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Highlander Pictures
February, 2000

Posted 1/31/2000 [February Newsletter and Contest Rules]

- The MacMINT Asylum February Newsletter, 2000.

In this month's issue:

*Birthdays for February
*Asylum Updates - the fourth Asylum Contest
*Update on the Methos Chronicles campaign
*New message from Peter posted at PWFC
*Media from HL IV, the movie
*Information for the Highlander Convention in Germany
*Travel agency suggestion for HLDU con goers

* * *

- Birthdays for February.

2/3 - Highland Gal (PC#90)
2/5 - Rebecca (PC#50)
2/11 - Desiree (PC#112)
2/18 - Andrea L. (PC#4)
2/21 - Screwball (PC#8)
2/25 - michelle (PC#127)
2/27 - BRANDY (PC#16)
2/28 - Storm MacDrake (PC#30)

Don't forget to wish your clan sisters a Happy Birthday this month! If your birthday is in February and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please email me to confirm that I have it recorded right. :)

* * *

[Contest 4 was announced.]

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- Update on the Methos Chronicles campaign. Please do not send email to me regarding this; I am simply distributing the letter for anyone interested.

Date: 01/18/2000 1:11:46 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: rowan_r@hotmail.com
Subj: Panzer's Response

In November, I wrote to Bill Panzer about the fans helping to promote the new Highlander movie. This is the letter:

Dear Mr. Bill Panzer,

My name is Stephani Reid, and we recently spoke on the Highlander Cruise. I approached you and asked your permission to start a letter writing campaign to help promote "Highlander: The Legacy". You replied that it was a good idea, but you wanted to make sure that it evolves correctly. You asked me to write you in regards to what I had in mind and to remind you of our conversation.

I would like to organize the fans in a letter writing campaign, contacting various venues, telling them that we would like to see articles and interviews about the movie "Highlander: The Legacy" and its stars, mainly Christopher and Adrian.

The written entertainment venues that I had in mind to target are: Entertainment Weekly, Us, People, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times Calendar, Variety, Premiere Magazine, and TV guide.

Television venues are to include: The Today Show, Good Morning America, Entertainment Tonight, MTV News, E! Entertainment, and Access Hollywood. I would also like to target talk shows: Jay Leno, David Letterman, and Rosie O'Donnell. If I have left out any venues that you would like to specifically see targeted, please let me know.

What I need from you is the timeframe in which you would like us to begin writing. Also, which venues you would like us to start with and if there is anything in particular that you would like the letters to state.

The goal is to generate enough interest that we, at the very least, end up with a good-sized media blitz on the new movie.


Stephani Reid

This is his response, via his assistant:

In response to your letter to Mr. Bill Panzer, he would like you to check back with him around the middle of May. We are still in production at this time.

You may send any correspondences to him via this email address.

Thank you,
Sandra Avila - Asst.

In April there will be a webpage with addresses for all of the above venues I mentioned to Mr. Panzer. I will make sure to get the information to all the list's I have been in touch with. And in turn, please send it out to everyone you think would be interested in this letter writing campaign.

In May, I will contact Mr. Panzer again, and as soon as I hear from him, I will pass the information immediately.

Thank you to everyone who has shown interest in this endeavor.

Stephani Reid

* * *

- New message from Peter posted at the PWFC web site (1/14/99).

The message is directed towards the fan club members and gives no mention of anything new Peter is working on or any mention of Methos, so I'm not posting it here. The letter is a thank you to PWFC members for the Christmas present and cards Peter and Carolyn received. If you'd like to read the message, it can be found at http://www.pwfc.org/kelly.html.

* * *

- New photos and video clips from Highlander IV.

There are photos and behind-the-scenes footage from The Edge of the new Highlander movie at http://www.wwf.com/news/headlines/2000/01/highlander/03a.h tml. There are also photos up at Celedon's site from the CNN set visit of the movie at http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/rocky/638/sneakpeek.html. Unfortunately, Methos isn't in the pics or video clips from either site, but check it out if you're interested in the new movie!

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- Information for the Highlander Convention in Germany. Please do not send email to me regarding this; I am simply distributing the letter for anyone interested.

Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 14:08:54 EST
From: AitCassidy@aol.com
Subject: HL Convention announcement

While I'm already cluttering several lists, I thought this might be a good opportunity to announce the German Highlander convention, August 18th until 20th 2000 in Munich. The exact locations aren't known yet, but you'll hear from me again in about three weeks.

Already confirmed is Maureen Russell.

And ______Peter Wingfield______, yes, THE Peter Wingfield.

He's coming to Germany! How exciting.

Also invited are Valentine Pelka, Marcus Testory and Peter Hudson. Hopefully Marcus' band CHAMBRE will be giving a concert. (And it'll be worth it, believe me! CHAMBRE is soooo cool! Just wonderful music.)

The convention will be small and cozy. It is planned for about 250 people, and the fee will be something between DM 200 and DM 250.

The German Highlander Fanclub is the organizer of the convention. Responsible is Elke Klare. Her e-mail addy is Ceilyn@debitel.net

Her address is Elke Klare, Orionstrasse 4, 85716 Unterschleissheim, Germany.

You might however wait three or four more weeks before you ask her for more detailed information. I already tried, they are still busy confirming booking and invitations. I'll post more as soon as I have new information. I just thought I let you know that Peter is making yet another appearance this year. I guess, Germany is be an interesting destination for all the British fans, and I'm looking forward to seeing you all there.

That's it. I'm no longer taking your time.


* * *

- Travel agency suggestion for HLDU con goers. Please do not send email to me regarding this; I am simply distributing the letter for anyone interested.

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 00:13:59 EST
From: MarilyB@aol.com
Subject: HLDU Con Goers

If anyone out there is headed down under in April, I just wanted to mention that Carmel put us in touch with a wonderful travel agency, if you plan to do any touring in-country. It's the Triple O Travel Agency, run by Martin Engeler and his wife, Penny, who handles car rentals. Martin is delightful to talk to, very friendly and *very* helpful. They offer a number of tours throughout the country that are considerably less expensive if you arrange through them than if you try to do it through an agency here in the States.

If you would like to contact them, their e-mail addy is tripleotravel@ozemail.com.au And, their phone # from the U.S. is 011-61-2-4848-0251

One excited Oz-bound traveler!

* * *

Join us next month for more clan updates. Same clan time. Same clan channel.

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