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Saturday, July 13

Tavie will be back in the country today.

I miss her.


Thursday, July 11

Happy birthday, Tavie!

She is kind and loving,
She is funny til you hurt.
Her mind is as sharp
As her wit.
Her loyality is only
As strong as her ability to forgive.
She claims not to have a forte--
Silly girl.


Wednesday, July 10

I finished the sketch and emailed it off to Rick.

Now, I wait and see what I need to do to make it better.

I'm fairly pleased with myself that I finished it since when I started it I didn't know what the punchline would be but once I realised what it had to be, I worked towards that end.

Now, I'd like to go sweep up some more leaves before starting the second skit.


Tuesday, July 9

When Douglas Adams was avoiding the action of writing, he took baths.


I went outside and swept up the dead leaves. On what might be the hotest day of the year.

Me not so smart.

Now I'm out of dead leaves, so I'm off to write.


Sunday, July 7

Okay, so when Rick Overton was here last month he told me that I cracked him up;
Diane showed up at the restaurant wearing a coat that she calls The
Furnace. She immediately says, "I'm so hot." I roll my eyes and say in
an angry way, "' I'm hot, I'm pretty, I've got a great ass. Would you
just *shut* *up.*" Rick said that he thought that was really funny.


Now at the club the other night I was talking to Rick outside before
second the show and Ben, who works at the club, came over and hugged me while we were all talking.

I said, in a tone as if I were asking a child where their mittens were --
you know kind of high and on the edge of being helpful -- "Where's my
ass grab?" Ben grabbed my ass and I said in the same tone, "There it

Long story short (too late) Rick called me the next day and told me that
I was "professionally funny" and that I should start my own comedy

Fuck. I have been feeding on this since last Wednesday. I've fluctuated
between not being able to stop smiling, and on the verge of tears.

Today he called me to find out what I had written so far.

People, he isn't kidding when he takes someone under his wing.

I'm trying so hard to come up with some ideas that aren't KITH. I really
want to start with a character and work out from there.

Help me, I'm thinking about starting a new life.

What happens if I'm suddenly doing something I love and makes me happy?

Guess I'll find out, huh?

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