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Poppy Stairs

(Party's Bar.  The author has sent many of the characters into a magical sleep so that the author doesn't have to write their dialogue anymore.)

Ben:  Because the author is lazy.

(The author has managed to keep anything from happening and has yet to reach the level of pervertedness evident in the original episodes.)

Shanks:  Losing her touch in her old age.

(The spamfic is growing painful to write.)

Makino:  And read.

O.Z. Girl: And be in!

(But the author has had an epiphany - )

Shanks:  What's that?

(Much to the chagrin of the characters.  They will rue THIS epiphany! Bwahahahahahahahaha.)

Ben:  Yet another random comment in the Smut Garden.

O.Z. Girl (looks at her watch impatiently): Where the hell is he?  That stupid chef was supposed to bring him down here ages ago.

Shanks:  Maybe they're making up from the third episode.

O.Z. Girl: What?  The Smut Garden has yaoi?

Ben (snorts): Yeah.  Where have you been?

(Instead of recoiling in horror and terror, the O.Z. Girl gets a huge grin.) 

O.Z. Girl: Alright!  Be back later!  (She dashes upstairs.  A few seconds later there is a cry of surprise and she falls to the foot of the stairs, landing on her butt.)  That cook is asleep on the stairs!  And I tripped over him!

Makino:  That must have been hard to do.  It'd be like tripping over a toothpick.

O.Z. Girl: How the heck did he fall asleep on the stairs?

Ben:  Maybe the author planted some of those poppies from the Wizard of Oz and he fell asleep.

O.Z. Girl: Are you mocking me?

Ben:  Dear, if I were mocking you, I'd mention something about werewolves and Buffy.

O.Z. Girl: Oh, so long as I know where you're coming from.  (resumes ranting) He didn't even make it to Zoro!  My life's goal is still unreached!

Shanks:  Join the frickin' crowd.

O.Z. Girl: Oh yeah?  What's your life goal?

Makino:  Like all pirates, he aims for One Piece.

Ben (rolling his eyes): I wish.

Shanks: Nothing as complicated as that. (smirks)  I aim to get some.

O.Z. Girl: Is that the epiphany that the author was alluding too?

(Suddenly, an anvil falls out of hammerspace, narrowly missing O.Z. Girl.)

O.Z. Girl: Holy crud that was close!

(Another anvil falls, this time landing on her toes.  She screams in pain and hops backwards, tripping over Usopp's prone and unconscious body.  She lands on a futon and falls asleep instantly.)

Ben:  Weird.

Shanks:  The author has gone crazy.

Trailer: Has the author gone crazy?  What is the mysterious epiphany that the author alluded to?  Will we ever find out?  More importantly, will we ever care?


Terms Explained:
At this point, the author was indeed crazy.  Crazier than usual that is.  No more strawberry Fran and Kahlua Cokes.  Bad combo.