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You fly inot Jerdan Weyr where some odd activities are going on. Just as you're coming to a stop a brown weyrling lands next to you. Judging by the size of the rider, it can only be one person, A'tok rider of brown Darinoth.

"Hello, A'tok," you call cheerfully as you slide down the adult green's side.

"Hi," the blonde-headed man replies as he takes of his wherhider riding helmet and jacket.


"Darinoth looks in good health," you say rubbing the brown weyrling's eye ridges. "How long have you been flying?"

"Only a couple of sevendays. Darinoth is a strong brown. He's probably going to be almost as big as F'nor's Canth."

"Wow! That's big."

"Yeah. Weyrleader M'lek said that he was one of the largest brown's he's seen at the weyrling age."

"I can see why," you say admiring the big brown. Then another thought enters your head. "A'tok?"


"What's going on around here? They look at though they're cleaning out the weyr."

"They are. Weyrwoman Carah is retiring."

"Really," you say astonished.

"Yeah. They're moving everyone to Aden Weyr. Bretta is going to be the Weyrwoman."

"You said 'they're.'Aren't you and Darinoth going with them?"

"Nope. We've been transferred to a new weyr.Aneris Weyr on the Southern Continent. It's just getting started. Some of the other weyrlings are going too."

"That sounds nice. I would like to move to the south, but I don't have the marks for it."

"Well, maybe someday you'll fulfill your dream. Until then, fell free to come visit Darinoth and me at Aneris. The Weyrwoman is Rhiannon."

"That name sounds familiar," you say not quite being able to place it.

"She used to be a student of D'zren's."

"Oh, that's right. I recall hearing him mention her. What's he doing now?"

"He's moving to Aneris too."

"Well it looks like you've got a lot to do, so I'll go pay my respects to the Weyrwoman. See you later A'tok."

"Alright, friend. Come back soon."


Name: Attok

Age: 20 Turns

Parents: Ursa and Marnet

Siblings: Attor

Birthplace: Crom

Dragon: Brown Darinoth

Birthplace:Jerdan Weyr

Sire:Bronze Pintreth

Dam:Gold Isabeth


A'tok's Candidate Story

A'tok's Hatchling Story

Jerdan Weyr