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It's a bright summer day at Aneris Weyr. The summer Southern sun blazes in the sky. You immediately strip off your wherhide riding clothes.You are surprised to see that the new weyr is doing so well. It's still really small with only ten dragons living there. You can see Weyrwoman Rhiannon out doing Weyr things. Her golden Queen Alaranth is on the Hatching Grounds guarding her first clutch of twelve beautiful eggs.

You look around to scout out the rest of the weyr when you spot a familiar figure over at the Hunting Grounds. A huge adult bronze dragon is scattering the small herd of beasts. He neatly seperates one from the rest and pounces on it in almost a feline-like way. You marvel at the bronze's size until you realize who the bronze is. It's A'tor's Bronze Brynth. Your old friend from Jerdan is standing there watching his dragon. You walk over to the pair. You can clearly see Brynth now. He is as big as you thought he was.

Proud Brynth

"Hello," A'tor calls to you in his gruff voice. You still can't believe that the former Journeyman Smith is now a dragonrider. He is now tan. The Southern climate agrees with the Crom born man. "It's been a long time since Brynth and I have seen you. What brings you all the way down here to the Southern Continent."

"Hello, A'tor. It has been quite a long time evidently since Brynth here is now an adult. I came down here to see if the weyr was pospering and to see if any candidates were needed. Searchrider Analyssa has been out and about on the continents again rounding up as many as her Blue Solath can find," you say with a chuckle.

"Well, Weyrwoman Rhiannon is the one you need to see about candidates, but so far I only know of one female for the clutch of twelve. I know for a fact that there is at least one queen egg on the Sands. If you have any extra candidates, send them our way please. I am sure that Weyrwoman Rhiannon will approve."

"Well I guess that settles that matter. Now tell me what has been going on with you and Brynth. I want to know everything that there is to know."

"I am sorry to disappoint you, but not much has been going on. We came here about three sevendays ago. I volunteered to come South to Aneris because Jerdan was getting a little crowded. Brynth and I decided that we needed more space. It helped that Brynth wanted to be in the sun too. We like being this close to the beach too. We don't need to bathe in the lake and wild fire-lizards help Taok and me wash Brynth."

It's then that you spot the usual smaller bronze speck that is Taok flying around Brynth. He's eating whatever Brynth leaves which isn't much. He seems to be enjoying himself though.

Bronze Taok

"So, do you like it here," you finally ask after following Taok with your eyes for a while.

"Yeah it's really nice. The only problem is that there are no other queen dragons here for Brynth to fly. He's ready to, you see."

"Oh! What do you plan to do about it?"

"Well Weyrwoman Carah and Weyrleader M'lek have given us permission to participate in flights at Jerdan. That makes Brynth happy," he says with a wry grin.

"Why do you say that, A'tor," you say with your own mischievious grin.

"Brynth here has taken quite a liking to one of the Jerdan queens. He won't tell me who yet. I think it's one of the younger ones."

"Really? Which one do you have in mind?"

"I think it's Emmith, but like I said Brynth isn't talking. I just know that he likes one of them."

"I meant which rider do you like?"

"Huh," the tall blond man says going a bit red. You are quite surprised that so mature a man would be embarrassed by such a question. "I like Serah Emmith's rider. She's pretty and really fascinating. I don't think she likes my type though."

"Why would you think that," you say shocked.

"Because I am really big, and she's so dainty. Not many girls can handle a man my size. A'tok has the same problem. We are almost afraid of smaller women. We're afraid that we might hurt them unintentionally."

"Okay," you say not full comprehending the man's circumstance. You think to yourself though that if you were about 6' 4" and as muscular as A'tor that you might have the same feelings that he and his twin brother share. "Well, I can understand why that is a concern for you, but I don't think that would be a problem. It's the dragons that decide anyway."

"You're right," he says sounding relieved. "What happens happens?"

"That's a good attitude to have."

"Thanks," you've made me feel better. "It looks like Brynth is done. He's going to want a nap now. We all usually sleep during this hottest part of the day. You are welcome to come rest in my weyr, but I will be asleep. When Brynth gets sleepy, I usually do too," he says making his point with a large yawn.

"Thanks for the offer, A'tor, but I think I'll be going. I still need to talk to Weyrwoman Rhiannon about those candidates. Then I have to get back to Jerdan. I hope you have a good rest. It has been nice to visit with you. I am going to have to come back here again."

"It was good seeing you, too, old friend. I hope you do come back. Then I can keep you up to date on what is going on around here," he says with a glint in his green eyes. Brynth then carries him up to the weyr as he waves good-bye to you. You manage to wave back before going on to Search for Weyrwoman Rhiannon.


Name: Attor

Age: 20 Turns

Siblings: Twin-Attok

Dragon: Bronze Brynth

Age: Adult

Birthplace: Jerdan Weyr

Sire: Blue Atlantith

Dam:Green Saivith


Firelizard: Bronze Taok

Birthplace: Jerdan Weyr


A'tor's Candidate Story

The Hatchling Story

The Weyrling Story

Jerdan Weyr