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      The game "Lunar Lander" is available on my site: in the game section.


  Mission Summary

  Lunar Modules

  Saturn V Rocket

  The Route

  The Trip There


  The Trip Back

  The Moon





Apollo 11

          Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to the moon.  The mission of this project was simply to land astronauts on the moon and bring them back safely.  The mission was launched because President Kennedy said in his speech on May 25/ 1961 that the United States was falling behind in space exploration after the Soviets sent the first people into space.   Kennedy challenged the US to send people to the moon within a decade.  Although Kennedy was assassinated before he got to see the Apollo 11, this did not stop the Americans from continuing the mission. 

    -Its one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind...



Website Created by Christopher Yuen as a school project.  January, 2003.  Jessie Wowk Elementary School, Richmond, B.C. Canada  Last Updated On October 29th, 03

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