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I Am to Become…

(Ben, Vivi, and Makino are in Party's Bar.  Ben has a lot of money for Makino and she is rewarding him with one of her drinks.)

Vivi:  Can I have one too?

Makino:  That would be a big NO.  You didn't fulfill your duties as bouncer.  I had to outsource to Ben.  No more free drinks for you.

Vivi (muttering): Not fair.

(There is a long extended pause.  Crickets begin to chirp - then the cicadas come in on the chorus.  Vivi sighs.) 

Vivi: I guess I should carry the conversation thread from the previous episode, huh?

Ben:  I'm not going to do it.

Vivi:  Right.  So where'd you get all that money, Ben?

Ben: It doesn't really matter.

Makino: (mixing drink) That's right.  It doesn't matter at all.

Vivi (suspiciously): It's not yours, is it.

Ben:  I'm a pirate - of course it's not mine.

(Luffy bursts through the door, crying, and runs upstairs in the direction of the Mysterious Bathroom.  Shanks follows in hot pursuit.)

Vivi: Well, that was random.

Ben: As is everything here.  So Makino, do you mind telling me what you're going to do with it?  You never seemed the money-hungry bitch-type at all.

Vivi: Yeah, that's Nami-san's job.

(Makino stares at the door.)

Vivi:  Er, Makino?

Makino:  Sorry, I just assumed that Nami would make a random appearance to protest the fact that you called her a money-hungry bitch. 

Vivi (innocently): Why would she protest that?

Makino (rolls her eyes): Anyway, the reason I want the money is so that I can - (clasps hands to her chest and gets starry-eyed) achieve my life's goal!

Ben:  You have a goal?

Vivi:  Other than serving wicked good drinks?

Makino (breaks out of starry-eyed mode): Of course I have a life goal!  Everyone in this series has a life goal!

Vivi: Alright, I'll bite.  What's your life goal?  (mutters) It can't be stupider than Sanji wanting to see All-Blue.

Makino:  My life goal is to buy Party's Bar!  I want to be the full owner/manager/head bar wench of this place.  That's my life goal. (beams) What do you think?

Vivi:  Do you have enough money to buy it?

Makino (glares at Ben): I would have had enough TEN YEARS AGO if SOMEONE and his FRIEND hadn't STIFFED ME.

Ben:  Don't get all caps lock on me.  I do what the Captain says, okay? Plus Lucky Roo suggested it first.  He said you deserved it

Makino:  I said I was sorry.  And I bought him those glasses.

Ben:  That really doesn't restore his vision, does it?

Makino:  Well, it doesn't matter now.  I'll make the down payment and then Party's Bar is mine! (she laughs evilly)

Vivi:  Why are you laughing like that?  Owning a bar shouldn't make you evil.

Makino:  Oh…but I have plans. (laughs evilly again)

Ben:  Anyway. (he realizes something and panic disrupts his normally stoic features) Hey, is there another way down from upstairs?

Makino: Er, no.  Why?

Ben:  Because Shanks and Luffy haven't come down yet.

Vivi:  And Zoro's up there, taking a bath.

(A look of absolute terror crosses Makino's face.)

Makino:  My bathroom…

Ben (darkly): Shanks better not be.  Especially not in your bathroom.

Makino (wails): It's my sanctuary!  My sacred bathroom!  NOOOOOOO!

Ben:  We have to stop them!

(Ben and Makino dash upstairs.  Vivi looks around and realizes that, for the first time, she is completely and utterly alone.  She grins and hops over the bar.)

Vivi (to no one in particular): Why of course I'll look after the bar for you, Makino.  You'll give me a free drink for doing it?  Great.  You're busy right now?  That's no problem.  I can help myself.

Trailer: Has Makino's sacred and pure bathroom been defiled?  How many drinks is Vivi going to have?
(Vivi grins madly, while mixing up something)
Has Nami caught Sanji?  Has Usopp caught the Camera Girl yet?  What did Makino do to Lucky Roo?  What would YOU like to drink?  Will this spamfic get a point?  Does anyone care?
