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A.D.D. is More Common in Red-Headed Boys

(Party's Bar.  Vivi's desire for alcohol has put Nami in the hands of Sanji.  Luffy has just confronted Shanks with his attention deficit problem.)

Nami (screams from the kitchen):  Leave me alone!

Luffy:  Shanks?  Did you hear me? 

Shanks: I always pay attention to you.  (attempts to distract Luffy.)  Let's have some juice.

Luffy (pouting): I'm not a little kid anymore and you're avoiding the question.  So if you were paying attention, what did I say then?

Shanks (nervously): Haha.  Of course you're not a little kid at all.  Makino, could you see if Sanji could whip up some food for Luffy?

Makino (pulls blue curacao, light rum, and a bottle of gin off the shelves to make the Mindmeld): Who's paying, Red?

Shanks:  Makino…I told you to call me 'Captain.'

Makino (pours 1 part each of the rum and gin, plus 2 parts of the blue curacao): And maybe I would if for only one thing.  You and your crew stiffed me about a thousand berii last time you were in here.  You may have told Luffy it was your last night in town, but you conveniently forgot to tell me.

Shanks: Er - I -

Luffy: Hahahahaha!

Makino (getting really angry and turning to Luffy): Not to mention that someone owes me for a House Special.

Luffy: You remembered that?

Makino (mixes it all together in a cocktail shaker filled with crushed ice and pours it into the glass): A bar wench has a long memory.  Vivi, drink's up!

(Vivi comes out of the kitchen to claim her drink.  She sits down and luxuriates in the basking blue glow of the shot (the exact same shade of her hair), before downing it in one.)

Vivi:  Whew!  That's good.  Is there something I can do to get another one?

Makino:  How about getting those two cheapskates to pay up?

(Vivi breaks out her little strings, gets a diabolic grin on her face and turns to Shanks and Luffy.  Shanks and Luffy take a step back.)

Vivi:  How much do they owe you?

Shanks:  Let's not be hasty…

Trailer: Will Ben help Shanks and Luffy escape Vivi, Makino's new bouncer?  Where are Zoro and Usopp?   Will this fic get a plot?  Does anyone care?


Terms Explained
The title - it's true.  Especially if they have blue eyes.