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July 12-16: NSS Convention, Marquette,
MI. Get more info at or contact Jean
Devries 616-560-7955.

Sept 2-6: (Labor Day Weekend):
Old-Timers Reunion (OTR) Dailey,
WV. See OTR Web site for info.

Last weekend in Sept. 2004: Fall
VAR, hosted by Mon grotto. Site
to be announced.

July 4-8, 2005: 2005 NSS Convention,
Huntsville, AL. Hosted by the Huntsville
Grotto. Be on the lookout for the
2005 Convention website coming soon!

The History of the Virginia Region, Part II: 1971-2000
by Meredith Hall Johnson

The History of the Virginia Region, Part II: 1971-2000 is about to go to the printer.

It's been about 14 years in the making, 3 editors, and lots of begging for material, but now it's nearly ready.

Pre-Print Price=$15 + $5 for mailing each book.

This price will be good for all checks postmarked by June 30, 2004.  After that the price goes up.  Regular Price=$20 + $5 for mailing each book Vendor Price=$15 + $5 for mailing each book (This price is good for whenever you buy.)

Please make your check out to Meredith Johnson. My mailing address is:

8061 Kittiwake Court
Springfield, VA 22153

We will print 250 books so they will go fast. Order your pre-print priced copy NOW. Don’t forget that the holidays are just around the corner (well, sort of…)—buy extras as gifts! All profits will go to cave conservation.

IF you can pick up your book in person, either at a grotto meeting or a survey weekend or Convention/OTR/VAR, then you can save the mailing cost, but you have to work this out with either me or Mary Sue, whoever is more likely to run into you.  We have no problem with delivering if we’re going to be there anyhow.  We hope to have the books back from the printer before we leave for Convention in July. Keep your fingers crossed!

That's all folks till next time.  Cave softly!


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