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Asylum Contests
BBGL/MacMINT Scavenger Hunt
This contest ran from 4/11/99 to about 5/15/99. It is no longer running.

Since we only had 6 submissions, everyone who submitted received a Methos iron-on and a Methos bookmark. First prize went to Quink MacFru (who had 99!!!), but since she already had a copy of the Blooper Reel II, she passed it on to second place. Here are the winners:
1st - Quink
2nd - Zzickle
3rd - Canadian Girl
4th - Siva Mac MINT#78
5th - Lone Writer
6th - Hmph

* * *

It's a scavenger hunt, baby! That's right, The BBGLs and the Asylum have teamed up for a scavenger hunt!

The Rules:

Rule number one! Unless otherwise noted in the description, all answers must be in the form of a URL. This includes the "http://" at the beginning of the URL. If you answer with a name, description, file download, or anything that is not an Internet address (unless the description specifically asks for something other than a URL), it will not be counted. Description asking for something other than a URL will have a tilde (~) around the word of what you should answer with.

1. The ~name~ of one of Methos' Guardian Angels (If you are one of his guardian angels, you can NOT use your name).

2. A Methos Timeline


(These answers are not necessarily correct)

Rule number two! When mailing in your findings, You must copy and paste the full list of descriptions (this includes both the numbers and descriptions) and put your answers under the descriptions or numbers.

1. The ~name~ of one of Methos' Guardian Angels (If you are one of his guardian angels, you can NOT use your name).

2. A Methos Timeline


(These answers are not necessarily correct)

Rule number three! You may not turn in your findings one at a time or in small lumps. Everything must be turned in at the same time. If you do turn in your findings one at a time or in small lumps, they will be ignored. Also, if you turn in your findings, leaving some blank, then later turn in your findings with the before-blank answers filled in, they will be ignored. Only your first submission will be counted.

Rule number four! You can work in pairs, but no more than two. You can only pair up with someone not in your clan. This means if you are a MacMINT/AINT, you can only team with a MacBBGL. Likewise, if you are a MacBBGL, you can only team with a MacMINT/AINT. If you are in both clans, count yourself lucky, you can pair up with members of either clan. To find a member you want to pair up with, you can go to the The MacBBGL forum at http://apps.vantagenet.com/aforums/thread.asp?id=199862118343&view=All+By+Date or the Asylum Forum at http://users.cgiforme.com/macmint/cfmboard.html

Rule number five! At the top of your submission, you must have the following: your name/names (use whichever you are known by to your clan), if you are a pair or individual (state: Pair or Individual), and the email address that you would like to be contacted at if you win.

jam-wired, Old Soul

1. The ~name~ of one of Methos' Guardian Angels (If you are one of his guardian angels, you can NOT use your name).


(These answers are not necessarily correct)

Rule number six! All submissions are due in to clan_contest@hotmail.com by Saturday, May 15th with the subject header Scavenger Hunt. Submissions will be accepted until midnight, your time, Saturday. Submissions will not be accepted past the specifed date. Use the email address listed above and not one of Old Soul's or jam-wired's other email addresses! If you mail any findings to any other address, they will be ignored.

The Prize:

First place! One lucky person will win the Highlander Blooper Reel II (VHS version only). Yippee! It's so exciting, yes! Yeah, yeah, so what if you're a pair and there are two of you? Hehehehe, well, maybe you can work out a joint custody. Sorry, there's only one copy of this puppy! *g* What if you already have it? Uh...if you win, you'll be the proud owner of two copies of it!

First place goes to the person or pair who has the most correctly answered descriptions. For more details on how pairings will be judged, check out Extra Tidbits.

Second place! Three or four lucky people will win a Methos "A thousand regrets" iron-on! What??? Another iron-on??? Geez, jam, how many of those stupid things do we have to compete for? Well, since the MacBBGLs weren't involved in the last clan contest, they never had to compete for an iron-on. Plus, this iron-on is different from the last one! Ooooh! Are we getting excited yet? Depending on whether or not one pair and one individual gets second place, or two pairs, or three individuals (or any other variations), three or four people will win second place.

Third place! Five or six people will win a Methos "Good morning! Feeling any better?" bookmark! Yay! A laminated piece of paper! Feel the excitement! You can drool on the pages while reading your favorite Highlander book! Again, depending on how many individuals and/or pairings win this, five or six people will get this prize.

That's a total of eleven lucky winners! Yeah! Yeah! Can you feel that, buddy? Uh, uh, uh! Um...moving along...

Extra Tidbits:

If you do work in pairs and tie with an individual for any place, your pair must have at least 25 more questions answered correctly than the individual to earn the place you've tied for. This handicaps pairs and makes it more fair for individuals.

Unless otherwise noted, when referring to Methos, this also includes Peter Wingfield. For example, if the description says "A picture of Methos" it can also be a picture of Peter Wingfield at a convention, from another show, etc. This also applies to any of the other characters/actors that might be in the descriptions. Also, specific URLs can be used twice, or more than twice...however much you want to use it. As long as it applies to all of the descriptions you're using it to answer with.

If you don't win, you will not be contacted. Winners will be announced at http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dreamworld/1335/mint/contest.html, over the BBGL announcement mail list, and over the Asylum announcement mail list. If you win, you will be contacted personally at the email address you specified at the top of your submission.

Please note that if you win, you will have to have a varifiable home address. What the heck does that mean? I don't know...I hear it on television all the time and it sounds professional, so I thought I'd use it... No, really, it means you're going to have to mail us your *real* home address, and it must work. Otherwise, we'll just keep your prize for ourselves...hehehe. Don't worry, we're not stalkers.

Tips from the contest holders: It would be wise not to submit your findings until the last day or close to the last day. Then, on the day you are submitting, recheck your URLs and make sure they still link properly. Also, it's easier to copy and paste a URL (and less likely that you'll make a typographical error) than it is to type it manually.

And one last thing; both clans together have over 150 members. Since there are only two clan leaders and 150 of you, neither of us are sure how long it will take to get everyone's submission checked and the winners discovered. Therefore, please do not email either of us concerning the contest after you've submitted your findings. It may be over a month past the submission due date until we get everything sorted.

If you have any other questions don't hesitate to send an email to clan_contest@hotmail.com using the subject header Query.


1. The ~name~ of one of Methos' Guardian Angels (If you are one of his guardian angels, you may not use your name)

2. A Methos Timeline

3. The *old* ROGboard

4. A personal (not an archive) HL fanfic website that has Methos stories on it

5. A clan/group associated with Methos that you are NOT in

6. A picture of Methos and Kronos together

7. A Webring homepage associated with Methos

8. A verifiable URL with the word "methos" in it

9. A Methos sound file from the episode "Timeless"

10. A mailing list associated with Methos

11. An animated gif of Methos

12. A picture of Methos with his tongue sticking out

13. An interview with Peter Wingfield

14. A picture of Methos without shoes on

15. A picture of Methos without a shirt on

16. Peter Wingfield's (not Methos's) ~nickname~ that was given to him by his schoolmates/friends

17. ~Name~ any one clan or Highlander group that is dedicated to Methos

18. Find one Methos website and sign their guestbook (It can be one you have already signed)

19. What ~quote~ does Methos say about chivalry in the episode "Chivalry"

20. A picture of Methos' twinkling toes (only the feet)

21. What 5 ~words~ did Methos say about his house to Duncan in the episode "Methos"

22. Top Ten "Ways To Tell If Your Home Was Invaded By MacMint While You Were Out"

23. A picture of Methos wearing red pants *gag*

24. A picture in that Methos appears to be crying

25. What ~position~ does Peter Wingfield eat in

26. A picture of Methos' bloody hand (only the hand)

27. About ~how old~ was Peter in The Men's Room

28. A picture of Methos holding a beverage (any kind)

29. Top Ten "Places Methos Has Been"

30. Peter's middle ~name~

31. A website with pictures of Peter Wingfield from a HL convention

32. A picture of Peter Wingfield *holding* a microphone

33. A picture of Methos and Richie together

34. A fanfic with Methos in it that is a crossover

35. A page of Methos quotes

36. A picture of Methos and Cassandra together

37. A page on any Highlander group's site that states they are not a clan

38. A page on any Highlander clan's site that states they are a clan

39. A picture of Methos and Duncan together

40. A picture of the four horsemen together

41. Simon Ross' (not Peter's) ~nickname~ on the Coldsquad mail list

42. A sound file of methos saying "Not many people have stood on the same stage with Julius Caesar and the Rolling Stones"

43. A picture of the 4 Horseman together, locked in arms

44. A Cold Squad page or site

45. A picture of Peter Wingfield from Highlander Downunder II

46. A cartoon of or with Methos in it.

47. A Methos montage/collage

48. A published book with Methos (not Peter) in it

49. A picture of Peter with Caroline, his wife

50. A picture of Methos holding a sword

51. Peter Wingfield's first ~series~ and major professional role

52. A picture of Methos sprawling

53. A picture of Methos' lips (only the lips)

54. A picture of PW with a wreath on his head

55. A picture of Methos kissing someone

56. A picture of Methos in the rain with Alexa

57. A message board dedicated to Peter Wingfield (not Methos)

58. A picture of Methos on holy ground

59. A web search on the word Methos (any search engine)

60. A picture of Methos helping Duncan out of the holy spring in "Deliverance"

61. Any Methos clan guestbook (you needn't have signed it)

62. A picture of Methos reading a newspaper

63. A web site with the word "methos" in it that has nothing to do with Methos on Highlander: The Series

64. A picture of Methos that's been graphically altered

65. A schedule of what Highlander episodes will be showing when, where, etc.

66. A sound file of Methos and Duncan talking

67. A picture of Peter from "Trust Me"

68. A sound file of Methos and Amanda talking

69. An Alternate Universe fanfic with Methos in it

70. A picture of Peter from Chronicles '99

71. A subdirectory (website index) with mostly images of Methos

72. A picture of Peter from "Call My Bluff"

73. A picture of Peter from "Medics"

74. ~Name~ any other *series* Peter Wingfield was in besides Highlander

75. A picture of Methos making an "okay" hand symbol

76. Which ~ear~ does Peter have an earring in

77. A picture of Methos with the Methuselah crytal in his hands

78. A picture of Methos hanging his recipes

79. Top Ten "Signs Methos Was a Horrible Horseman Of The Apocalypse"

80. A picture of Methos with Duncan's sword to Methos' throat.

81. The ~name~ of the beer that Peter made a commercial for

82. A website where Methos' name can be translated into hieroglyphics

83. A picture of Methos drinking champagne

84. A picture of Methos with candles in the same picture

85. A picture of Methos doing research

86. A verifiable email address with the word "methos" in it (you may use your own if you have one) -- Make sure this person expects and agrees to receive email from us

87. A picture of Methos with a gun

88. A poem written for Methos

89. A picture of Methos in a car

90. An interactive form (meaning: a form you fill out, then hit a send button and it gets mailed to someone) that has to do with Methos.

91. ~Who~ is the Clan MacBBGL's theme song by

92. A picture of Methos holding the "MacLeod" sword (not the katana)

93. A fanfic where Methos dies permanently (gets his head cut off)

94. ~Sing~ the Clan MacBBGL theme song

95. A picture of Methos losing his balance/falling

96. A sound file of Joe and Methos talking

97. A picture of Methos with wind blown hair

98. The *old* PWFC website

99. A picture of Methos fighting with Silas

100. ~Name~ one of the Methos dances at MacBBGL

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© jam-wired. Highlander and its characters are the property of Davis/Panzer Productions, Rysher Entertainment and Gaumont Television. This site is unofficial and should not be viewed by anyone. As of 08.31.03 this site is no longer being updated.