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Summer 1999

Here we are. From left to right we are: Adriana, Megan, Me if you don't know by now, and then Wendy. We lived where? No not Vista Way. We lived in Courtney Place Orlando, right next to Islands of Adventure Universal Studios. Yes that is walking distance from City Walk, the Universal Bar Hopping Strips. What a fun summer this was....

I had such a blast with all of my roommates, I can't even say who I got along with better than the other. So, taking that into consideration, here they are in the order that we met.




After you have finished looking at my exciting, fun, and beautiful roommates, take a look at some other fun and exciting things we did with our Living Experience at Courtney Place in Orlando, Florida.

These were friends of Megan's that came to visit us. Wish I could remember all of their names, but I do know that the one on the left is Megan's boyfriend Scott. I wonder how they are doing now.... These guys were absolutely nutso! This is them dancing in our apartment! I have to admit though, they were such a blast. It was nice to have them around, to go to clubs and out to dinner with. Here are a few more pictures of these wild and crazy guys.

Here, to the right, we are at Islands of Adventure, Universal Studio's new theme park adventure.

This is one phenomenal Rollar Coaster Park. Let's see if Disney can match that one.



Here we are again, eating in my favorite restaraunt in Orlando, Margaritaville. You will see later down the page that we went here for my 22nd birthday party. The greatest part about this restaraunt is when the Jimmy Buffett song "VOLCANO" comes on, there is a volcano in the restaraunt that erupts and out comes MARGARITA MIX that comes flowing down into a beaker which then stirs it up. Its really amazing to watch.

Here are more of some random pictures that don't involve those guys.. JUST US GIRLS!

Here is Wendy and Adriana before getting our brave belly buttons pierced!








These pictures were taken before Wendy moved in. Unfortunately she couldn't live there long. She was with us for about 1 1/2 months, and shared a room with me. Now, she wasn't the first roommate I had. There was another. She lived with us for about.. hm. a week? Maybe, if that. She decided to move to be closer to the parks. At least, that is what she said. Remember her girls? If you girls see this page and have a picture of her, please send it! She used to work at the Emporium which is where I worked the Summer of 1997.

To learn more about my best friend in Walt Disney World, the ONE AND ONLY person who has been there for me every time I visit, the one person that still talks to me practically every day and that person who let's me stay at her place every time I go back to visit... Click here

Last but not least, these are my birthday photos. We went out and partied and got drunk. One of my best birthdays I must say. Let's get better with every year shall we? JUNE 17TH BABY!

From left to right we are: BEN!! I miss my benny boy, BECASUE! my best bud, Megan, MY ROOMIE! and me of course.

Ok, I'm not drunk. I swear. Birthdays are just fun. Ok, well A LOT of fun. From left to right, we are: Megan, me, and Beca.

Now if you remember correctly from my Summer of 1998, there was a guy named TY! Well he was back of the Summer of 99 as well in an Advanced Internship in the very same park I worked at! Wondering which one that is yet, well I suppose its about time I told you. Go to the bottom of the page and click on the banner I made for my most favorite work experience of all. But first, here is a picture of me and that terrific guy named TY.

From here you can go:


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Summer 1997

Summer 1998

Spring Break 1999

Soon to come is SPRING BREAK 2000


Drum Roll Please....