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So Fooyan's Prologue 5

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he man casts his stones into the distance, and they travel much, much farther than any stone would in the waking world. As So Fooyan walks with him, he notices that several emotions touch the man's face: regret, grief...determination. He walks with a precise and military step. After a while, he says to So Fooyan, "There is a time when even proverbs fail." The flaming gauntlet flickers more brightly. "I found that the hard way."

So Fooyan walks with the man many more steps. Then, slowly, he says: "It is said: 'When proverbs fail, it is time for new proverbs.'"

"Is it a proverb, then, if it is new?" wonders the man.

He walks several more steps with the man. "Unfortunately, while I was taught the proverbs, I was never taught the making of them. I suspect this will not make my journey easier."

"If you know the proverbs, perhaps they will lead you to their making."

As they walk on they see a fortress in the distance, black and tall, and its bannered towers are nearly swords watching over the scarred land. The stranger's face is distorted with longing. "She was mine," he says softly, "and I lost her." From his mouth springs a wind that stirs the banners and tugs the hat from So Fooyan's hand; when next he looks at the man, he is gone, leaving only the sputter of dying sparks.

The hat floats comfortably along the wind, unfolding itself.

So Fooyan follows the hat. It teases him for a while, then lets him catch it--

--and he wakes, in a forest far from the one he was in, where the trees grow in different directions and the underbrush is strange to his eyes. There is a hut of sorts nearby, and the smell of woodsmoke.


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Yin-yang image courtesy of Magickal Moon Graphics.

LuminEssence Studios: Grab 'n' Go Graphics