Additions to the Pile of Garbage

TC comes around once in a Cybertron Blue Moon, so she put up an updates page for those of you who don't have the fucking patience to actually traverse the whole damn site.

27 Feb 2016

Found out I can still log in to Angelfire and do some work. Found a bunch of Star Ruby's fics per the Internet Archive Wayback Machine and just had to share. I've also stopped referring to myself in the 3rd person, that's probably an even bigger shock than this place being updated.

10 Feb 2008

Hello there! It's a small one but a goody. TC has found what she believes is the worst all-time fic in Transfandom. Got the guts, tough guy? go have a look.

And not long after she did this, she fixed some broken links in the Blinky shrine. Late Christmas miracle, no?

11 July 2007

Most of the updates are rather subtle. Nothing new has been added but color schemes for some of the pages are not as...clashing. Lot of the font sizes been decreased as well.

1 July 2007

It's been HOW LONG?? Oh, this poor, neglected place!

Well, TC has done a bit of repair work, mainly fixing some broken links and getting rid of all references to her Lycos email addy since it's been dead for over two years. (boo!)

Least importantly, the Bad Fic Salute has been taken down for a total re-vamp, the number of dead links was just a bit too much. When will it be back up? Unknown. Deal with it.

In case anyone cares, here are the updates prior to this one.

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