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J S Morrinn's 'Amordian'

Ah, greetings traveller. Welcome to the Land of Amordian. It is a diverse realm, filled with all manner of beings. If ye wish to continue on, the whole realm lays open before ye. Are ye just passin' through? Lookin' for a new place to live? Whatever suits ye, I do hope ye enjoy yer stay....However long ye wish to make it.

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Explorers Welcome!

Races, Cultures
The Keeper, The Seeker, The Guardian
About the Author

Role play with Darien McQuinn at the Gamer's Inn.
Learn about Darien's Guild, the Knights of the Druidic Order

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There are currently 4 chat rooms, available to different themes. You can also use a private room!

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Other Good RP sites:
The Gamer's Inn
The Gateway
Quarland RPG
Gamer's Inn Character Picture Registry

This sight created by: EZ

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