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May, 1999

Posted 4/30/1999 [Birthdays and Updates]

Birthdays for May are as follows:

5/10 - Terr Windkin (PC#67)
5/10 - siva (PC#78)
5/16 - dwolf (PC#73)
5/18 - Nightengale (PC#44)
5/28 - Nashayla (PC#47)

Don't forget to wish your clan sisters a Happy Birthday this month! If your birthday is in April and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please e-mail me so that I can fix it! :)

The BBGL-MINT [corrected from original, see below] contest is in full swing. If you didn't get a copy of the contest rules, they're posted at http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dreamworld/1335/mint/contest2.html I can also mail them to you if you need them. Don't forget that all submissions are due in by the 15th of this month.

Also, I'm still looking for these email addresses from patients. They stopped working sometime after the person was institutionalized. If anyone knows any of these persons new addresses, please email me. Thanks! :)

MethMac MethMac@aol
Silver Moon shastabrooke@juno.com
Elizabeth ThereCanBeOnly_One
Debra Campbell WrkVillian@aol.com

And don't forget that I'm looking for any con pics with patients in them! I'm making a page for pictures of you, yes, you! If you don't have access to a scanner, I can send you money to make copies of the photos so that you can send me them and I'll scan them for you. If you have any photos of yourself or other clan members from past cons, please email me. :) Thanks!

Posted 4/30/1999 [Fwd: (MacMINT_Asylum) Birthdays and Updates[

siva just pointed something out to me. I'm such a dope. *g*

> Subj: Re: [MacMINT_Asylum] Birthdays and Updates
> Date: 4/30/99 7:40:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time
> From: Amandacory@aol.com
> To: MacMINT_Asylum-owner@onelist.com
> Hey jammy...don't you mean BBGL-MINT contest? not DOBC-MINT...?
> siva

Posted 5/11/1999 [Asylum Contest]

This is just a reminder that all BBGL/Asylum contest submissions are due this week on the 15th (that's this Saturday). Don't forget that the rules and list of descriptions are posted at http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dreamworld/1335/mint/contest2.html. Oh, and just in case anyone was wondering, so far there has only been ONE submission, so even if you only find 1/10th of the answers filled in, you may win something! In other words, this is me begging you to contend in the contest! Otherwise I'm going to have 4 Methos iron-ons and 6 Methos bookmarks all for me and Old Soul...

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