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3, 2, 1, Contact!

(Most of the way up the hill to Ohtori. Shanks, having pondered the idea of a 'having a plan' decides to attempt to make one up.)

Shanks: So, Vivi, have you been here before?

Vivi: Nope.  Would I have a reason to voluntarily come to Hell on Earth?

Shanks: You're not helping me.

Zoro (as Shanks) - with my first foray into deep thought.

Shanks (looks around at the sky, the buildings, etc.): And, yes, I am definitely ignoring you.

Usopp: If you are trying to make a plan, I'd just like to tell you that we're almost at the gates.

Shanks (falls on his knees): Agh!  The pressure is too much!  How did Ben ever cope?

Usopp: Wait a second.  I think they spotted us.

Shanks: Oh no!  What are we going to do?  (grabs Luffy by his shirt and starts shaking him) WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?

Luffy (panicking): Get ahold of yourself, Shanks.  Stop making me disillusioned!


(Scene change: Back on the Walls of Ohtori.)

SDF ROTC Student #3: Sirs!  We've made visual contact with the enemy!  You might want to see this.

(The Student Council Officers walk over to see what the big deal is.)


Usopp (peers through goggles and pulls out his slingshot): Our enemies are unversed in the ways of sniper warfare.  Their officers parade around in uniforms, making them excellent targets.  I could pick off their leader and throw the troops into disarray. 

Nami: That actually sounds feasible.  Good job, Usopp!  You contributed!

Usopp: Thanks for the back-handed praise, Nami.  There appears to be three of them.  Which one should I hit first?

Vivi: What color hair do they have?

Nami: What kind of a question is that?

Usopp: We've got red, blue, and green.

Vivi (certainly): Take out the blue haired one.

Usopp: Righty oh.

Shanks: No wait!


Trailer substitution:
(Amsterdam.  The buildings of the red light district are cooling.  Hundreds of prostitutes are in the streets because they are homeless and not for other reasons.  The members of the Arsonists Anonymous group watch as their recently hired detective, The Great Detective Conan, searches the ashes for clues to Makino's whereabouts.)

Shayla Shayla: Not fair.  I wanted Kage-man.

Sailor Mars: Yeah, well I wanted Lupin the Third.  Guess we don't get what we want.

Moderator: We want a
great detective for this job.  Not a child and his shadow or a…a…a Lupin!

Conan (clearing his throat): Excuse me.

Moderator (nervously clutches a handkerchief): Yes, Great One?

Conan: The person who set this fire appears to be headed for North America.  We need to go there immediately.

Moderator: Are you coming with us?

Conan: Of course.

Moderator: Er, will that be alright with your mother?

Conan: My mother?

Moderator: Oh, sorry, your guardian?

Conan (darkly): Do you mean my girlfriend?

Shayla Shayla (whistles): That woman likes them young.

Conan: Well, she's kinda my girlfriend.  Do I have to explain it again?  I'm a man trapped in a child's body.  While highly inconvenient at times, my small size and cute demeanor actually makes it easier to solve cases as adults are quicker to open up to a kindergartner.  And I can hide behind couches and eavesdrop too.

Hikaru (gets interested suddenly): An adult?  In a child's body? (glomps on Conan).

Conan: Get off!

Sailor Mars: You shouldn't have told her that one, Mr. Boy Detective.  She's got a thing for older men.

Hikaru (squealing): But you're just my size!

Shayla Shayla (turns to Moderator): Told you we should have gotten Kage-man.

Moderator (wringing handkerchief dramatically): Makino is doomed.


Terms Explained
Kageman rocks hard!  Behold the power of Pink Kageman!

Cast Member Introduction!

Occupation: Little kid, great detective
Goals: Specifically, to solve the case of the Missing Arsonist, but non specifically to save the world before bedtime, get his body back, and get into a good college