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Muffle, Scuffle, I.Q. Hustle

(Party's Bar.  Shanks, Ben, and Makino are the only characters still awake.)

Vivi: (struggles in her strings)

Makino (translating): She said she'd like to be untied now.

[Tough patootie.]

Ben:  So are we going to fall asleep this episode?

Shanks:  We can only hope.

Makino:  I can't sleep while there are customers in the bar.  That's Mr. Party's rules.

Shanks:  We've never met Mr. Party.

Makino (ominously): You don't want to.

Ben:  Yeah.  We were here in this village all that time and we never met him. 

Makino:  He lets me be independent - in his way. (begins to work herself up)  But soon, so soon, I will have the deed to Party's Bar and I will be an entrepreneur!  I will achieve my life dream!  I AM THE WOMAN WHO'S GOING TO BE THE ALL NIGHT ENTERTAINMENT THEME BAR QUEEN! (grins brightly and looks at them to see their reaction.)

Shanks:  Doesn't flow.

Makino (deflating): Really?

Ben:  You need to work on it.

Vivi: (muffled noises)

Makino:  I know.  I was really loud too.  You think they might wake up or twitch or something.

Vivi:  (more muffled noises)

Makino:  Magic futons?  Think so?  Mr. Party gave them to me.  And Mr. Party's very strange.

Vivi:  (muffle, muffle)

Makino:  No.  I don't trust him at all.  Plus he made me pay for damages when those damn bandits came in here.  Like it was my fault.

Vivi: (muffle, chuffle)

Makino:  Laugh it up, princess.  I'm not hog-tied.

Ben (to Shanks): Did you catch any of that?

Shanks (downs the double he was nursing): Were we supposed to?

Vivi: (muffle, sacuffle)

Makino: Sacuffle?

Ben:  Perhaps that is supposed to be a sarcastic muffle?

[Bingo!  And that's why Ben has the highest I.Q. of all the OnePiece characters!]

Makino:  He does?

Ben (smugly): Oda-sensee said so in the SBS.

Shanks (bitterly): Aren't we special?

Vivi:  (MUFFLE, muffle, epiphuffle)

Makino:  Vivi says she knows what the epiphany is and that she is an integral part to revealing it, so if we want some action in this spamfic, we have to untie her or at the very least, ungag her.

[But……if you wait just a little while longer, I'll allow you to get some sleep.]

Shanks:  Really?  I can have my long awaited beauty sleep!

[(gushing): As if you need it, Captain.]

(Shanks smirks.)

Ben (to author): Suck up.

(With that, darkness descends in the bar.)

Trailer: So what's the epiphany?  Does the author even know what epiphany means?  Isn't the foreshadowing a bit blatant?  So blatant as to not be a 'shadow' at all?  Does Vivi know what the epiphany  is, or is it a mere ploy to be untied?  Does anyone care?
