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(Party's bar.  Ben has just suggested that perhaps the author won't let certain people get their beauty sleep.)

Shanks:  She wouldn't do that, would she?  If I don't sleep, I - I - I don't know what I'll do.  I'll start looking old!  I may get a wrinkle, or even a gray hair!  I can't go gray!  Gray Beard Shanks sounds stupid!  (grabs Ben by the shoulders) Oh god!  What am I going to do!

Ben (rolls his eyes): I don't know.

(Vivi struggles in the corner.)

Shanks:  Do you think she's saying something about how I can get some sleep?  I should untie her!

Ben:  Do you want to risk it?

Shanks (frantically): For my beauty sleep, I'll risk anything!

Ben:  Even the wrath of Makino?

(To make a point, thunder rolls ominously above.)

Shanks:  I don't understand.  What point is being made?  Makino has wrath?

Ben: She told me that she stopped going to her Arsonists Anonymous meetings.

Shanks (eyes wide): That's no good.  I remember how she used to get.  We called her the Molotov Cocktail Waitress.  (muses)  Made parties fun though.  Remember that time she set the top of the bar on fire?  That was so cool.

Ben (chuckling): Or when Yassop dared her to set Lucky Roo on fire?

(They laugh heartily for an extended period of time, then fall into a brief period of silence.)

Ben:  Too bad his retinas never fully recovered.

Shanks:  It was nice of her to buy him his glasses.

(Nami strides in, butterfly net in one hand and sandwich in another.)

Ben:  No luck catching the anorexic cook?

Nami (rather loudly and overdramatically): No.  I give up.  (Nami leaps over the bar, brandishing her large butterfly net, looking for her quarry.)  He's not back here!  Damn!  If he keeps running and he doesn't eat, he'll die!  The world would be too horrible to speak of!  I wouldn't be able to live with myself!

Shanks:  I didn't know you felt that way about him, Nami-san.

Nami (oblivious): To live in a world without his onigiri…what would be the point?

Shanks (with much sarcasm): Onigiri doth sustain both the body and the soul.

Ben (whispering): Someone has a Gin complex.

Nami (turns on him rabidly): You don't know!  Until you taste the vinegar rice…until you bite into the crisp dried seaweed…

Ben (also with sarcasm): Yes, my mouth is watering already.  Why don't you take a nap on one of the futons and rid the author of another character?

Nami (muttering, but doing as he bids) Bitter old men, you don't understand.  No one understands.  You have yet to taste the sweet pleasure…(lays down on a futon and falls asleep.)

Ben (surprised): I didn't think that would actually work.

Shanks:  You know - not much has happened in this episode.

Ben:  Yeah, it's been boring.

Shanks:  I'm going to untie Vivi.

Ben:  Good idea.

(Just as they are about to loosen Vivi's strings, Makino appears, with yet another futon.)

Makino:  What do you two think you're doing? (Strange fires appear deep within her eyes.)

Trailer: Are they mad?  Do Shanks and Ben really insist on unleashing the wrath of the blue Fury?  Is Makino a threat?  More so, than say, that guy behind you?  Will this spamfic get a point?  Will it be anytime soon?


Terms Explained:
Nami is not overreacting.  Onigiri is that good.  Not to be confused with Oni-giri either.