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It's another bright sunny day at Aneris Weyr. The blue dragon you are on lands neatly in the center of the sandy weyrbowl. You quickly remove your riding gear. The atrocious humidity makes the tanned wherhide and your clothes stick to your skin. You're beginning to have second thoughts about your desire to live in the South.

You look around the unfamiliar weyr. A'tok hadn't told you a lot about it just that it was on the Southern Continent. It's an unusual weyr. It's formed from a set of tall porous cliffs that wrap around to form a complete circle. It sits on a small peninsula on the tip of the Southern continent. On the north end of the weyrbowl, there is a large freshwater lake where the dragons bathe. You can see the sunlight reflect off a spray of water as a large brown dives in. Thinking that the dragon looks familiar you begin to walk in that direction.

You reach the lake in a few moments, but in that short period of time the humid weather has caused you to be soaked with sweat. Breathing heavily you walk to the edge of the lake. Your suspicions are confirmed as you glance the sporting brown's rider. It's A'tok. You rush down to your friend.

"Hello," the tall blonde man calls to you in his deep voice. His green eyes dance with amusement as his Brown Darinoth dives again.

"Hello, A'tok. I was finally able to make the trip down here to see you, but why didn't you tell me that it was going to be so hot," you say as you wipe the dripping sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand.

"I didn't know, mate, or I would have told you. This is a recent heat wave that has set in. That storm last week was followed by this."

"Oh, I guess that makes sense. I see Darinoth has grown even more. I can't believe that was even possible."

"You and me both, but Weyrleader T'rin here at Aneris has told me that Darinoth is probably one of the biggest browns ever shelled."

"I wouldn't doubt it, so what are your plans not that Darinoth is an adult?"

"I don't have any, but he has quite a few. He has two queens in mind to try to fly."

"Really," you say a bit surprised.

"Yeah, Gold Kallenth at Jerdan and Gold Jalith here at Aneris. Jalith will rise first. She's due to rise in a few days. Lina says it will be soon. This will be Jalith's second flight They're accepting twelve candidates for the clutch already."

"Sounds like things are going to get quite exciting here. Sometimes I wish I was a dragonrider, but then I start thinking rationally again. No dragon would want me, and I don't think I could handle the lifestyle."

"I doubt you're right on the first count, but the lifestyle is quite a change. That's why they have the candidate classes. They're purpose is to try and prepare the newcomers about life in the weyr."

"That's something to think about. A'tok thanks for the compliment. What about Kallenth?"

"There are going to be five bronzes and Darinoth trying to catch Kallenth. I think Darinoth has a chance though."

"Of course there's always a chance. Who would you prefer though A'tok?"

"I don't really have a preference. Both of the riders are really nice and beautiful women."

"I imagine so," you reply.

Just then Brown Darinoth jumps out of the water thoroughly soaking you and his rider.

Big Brown Darinoth

"Hello Darinoth. Thanks for the shower. I really needed that," you say as reach a damp hand up to scratch his eye ridges. The brown leans down his large triangular head to make things a little easier for you. Then starts to rumble with pleasure as you hit just the right spot. A'tok joins you on the other side.

"He's really enjoying this you know, and so am I. This is the first time in a while that he hasn't talked about at least one of the two queens. Thanks."

"No problem, A'tok."

The two of you spend the rest of the afternoon swimming with Darinoth and keeping his mind occupied on other things besides the two queens.


Name: Attok

Age: 20 Turns

Parents: Ursa and Marnet

Siblings: Attor

Birthplace: Crom

Dragon: Brown Darinoth

Birthplace:Jerdan Weyr

Sire:Bronze Pintreth

Dam:Gold Isabeth


A'tok's Candidate Story

Hatchling Story

The Weyrling Story

Jerdan Weyr