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The Question of Plumbing

(Party's Bar.  Vivi has just raised the horrible possibility that Sanji is…French!)

Sanji:  I'm not French!  I swear!

Nami (suspiciously): I've heard you speak French before.  You know quite a bit about wine, too.

Sanji:  I cook French food - that's completely different from speaking French.  And of course I know about wine - I'm a chef!

Luffy:  Or you're a French spy!

Sanji (stands up, knocking the table away.  He throws his cigarette down and stamps it out.)  That's it. I'm not taking this crap anymore.  I'm not anorexic and I'm certainly not French.  If anyone calls me French again, I will kick his (looks at Vivi and Nami) or her ass. 

Shanks (shrugs): Okay, you're not French.

Everyone:  He's not?

Sanji:  I'm not!

Shanks:  Of course, he's not.  Everyone knows that when a Frenchman is threatened he rolls over like a well-trained dog.

French People: We don't!

Shanks:  Two World Wars say you do.

(French people grumble, but cannot deny this.)

Sanji:  Whew.  I'm glad that's all sorted out.

Nami:  Well, we know you aren't French, but that doesn't mean you aren't anorexic.  So - (looks at the empty dish in one hand and the empty pie plate in the other.)  LUFFY!

(Luffy runs off and, while Nami is distracted, Sanji hides behind the bar. Makino doesn't say anything.  Then a slightly distorted but nonetheless audible song can be heard.)

Vivi:  What's that?

Makino:  It sounds like it's coming from the bathroom upstairs.

Usopp:  Party's bar has plumbing?

Shanks (surprised): You never told us that, Makino.

Luffy (in the middle of running, accusingly): You always made me go in the alley and use the wall.

Trailer: Does Party's Bar really have plumbing?  Are we quite certain that Sanji isn't French?
Sanji:  YES!
(He realizes he's given himself away and runs to find another hiding place, while Nami chases him.)
How fast can Sanji run?  Where's Ben?  Does anyone care at this point?


Terms Explained:
The thing about the French is also true.  Check any history book.