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April, 1999

Posted 3/31/1999 [Birthdays and Updates]

Birthdays for April are as follows:

4/5 - Old Soul (PC#5)
4/13 - Liz (PC#28)
4/19 - Megan (PC#57)
4/22 - Nabiki (PC#58)
4/23 - Shawn Daniels (PC#82)
4/28 - Debra Campbell (PC#36)

Don't forget to wish your clan sisters a Happy Birthday this month! If your birthday is in April and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please e-mail me so that I can fix it! :)

I'm very excited that the main page now has Java Script on it! What can I say? I'm easily amused. So now, putting your mouse over a link makes the banner change into a description of that page. Also, the small indexes at the bottom of every major page have small descriptions in the lower left corner of the screen when you move your mouse over them. It makes the site a little easier to navigate...although the main page now takes a few minutes to load fully with slower computers and won't work if your computer can't read Java Script.

Also, the service that the Asylum Forum is with, Cgi For Me, is finally back up. We're going to try it one more time, but if anyone has *any* problems, please e-mail me immediately and I'll make our permanent board the back-up board (I'm getting sick of Cgi For Me's excuses). The web board's address has changed to http://users.cgiforme.com/macmint/cfmboard.html If needs be, the back-up board is still located at http://pluto.beseen.com/boardroom/p/19232 Please only use it if posting no longer works at the other one. Sorry for all the confusion! :)

There are now 94 members at the Asylum!!! I'm hoping we'll be able to hit 100! Wish us luck! :)

Also, I'm still looking for these email addresses from patients. They stopped working sometime after the person was institutionalized. If anyone knows any of these persons new addresses, please email me. Thanks! :)

MethMac MethMac@aol
Silver Moon shastabrooke@juno.com
Watchertoo watchrtoo@aol.com
Elizabeth ThereCanBeOnly_One
Debra Campbell WrkVillian@aol.com

And don't forget that I'm looking for any con pics with patients in them! I'm making a page for pictures of you, yes, you! If you don't have access to a scanner, I can send you money to make copies of the photos so that you can send me them and I'll scan them for you. If you have any photos of yourself or other clan members from past cons, please email me. :) Thanks!

Posted 4/11/1999 [no subject]

[Contest 2 was announced.]

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