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Methos Quotes
Highlander Pictures
"Through a Glass Darkly"
Methos: She loved Greece, Santorini especially.
Duncan: Well, she would never have seen it if you hadn't taken her.
Methos: I think she might have liked to have been buried there, but I didn't want her to be so far away.
Duncan: Come on. I'll drive you home.
Methos: You know, I knew Alexa was dying, every moment we were together, everywhere we went, I knew, and yet when she finally closed her eyes, I was surprised.
Duncan: You know the Navajo have a saying: the Spirit lives as long as someone who lives remembers you.
Methos: Aren't you a little young to be so smart? (They feel a presence. Duncan investigates.)
Methos: MacLeod?
Duncan: Just looking.
* * *
Duncan: I don't understand. It was if he didn't know who I was, who he was, or what was going on.
Methos: You should be more paranoid.
Duncan: What are you talking about?
Methos: Hey, look, Cochrane runs out screaming bloody murder. How do you react? You're confused, off balance, distracted. Maybe that's what he wants.
Duncan: You don't trust anybody, do you?
Methos: I find it safer not to make a habit of it, no. Present company excepted, of course.
Duncan: But he was my friend.
Methos: Yeah, was.
Duncan: If he wanted to face me, one of us would be dead. Warren Cochrane never walked away from a fight in his life.
* * *
Methos: All I'm saying is don't take anything for granted.
* * *
Duncan: Methos?
Methos: I'm down here in the cellar. There's a fake wall on your right. Been storing stuff down here for years. Apparantly Paris is prone to flooding in the winter.
Duncan: Well, just be thankful you don't own a barge. It's not that bad.
Methos: You can read them, at least. That's the main thing. How's your Latin?
Duncan: Well, it's either rusty or I'm looking at a recipe for sea anemones.
Methos: Apicius. Everyone's favorite early Roman cook. What he could do with lentils and chestnuts, *mmm* (tagd1.aif - 22K). Looked like road tar but tasted... I'll cook it for you sometime.
Duncan: Great.
Methos: Okay, you didn't come here to exchange recipes.
Duncan: Look, I saw Cochrane. He doesn't remember me. He doesn't remember his wife. He doesn't remember his life, anything. It's...I just didn't think Immortals got amnesia.
Methos: Well, it can't be physical. If he's not faking it, he must have had one hell of an emotional shock. How did he react when you told him what he is?
Duncan: I didn't get the chance. Look, I need some information from you.
Methos: Oh, no-no-no-no. I got to keep a low profile.
Duncan: Come on, Methos. This is important to me.
Methos: ...Okay.
Duncan: Thanks.
Methos: What would it be like, do you think?
Duncan: What? To forget everything?
Methos: To start fresh. Maybe it's a blessing.
Duncan: Until someone comes and takes your head.
* * *
Methos: Okay, I'm telling you, you getting involved with this guy is a mistake.
Duncan: Look, he was my friend, and he's in trouble. What do you want me to do? Walk away?
Methos: I would.
Duncan: Put it like this: if he doesn't know who he is, then he's a danger to all of us.
Methos: So lure him outside and take his head. Problem solved.
Duncan: You know, I never know when you're kidding.
Methos: Part of my charm. Okay, I pulled his file. (Methos hands Cochrane's file to Duncan.) He's been using this Goddard identity for about fifteen years. He writes travel books...uh, historical England, historical Scotland, that sort of thing.
Duncan: His wife says he was on a research trip when he disappeared. Any idea where?
Methos: I think you overestimate the efficiency of the Watcher network.
Duncan: Really? (Duncan starts tossing papers from the file.)
Methos: MacLeod! Look, I'll do what I can, okay?
Duncan: Good. I'll talk to you later.
Methos: Boy Scout.
Duncan: What did you say?
Methos: Nothing.
Duncan: Didn't think so.
* * *
Duncan: Is this the look you're going for?
Methos: No, I got distracted. I found some texts on first-century Chinese apothecaries. Couldn't put them down.
Duncan: Well, at this rate it'll take you ten years to put these all away.
Methos: You say that like it's a bad thing.
Duncan: Methos.
Methos: You and this guy Cochrane had quite some history.
Duncan: Yeah, I know.
Methos: Does he remember any of this?
Duncan: He remembers Picardie when we went to see Bonny Prince Charlie, but then he doesn't. His memories are all different. It was him that press ganged me into going after Charlie. Then when we got there we found Charlie all right. The man we pinned our dreams on, the last hope for Scottland, he was a hopeless sod who could barely stay on his own two feet. But Cochrane didn't want to see that; maybe he couldn't see it. He built up this myth, this legend, in his mind, and he wouldn't see it destroyed. The memories he's getting back are all wrong.
Methos: It's a human trait, remembering things they way we wish they'd been. We rewrite history so that we can live with it. You ask the Russians. Or come to that, ask the Americans or the British.
Duncan: Or the Scots. Turning a loser into a bonny prince because they needed a hero.
Methos: Does it matter what he was really like? Surely it's the legend that really matters.
Duncan: Right now the truth is what matters.
Methos: Maybe Cochrane can't face the truth.
Duncan: You found something else?
Methos: Cochrane left Paris on Friday with a kid named Andrew Donnelly. His Watcher didn't go with him because his sister was getting married. Figured he'd pick him up on Sunday when they got back. What do you expect? The Watchers are the Immortal FBI? We got lives to live, okay?
Duncan: Who's Andrew Donnelly?
Methos: His student, probably. Cochrane met him in Aberdeen a couple years ago. He had no parents; he was on the streets. Told him about his immortality, recruited him to his cause.
Duncan: Where is he now?
Methos: That is the sixty-four thousand dollar question.
* * *
Duncan: Two weeks ago he had a wife, a house, a family. Now he's a fugitive. He's got nothing.
Methos: He's alive.
Duncan: I still can't believe he'd kill his own student.
Methos: Come on, MacLeod. It's not the first time this happened.
Duncan: Well, maybe I should have left him alone. Maybe he was better off not knowing. I mean, it's a terrible thing to have to live with.
Methos: We all have things in our past we wish we hadn't done. I know I do.
Duncan: So if you had the chance to forget everything and live life over again, would you?
Methos: No, I wouldn't. Who would remember Alexa then?

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