... I can't even get to the angelfire web site!!! Nevermind sign-in... which I doubt I could do anyway. I got in later... finally!

I can't wait till I get another puter... then I can give them my old one... it has some quirks but at least it works right.

I can't even update Windows on this stupid thing!!! Why? Cause I get the blue screen of death whenever I try!!! I go to the update website and bam! blue hits me in the face... (sigh)

On the good side granny always makes good food, so it was a yummy thanksgiving, and I didn't have to put up with Kim's relatives... (Kim is my sister-in-law... mom has thanksgiving with them... I say if they basically ignore us then I'll return the favor. Forget them. And they do basically ignore us. They make plans without us, pretend we don't exist... basically it just pisses me off. I don't particularly like them anyway, but they don't have to ignore us!!! *sigh* Oh, I'm in an aside again... grrrr... )

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving... and better families than I.

I remembered something after I finished the first entry. Yesterday my mom dropped by and picked me up to help her pick out something at Target for Kim's birthday. Oh, and mom came by this evening and said she'd liked it... anyway, while we were there I found Lush Lilac by Calgon!!!! Just one of those body spray things... thing is I love this scent!!! And I haven't been able to find it... :-(   In fact I think they stopped making it. :-S

Anyway, I have some! And it's a big bottle! And I also got three other scents with it... one I've tried before and didn't particularly like but another of them is pretty good smelling so I'll probably end up using it... Sparkling Raspberry. The pear one sort've let me down... I expected it to smell differently. :-S

Anyway, it may seem like something small to you, but I've been searching for Lush Lilac for... months... maybe as long as a year... I really love that scent. So it's great I found it.

Your odd tayla.

Nov 25, '02 (10:48pm)
I'm going to die. My test is Wednesday and I haven't even read one chapter... (eep!). Which means I have to finish reading everything tomorrow... no computer time for me tomorrow. I might not even get to sleep. I might have to keep drinking caffeine and stay up all night studying... but I will get everything read! (I hope.)

And then come finals... will someone please invent the time freeze ray already? I'm not ready! I'm not ready! I'm not ready!!!

Which means I guess that I shall die upon my own studying... (yes, studying was inserted for the word sword... after all the pen is mighter than the... studying... urm, ok, that one doesn't work too well... and does it mean that an excuse could get me out of sword and tests? oooh... thoughts, thoughts... many multi-colored thoughts... oh wait, they're leaving, nooooo don't go!!!! ((cries)) now how do I get out of this stupid aside thingamajig? You know... I started a ( earlier... uhoh, better close this one ) there... scared myself. In one and not all is lost, in two and... well... it just gets harder and harder the farther you go down that road... ack I need to end it!) There. (btw this was stolen rather blatently from another blog I read the other day... I don't remember which one... not the sword~studying thing... that's all from my brain... just the () thing.... and I'm in another one... ((sigh))... ) There.

And now I need another paragraph... that other one was getting much too long. Anyway, as I was saying, I guess I'll have to just do the best I can... I liked the way I said it before. It was more creative and entertaining... but maybe confusing as well. (considers this) Ah well, certainly interesting is better than understandable!!! Are you with me??? (imagining a crowd of people yelling, "YES!!!") Good then!!!!

And now I have nothing to say. (blink)
Oh! TYI is up and running again... but now I have no time for it!!! (sigh/whimper) Anyway, enough whining. I think I'm going to go enjoy my last few minutes, or hour or two of enjoyment for the next week or so... by reading some more of my current Honor Harrington book... urm, In Enemy Hands I'm on now... two more books to go and then I guess I'll be ready for the next book... hope it's out! (knock on wood)

Pray/Meditate/Hope for me.

Nov 24, '02 (11:54pm)
Test coming up... and whaddya know? I get a headache. *sigh* Pretty bad one, too... I napped most of the evening. Caffeine helped, but whenever I got up and walked around the headache came back full force. Annoying. Of course, I could've spent the time studying, but did I? Of course not.

I'm currently rereading the Honor Harrington series by David Weber... wonder if the next book is out yet. I know another book I've been waiting for is out... Third in a trilogy by Elizabeth Haydon. Just haven't gotten to Borders to buy it yet. I'd sort've like to reread the first and second book first, though... besides, I'm afraid that if I buy it I won't be able to put it down and I have finals coming up.

I was so sure I updated this more recently than that last entry, but either angelfire didn't accept the update or I don't know... maybe I dreamed adding it. *shrugs* Anyway, I can think of nothing else to report on, and my headache has decided to interfere so I'll cut this short.


Nov 19, '02 (10:57pm)
Things seem to have returned to normal btwn dragonfly and me... though they're still shaky at tyi. I'm all worried that I'm ruining things for everyone else, and how do I know when I'm posting too much or crossing the line?

*sigh, shakes head* Nothing in my universe is quite right lately. On the school front I have tests coming up and I should be studying... but predictably, I'm not. I'm going to have to make myself though. These are finals, and I have 2 comprehensive tests... or maybe just one... since I made straight As I might be able to bow out of one of the comprehensive tests since it takes place of your lowest test grade... but that's an easy class.

Oh! In the good news category I walked a mile in 18 minutes and 51 seconds today!!!! Yay me!!! *dances a jig* Now if I can just keep that up so I can do good on final test. :-)

You see, I have to beat my time of 20 minutes and 10 or so seconds. So I've been working my butt off so when I take the test my leg won't start paining me, and I won't have to finish the test on a leg that really really hurts... That's what happened last test. Not fun, but I passed the test.

In Nanowrimo news I've practically given up on my novel... now I'm not totally forsaking it but I really don't have the time right now, and I can't work like this... Sometimes I'm inspired on my nano novel, sometimes on other stories... yes, I have multiple stories. I don't write on any one of them consistently but I have... over 20. Some of them suck, some are ok, but I write on whichever one I feel inspired to write... So if I don't feel inspired on one I go to another and boom... my muse hits me over the head. So sticking to one story is hard for me... and I don't write every day either. I'm just not serious enough or disciplined enough for Nanowrimo.

Ok, besides all that stuff... there's not much to say. That's my life right now in a nutshell.
Peace Out,

Nov 16, '02 (5:42pm)
Well after I wrote that I had a nice normal talk with dragonfly. Funny.

Nov 14, '02 (7:53pm)
Things have been weird lately.
First I predictably blew up when an old member quit tyi. I sent her a really rude email out of anger... something about how I expected her to have at least have said goodbye... and then I went a bit overboard and said I couldn't forgive her for it. 8-S um, ok... Well I was angry.

So I'm brooding over this for two days... I can't study because I start thinking about the things she accused me of, are they true? What if they are?
I can't believe how hurtful her letter was... finally I decide I need to talk it out... so I fwd the email and her response to a friend, dragonfly.

Well dragonfly didn't take my side. I mean, I expected her to be truthful... but to summarize what she said: "You were really mean, you deserved the response you got." Point blank, and that was it.

Meanwhile I'm sitting here stunned... I mean, I expected her to tell the truth... but the way she said it she sounded angry at me. Then she starts explaining the member's feelings to me. Ok, so now I understand... but I also know something else. Now dragonfly is angry at me, and I have no clue why.

Maybe it's cuz I brought her into the whole mess... but I didn't expect her to mediate, all I wanted was her honest opinion and maybe a bit of comfort... such as "No, elf, you haven't totally ruined tyi."

So what do I get out of the whole thing? Well, now I understand why the member left, and now I have a friend who's mad at me. Yes, life is peachy. I can't even speak to her normally now. I mean, I try... but she's different. She doesn't laugh anymore, and she just seems annoyed at having to talk to me. (stops to blink back tears)

So from now on if I have a problem I'll tell it here or in my paper diary... after all I don't want my friends mad at me... I have very few of them as it is... and they're my only social contact... So unless I want to go insane... well, some would say I already am, hehe.

Anyway, that's been my last couple of days. Oh, I did finally get reassurance that I didn't ruin tyi... wasn't from dragonfly tho. It was from talia. And another friend helped to cheer me up after Sharroll upset me. Plus after all of that I had two tests and I had real trouble studying... I'm afraid I flunked my bio test... computer? I'm not so worried about that.

Yep, everything's just peachy with me...

Nov 8, '02 (8:28pm)
Odd thing... this morning I said "laugh out loud" while talking to my mom.... ::shocked look:: Ok, maybe I need to cut back a little on the net... you think?

Other than that not much happened... to talk about anyway. Exercising just wore me out... :-\
I couldn't seem to study... I'm tired... see? Nothing you want to know about. Now move on.

found a good quote... (9:00pm)
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a
necessary ingredient in living, its a way of looking at life
through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do,
and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.
-Dr. Seuss

What Drug are You?

Nov 6, '02 (8:17pm)
I had a good day today. :-)
No tests, always a plus. I actually did work without being rushed about it. I'm anticipating an end of semester panic attack. Another test coming up, but I'm trying not to think of it quite yet.

Why else was it a good day?
I got a new pair of shoes which I needed, a new shirt which I love, and is soft and warm... much needed things with winter coming. Mom let me buy sugar. We went out to eat at Long John Silver's... it's been so long since I've been out to eat!!!!

All small things, yes, but did I mention I was poor?
Did I also mention that I'm rather poor?

And now I'm watching Birds of Prey... I'm so happy about that! I missed it last time. :-( I was on channel 5 and when the West Wing came on I said, "ooh! perfect!" but I forgot about Birds of Prey. :-S

And now I'm here sharing my day with you. :-D
All in all, a good day.


Oct 30, 2002 (9:28pm)
Happy Halloween!!!
I wanted to be an elf... I wanted at least the ears. I found an online store that sells them. One pair for 12 bucks tho... that's a little pricey. I mean, it's just plastic! Besides, I'm sure I could find them cheaper somewhere else. So I guess next year I'll be ready for halloween, hehe.

Stayed home to give out candy... had a terrible headache. I only ate two pieces of candy, hehe. Nope, I didn't gorge myself. Watched CSI & Without a Trace.

I should've been reading my history book! Bad bad tayla! ;-)
I did read most of the chapter though. I have it planned so that I read one chapter each day this weekend. So I'll be ready for the test on Tue! Yay!

Plus NanoWrimo starts... eek! I'll be posting what I write as I write it... I don't have the page up yet, but it's not Nov. 1 yet... almost, though. My life is certainly about to get rather interesting. Stupid sleep! It takes up so much time... :'(
Time I could be using to study or write... how in hell am I going to do all this stuff at the same time???


Oct 27, 2002 (4:27pm)
I've been spending a lot of time online working on this site... procrastinating, really. I have a quiz due today in my computer class... I think I'm going to have to cheat on it. I forgot all about it.

I also have a psychology & history test coming up... and I haven't read for either of them. So I'm in major trouble, here. Will I make it out victorious? To find out, tune in next week when Tayla finally goes nuts from school, net, and the latest addition, nanowrimo.
Thank you, and have a good day,

Oct 22, 2002 (7:16pm)
Had another biology test yesterday... ouch. Also got back results on my Biology Lab test... a practical it's called.... hrm. I got an 88. I wish I'd done better... but I guess that's good enough... :-\

Another test coming up, so if ur wondering why I haven't been spending as much time on... darn! A name almost came to me. :-( A name for the site that is. Ah well, it'll come... I might not like it though... then again it might be perfect... after all my brain came up with it! ;-)

No one's sent in suggestions for the site name... so maybe I'll end up naming it myself anyway. I didn't want anyone elses stuff here anyway! :-P ;-)

Ok, back to watching Gilmore Girls! :-)

Oct 9, 2002 (1:41pm)
And the results are in!
Grade-wise anyway... I haven't heard back from the beauty contest yet... ;-)
Yes, I am in a good mood... think that's an indicator? Nah... hehe.

Ok, and the results are:
Biology: C     Booo!!!!!
History: B     Hmmm...
Computer: A     yay!
Psychology: A     Yay!!!

so overall I am happy :-)

Sept 26, 2002 (1:30am)
Took my Biology test on Monday, and I don't think I did very well... I won't find out tho until next Monday... the suspense!

Took Psychology test this morning... easy. It was all matching. I even remembered the extra credit... which was to print out a page about one of the psychologists that's found online... anything, and just one page. That's right. Go to search engine, input name, pick any page, print pgs 1 of 1. Done. And that was for 5 points. *flabbergasted*

Compared to Monday everything seemed to go pretty smoothly. I'm still behind in History, unfortunately... and that test is coming up, too. I still have time, knock on wood. I shouldn't say that, I should set my goal to be ready for the test by next Wednesday... the day of the seminar, and then I'd have a chance to actually be caught up by the Monday after that!!!!

My TV tribulations have begun... they always do with the premieres. For example: Buffy or Gilmore Girls? Haunted or Smallville? All four of those are great... and they all have their good points.

For premiere night I recorded one channel and watched the other... but I don't want to do that every Tue. I didn't like the new Twilight Zone. I taped the West Wing, so I'll probly end up watching Enterprise and West Wing on Wed. Thur? I don't know... what's going to be on? hehe.

Who knows... maybe I'll be able to limit my tv viewing during the week to Tue & Wed!!! HA!!! Now THAT would be a miracle!

Anyone know the number for TV Addicts R Us?

Sept 20, 2002 (4:21pm)
Tests haven't happened yet. And no, I didn't lock away the computer. I went and exercised today... and I felt great afterwards, and all because I found my walkman... that music really kept me walking, and helped my spirits. No bored tayla this time!!!

Anyway, mom thinks I'm going with her this evening... so I guess I am. *sigh* Really I'd rather stay here... considering it. Here I might be able to get more studying done... but then again I might just end up on the net all evening and watching tv. :-\ Hm.

TYI is moving again! Not exactly up and running... but certainly acquiring a bit of a walk... :-) I actually had story posts to read today!!! yay!

I have so much to read.
TTYL, tayla

Sept 14, 2002 (11:00pm)
My first tests are coming up. I should be studying, but am I? Of course not. Tomorrow, I will... and some emergency studying on Tuesday... but that's about it. I wish I could lock away the computer... a horrific idea, I know, but I wish I could sometimes. That way I would have no access to it, and could not be tempted to get online. Maybe I can have my mom hide the cord which connects the computer to the phone... it's an idea. Yet the idea of not being able to connect... scary.

Tag You're It has been pretty non-moving lately. And then today whammo! it got hacked. Lovely, huh? Hilarious really... we recently started a story on hackers, hehe. Circles of Silence

Well, other things to work on, ttyl.

Aug 27, 2002 (11:34pm)
And school once again has started in it's never-ending cycle...

One problem: I haven't received my books yet. I got great prices for them at but here's a tip: if you're going to use, make sure you order your books early!!! I suggest five days in advance.

Oh, I lied, another problem, hehe. Teacher gave us an assignment to read pages in the book... not having one, I opted for going to the Lib to read the one he said they held there... They didn't have it. So I'm up a creek... without a you-know-what. *sigh* Luckily the assignment we were supposed to do and turn in tomorrow won't totally wreck my grade, hehe. You do seven, and he counts top five. So I have six more to do... and I can't mess up on another one!

Ok, I think that's it for problems... oh, I had to change a course.... and now I have to find the books for the new one. Plus I can't return the books for the old one... or cancel them... *sigh* *shakes head*

ah well, everything will work out... I have faith.

Aug 11, 2002 (2:30am)
Well, I've finished the course. Quick, huh? Well, it was a summer course. I hope I'm finished, anyway... I may have to retake a test if I didn't do well on it... but I'm hoping. So far I'm pretty confident I'll at least make a B... more likely an A. :-)

I still haven't signed up for the fall semester though, and I keep putting it off, even after I went to the trouble of getting the magazine and putting little paper tabs at all the sections that were interesting or necessary. *sigh* Well, it's too late to sign up tonight, and I'll have to wait till Monday. Let's just hope not all of the good classes or the classes I need are gone, shall we?


July 29, 2002 (4:11pm)
I made a 91!!!! *does a little dance*

July 20, 2002 (10:20am)
    Took my first Test on Thursday... *bites lip* I'm not sure how I did. Have to wait till Monday to find out. *sigh* I'll clue you in when I know.

July 11, 2002 (12:02pm)
    Well I started school, and am now being immersed in le francais. You might start to see these entries peppered with french, but I will always give an english translation, of course. :) So far class goes well... I don't know some of what they do (which I was really afraid of) but I'm pretty much on the same level... I spent yesterday afternoon studying like a maniac, trying to cram my brain full of all the french it could carry, but I know that won't do it.
    So this weekend I will have to study... :-( But I'll allow myself to do more than that!!! :-) Maybe I'll see a movie... hehe.

Hope everyone's doing ok... that last entry was so off the wall that I'm leaving it there below for now... :-)
TTYL, Tayla

July 8, 2002 (12:36am)
    It's been awhile... (does this bring music to anyone elses mind? I love that song... anyway, back to business. ;-) ) Right now I'm just dreading the days till I have to go back to school. I don't feel prepared, and I know I should be studying in preparation, but my pattern has been established and I am hopelessly lost within it.

    Patterns. There's a poem there somewhere... heh, that's what poetry is all about after all, and that's what life is as well. Patterns. Patterns of behavior, patterns of sound and song. Patterns in the sand, Patterns in the universe, Patterns on the tips of my fingers, and in a snowflake's shape. Rhythm is merely a pattern, and our thoughts follow their own pattern, painstakingly crafted by experience. We're told as a baby, "Don't touch that, it's hot," and being the good children that we are, we never touch anything hot again. We grow cold, with brief flickers of warmth to light up our lives, and make us realize how cold we are.

    But I digress, hehe. I certainly am in a mood tonight. Whether it is good or bad is questionable... it's conducive to writing, but is it healthy? It doesn't matter.
    I know why I'm like this, but it will be ok, I'll go to school and I'll have actual contact with people! and then I'll be back to normal.

I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July!!!!

    I got to see the fireworks, and it was a nice evening, we even had a pre-show, strictly amateur hour, but they had a few of the professional firecrackers... and two of them went off a little too close to the ground for comfort... but I was on the other side of the river. :) All in all, it was a nice night. I hope everyone elses was just as nice... or better! :-) Tayla over and out.

June 26, 2002 (3:55pm)
    I would have added another update here sooner, except I've been at my Dad's. I got there and then sort've got stuck there. It seemed that to get ready to leave and actually go back home would take too much effort, so I just stayed. It finally got annoying enough for me to make the effort, tho.
    On the good side I got to see A Beautiful Mind while I was there. I'm definitely buying that movie. Loved it. TTYL.

June 6, 2002 (4:58pm)
    Well, I was going to start Intermediate French on the third, but I attended one class and discovered that apparently I was supposed to know this whole list of verbs... most of which I had either forgotten or never known.
    So now I'll be going to Beginner's French II during Summer II, so that the next time I try I'll be better prepared. I haven't been doing much, I did write a poem yesterday, though. But I don't have any serious stories in the works.
    Oh, I did write a really great short story... it was a while ago, though. I finished it for journal points, hehe, but it's great anyway. I haven't gotten around to posting it yet, I'm deliberating whether I should. I hate putting my work out here like this for anyone to steal.

I hope everyone else is having a great summer! Tayla

May 16, 2002 (6:33pm)
    Finals are over, thank God! I've been hesitant about looking at my grades though. I think I'll do that now. So I don't have to rewrite this entry after I check. :) *Bites lip* eeek! ok, about to look. hehehehe. I really am worried. Ok, no Ds. Two Cs, a B and an A. Darn it. I would have rather had Two Bs, a C and an A. Ah well. *sigh* Uck, and I wanted my GPA to go a little higher than that. Ah well. Can't have everything.
    Life out of school is pretty boring... yet life in school is way too hectic. In a way I like school. I like learning, and the challenge to my brain. You know, making me think. But some classes just want you to regurgitate everything. Annoying. Well, while I'm there I guess I'll go ahead and sign up for my summer classes. :-( I'll ttyl later.

May 7, 2002 (7:59pm)
    Finals week, oh joy. (Note use of sarcasm.) On a positive note I finally got to read the fourth Harry Potter book!!! I read it in 48 hours, stayed up nights, and it was really, really good. :o( But now I wish I had it to read over again. Oh sure I could read it again, but would it be the same? Of course not.
    Actually what I truly want to do is read all four of them again, beginning with the first, except I don't own the first book!!! :-/ I borrowed it from a friend, from alex. She's the one who got me hooked on Harry Potter. I'm reading a book right now, though. The Nephilim Seed by James Scott Bell. It's interesting, but I can be very fickle. Thursday is my last Final! yay! Ok, ttyl.

Mar 31, 2002 (9:14pm)
    No books lately, except the few I picked up for a paper I need to do. Already halfway through this semester of school, I can't even believe it. Papers will be due soon, I really need to work on them... I'll get them done. At least they're small papers, not huge ones. I'm spending a lot of time online, because I want to not miss friends I speak to on a regular basis. I think I'm going to have to start sending emails instead of talking to them in IMs... because of all these papers. I'll definitely miss our nightly canasta games though. TTYL.

Mar 18, 2002 (8:09pm)
    I'm on to another book already. Memoirs of a Geisha. As for my life lately, I haven't been studying and I have a test tomorrow. So why am I online? *shrugs* Too nervous, need to calm down. Plus evening tv is on. :) Also I'm waiting for someone to get online. Someone by the name of Queen or Sharroll, or even her mom!!!
Ok, maybe I should go study now. TTYL.

Thur, Mar 7, '02 (12:01am)
    Finished the last book I was reading and am on to another book by the same author... yeah I liked him that much. :) This one is The Magic of Recluce and so far I LOVE it! In fact I like it even better than The Soprano Sorceress because I can identify better with the character. Leriss has no more idea of where he's going than I do, and I can identify with that, as well as with his questioning nature of always wanting to know more. Unfortunately I have long since satisfied myself with the fact that no human knows the answers, and I know that any answers I find I must find on my own, within myself.
    It's very interesting because their whole religion and magic is based upon Order and Chaos. Which are just other names for Good and Bad, are they not? The author has some very interesting takes on order and chaos, and so far I've found the book very hard to put down. I recommend it for any who like fantasy and who've ever been in the same predicament.
    Ok, enough stalling, my life. I got another C in History. :( At least it wasn't lower than that, and I thought I actually did better! *sigh* Physics and History. You think you did better and you did worse. You think you know it, and the question isn't clear enough so you have to guess. It sucks. On the Bright Side, it's SPRING BREAK!!!! *dances* Yes! So the website will probably get some more work done. I have a Sociology test to study for, though. The new look is really coming along, and it's looking better every day. :)
    For my birthday Granny got me a new pair of jeans and a shirt, both of which I'm happy to get. Ok, I know a lot of ppl, esply teenagers don't like to get clothes for gifts, but believe it or not my Granny knows my basic likes clothes-wise pretty well, and girls always like clothes. :) She also gave me some other stuff, such as a White Diamonds gift set, but the scent smells like something an older woman would wear to me. I'm not sure if I'll use it or not. Then for Dinner we went to Chili's which being poor is a rarity for me. Oh sure, you middle class ppl think Chili's is an everyday thing! Little do you know... Then a trip to Half Price Books, hurrah!, where I picked up the book above that I championed so heartily.
Well, I better get to bed... and my book. :) L8R.

Fri, Mar 1, '02 (11:14pm)
    I got well after a little while, and now I'm sort've anticipating my birthday... And sorta not.
    One friend already has it in her mind to do something to surprise me... but I have a bad feeling it'll come out all wrong. My last B-day with her wasn't much fun, and I had a feeling of dejavu when I last talked to her.
    As for school, I'm not studying enough... Even though I keep telling myself sternly that I must. Instead I'm reading L.E. Modesitt Jr.'s The Soprano Sorceress. It's good... but it's not what I should be doing. Uhoh, mom alert.

Sun, Feb 10, '02 (11:36am)
    Sick... and I have two tests on Tuesday. So even though I really didn't have the time I spent Sat watching tv... and today I really have to study... *sigh* *cough* It's sinus drainage I'm pretty sure... which means a runny nose, pressure in the sinuses, phlegm (ewww... but yes), and an ear that's stopped up so that it feels as if there's a ball of cotton inside of it. Actually it's a little better now... still sorta stopped up tho. *cough* I'll try to get better soon... I don't think this stuff is going to help me on my tests. :o( -later.

Thur, Jan 23, '02 (1:35pm)
    I'm trying to redo this page right now. I don't like how it looks anymore. Picky, picky, picky, I know. I'm in school right now, in a classroom. Obviously with computers and net access, hehe. :) It's starting pretty slow, so far all we've learned is stuff I know... but that's only in the first three classes. (Not including the first day which doesn't really count.)
    I've been pretty bored lately, and I haven't been studying. I have to start studying. It's only the second week of classes, but still... If I begin with good study habits maybe they'll stick. :) Well, I can hope, can't I? A new story will be starting soon at TYI, and I'm happy, but I won't really be participating much in that one. I'm already working on five... Plus Queen suggested letting the newbies have a chance at this one, and I concur. C4, one of said newbies, will be starting it, and I hope he's good... gtg. ttyl.

Wed, Jan 16, '02 (2:38pm)
    My first day of school wasn't too bad. I applied for that job today, though the secretary didn't seem to want to inspire hope that I would get it. :( If I do, I do, and if I don't, I don't... I'll live. ttyl.

Tue, Jan 8, '02 (6:26pm)
    Well, school starts soon, and luckily I finished signing up yesterday. Not everyone will still be with us unfortunately... I'm in this honors course and we have the same ppl in it for two years... a program of sorts. Anyway, I have a friend whose not going to do it this semester. :( I'll miss her, but at least another friend will be there. I was afraid I was going to be totally alone there. I'm sort've relieved that school is starting again, but then again I like the way it's been without anything to do, too. It just gets a little boring sometimes. I wish I could take some of that time and balance it with some of the work I'm going to have to do this semester. *sigh* Couldn't get a internet course, they're all full, of course. Well, as the saying goes, if you snooze you lose.
    My schedule is pretty full, five classes in one day, no break in btwn. Sucks, but it's the only way I could get the classes I want all on two days. So I'll have to take snacks and try to survive that way. Then... On the other two days I now have free I'm going to have to get a job... I'm definitely addicted to tv, so either I'll have to tape, or just forget whatever I miss. :) I really do need to get a job, though. Already have prospects in mind, so will tell you if I get one. Ok, better go enjoy my freedom while I have it. ttyl.

Fri, Jan 4, '02 (9:15pm)
    Hope everyone had a Happy New Years! I spent mine writing and working on this webpage, hehe. I also find myself posting a lot at TYI, and doing stuff I usually don't, such as talking to other club members, and getting involved with the founder in club decisions. :) Saw my Cousin Robbie and his wife today. They dropped by to give Grandma some things she left in their car on the way over. Nice to see them, but it was only for a few minutes, didn't really feel like a real visit. Guess I should've stayed and talked to them but I was chatting with the founder... so I went back to the computer. I don't really feel as if it was a lost opportunity though cause we rarely see them and what will fifteen or thirty minutes matter when we haven't seen someone for years? OK, ciao bambinos.

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