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'Other than what the doujinshi says?'

(The Walls of Ohtori.  Touga and Saionji have found out that Miki is a fascist.)

Miki (proudly): I know that the Student Council will do whatever it takes to defend not only this school, but the time-honored principles that led our country to greatness.

Touga (suspiciously): And those principles are?

Miki: Hard work, determination, and the exploitation of society's group mentality.

Saionji: How is that different from what Touga does now?

Miki: Touga doesn't work very hard.

Touga (smugly): When you're bishonen, you don't have to.

Miki: So now that I've explained my battle wear…(Miki does a good imitation of a pan and scan camera and eyes their chosen outfits)

Saionji: This is my family's armor.  It's an heirloom. (A decaying piece of leather falls off.  Proudly) See?

Miki: Of course. (turns to Touga) Saionji's uniform is in keeping with the principles that we are trying to defend, but your outfit…

Touga: This is what military geniuses wear!

Saionji (snickers): Touga has always been a French sympathizer.

Miki (eyes get wide): French?  Our mortal enemies during WWII!

Saionji (musing): Are the French anyone's mortal enemies? 

Touga: Of course not.  It's not like they're that hard to defeat.  You just have to look at them in a threatening way and they roll over like well-trained dogs.

(There is a very long pause as everyone considers what Touga just said.)

Miki (shivers): That was creepy.

Saionji: I know.  Déjà vu.


(Scene change: On the hill to Ohtori.)

Vivi: As we are about to engage in pitched battle with the Prince of Darkness, maybe we should come up with a plan.

Luffy (blinks): Why fix something that's broken?

Zoro (darkly): We should let the man with experience be in charge of this operation.  After all, he's the one who drug us here in the first place. (looks pointedly at Shanks)

Usopp: Yeah!  I was having fun in my drug-induced wonderland!  Then you had to go and ruin it by making us have a 'mission in life.'

Shanks (to Nami): What crawled up Zoro's butt?

Nami (diabolical look): Other than what the doujinshi says?

Shanks (quickly): It was metaphorical.

Nami: Zoro has a very long memory. 

Shanks (surprised): You aren't saying that he's still pissed about what happened in the third chapter of this spam-fic?

Nami (shrugs): He's still angry with me about what happened in the fourth volume.  He's a Scorpio; they hold grudges.  What can you do?

Luffy (ecstatic): Yeah, Shanks, why don't you come up with a plan?  I know you can do it!  You're my idol!

Shanks (thrown off-guard): Well, yes, um…

(Luffy looks at him expectantly.)

Shanks (lamely): Usually Ben does the planning and I delegate.

Luffy (glowers): Yet another instance of horrible disillusionment provided by my idol…

Shanks: You've gotten pretty sarcastic as you've gotten older, Luffy.

Luffy (innocently): OOC, I swear.

Vivi (thinking out loud): I wonder who's taking care of Party's Bar…


(Party's Bar.  F.O.Z. Girl is standing behind the counter, cleaning glasses.  She sighs loudly.)

F.O.Z. Girl: I was hoping that my bit part in this insane mess was over, but I guess not.  Well then, if I have to watch the bar, then I'm watching the bar - my way! (she pulls out her cell phone and starts dialing.)


Random Quote Analysis:
That's sad.  A woman who can't cry… - Trowa, Gundam Wing (remarking about Dorothy)

Vivi (exhales with relief): Thank God!  He's alright!
Zoro (laughs mockingly): Well, we know that you aren't sad.  You were crying quite a bit there.
Vivi (glowers): That Dorothy.  She's such a witch.
Zoro (smirks): Jealous?
Vivi (retorts): No.  But it's just like her to do something like that; not cry at the appropriate moments, thereby forcing Trowa to make a comment about it.  How inconsiderate.  She shouldn't make him break his periods of intense silence; it's rude.
Zoro (shakes his head): We've been here too long.


Terms Explained
The doujinshi says a lot.
Let me give you a piece of advice: Don't give a Scorpio a reason to hold a grudge.