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Padded Cell #11

Name: Cinnamon Blaze; Asylum Official Back Washer of the ROG
Date of Birth: 08.29

Cinnamon was committed on August 18, 1998 due to uncontrolled fits of screaming, mad laughter, hair pulling, lip biting, and fainting everytime the name Methos was so much as whispered. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #12

Name: Stacie Marie; Asylum Taster of Methos' Beer
Date of Birth: 08.22

Stacie Marie was committed on August 19, 1998 due to excesive drooling every time she hears the name Methos. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #13

Name: MethMac; Asylum Watcher and Washer of Methos' Volvo
Date of Birth: 03.22

MethMac was committed on August 21, 1998 due to consistantly thinking about Methos and going around reciting his most famous lines. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #14

Name: petshark; Asylum Keeper of the Blue Food Coloring Sacrament (anchoresse secluded for medication on the sacred color)
Date of Birth: 10.07

Petshark was committed on August 19, 1998 due to her marked preference for repeat viewings of Highlander episodes over human contact, which has endangered her eyesight. Possibly related is excessive eating of blueberries, and attempted suicide upon discovery that blueberries are not blue on the inside. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately. Methos at the bar

The Ravenite Fans of Nick Wolfe Pack

Padded Cell #15

Name: Catluvr MacTHIB; Asylum Chiller of the Beer Mugs (Who wants to drink warm beer?)
Date of Birth: around 474 AD

Catluvr MacTHIB was committed on August 20, 1998 due to an insane urge to tell each and every person she comes into contact with about the blue boxers. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately. Methos looks up at you

Padded Cell #16

Name: Brandy; Asylum Pedicurist for the God's Beautiful Tootsies
Date of Birth: 02.27

Brandy was committed on August 20, 1998 due to her obsession with the ROGs toes (and all other body parts), her inability to finish more than an hour's work without checking to see what's going on in HL land, and her growing collection of frus, fanfic, and all things Methos. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #17

Name: Old Soul; Asylum Keeper of the Methos Chronicles
Date of Birth: 04.05

Old Soul was commited on August 20, 1998 due to her belief that she is a 4,000 year old immortal lover of Methos. She also has a psychotic obsession with the color blue. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Old Soul's Castle

Padded Cell #18

Name: Silver Moon; Asylum Bed Maker (and in some cases, unmaker)
Date of Birth: 03.20

Silver Moon was committed on August 21, 1998 due to oblivious stare at the mention of Methos and an odd twitch when the name Cassandra is mentioned. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Sydrome and committed immediatley.

Padded Cell #19

Name: Quink MacFru; Asylum Towel Folder (hey, she does that forty hours a week anyway!)
Date of Birth: 09.02

Quink MacFru was committed on August 22, 1998 when her co-workers saw that she was oddly attached to the sweater knit blankets her store carried and she often went around swinging curtain rods and saying 'there can be only one'. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #20

Name: Flynn MacLaird-MacTHIB; Asylum Keeper and Maintainer of the Methosian Phrase Book
Date of Birth: 11.15

Flynn MacLaird-MacTHIB was committed on August 22, 1998 due to uncontrolable tendencies to groan and giggle at any visual or auditory stimulation even remotly connected to Methos, and the compulsive slipping of Methosian phrases (i.e. "because the alternative is unthinkable", "you live to serve me", "you've lost you mind") into everyday conversation. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

The Ohiolanders

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© jam-wired. Highlander and its characters are the property of Davis/Panzer Productions, Rysher Entertainment and Gaumont Television. This site is unofficial and should not be viewed by anyone. As of 08.31.03 this site is no longer being updated.