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Well here it is. This is my complete list of all the addons I've ever made. It may not look like much but I call it home, er I mean uh. Well anyway, here's the list:

1. Schoolenstein
2. Astrostein PC
3. Eliminate Fancock
4. Freakenstein
5. The Nazis Ride Again v 1.0
6. The Nazis Ride Again v 1.2
7. Death Becomes You

This was the first addon I've ever made. People say it sucks but they can suck it. People wonder about me for making this addon. They think someday I'll go around killing everyone is school but that's not what this addon's about.

The story is: The Nazis have arrived in America and have stolen the Spear of Destiny right out of the Smithsonian. The Nazis' plot was foiled though when their transport was destroyed. They managed to get to Pennsylvania and are currently Bishop Hafey High Schooltrying to elude capture by hiding out in schools all over the town of Hazleton. B. J. Blazcowicz was sent in specially to flush out the Nazis and reclaim the Spear for the allies.

No matter what people say this will always live on as my favorite addon because of the great graphics that I *cough* made.

Note: This addon has been thuroughly researched. I went to all the schools listed in the game's readme file and mapped them out myself. Eventually you'll be able to read about this addon's development in "The Heffnerco Industries Wolfenstein Scrapbook" that will be posted soon.


Be on the lookout for large caches of guards. Ammo and health are abundant in some levels. Level 7 is my pride and joy. Be sure to play it through.


New Graphics

New Sounds

New Levels

Game Type
V 1.4




This is the largest Wolfenstein project I ever worked on. I am exceptionally proud of this new addon that is based on the famous Macintosh scenarios. I decided to create this set of levels because the Macintosh version requires you to pay for it.

I first got the idea for this addon from Wolf Addict Software's 3 level demo for the PC version of Astrostein. They also wanted you to pay for their completed set which they never got around to finishing.

This new set contains 60 new levels along with graphics and sounds. I am extraordinarily proud of the bosses in this addon. I made them myself and they kick A scene from New Berlin.all ass. My favorite boss (of all time) is and will be forever, the final boss in my Astrostein: Colonel Heliarc G. Welder. (That's pronounced Welder with a "V" sound as in Velder.)

Note: This addon once was a set of Shareware games. I gave up on that idea because If I had pursued it, I wouldnt've been able to do everything I wanted to. Such as: If I did the shareware sets, I wouldn't be able to use rockets. I couldn't use the 2 phases of Von Braun. (Find out about such things in the readme.)


Just like it's MAC counterpart, this game is tough on Death Incarnate mode. Other levels are fair to middlin'. Don't expect to find lots of ammo in the Reichstag of Episode 4. Watch out for Welder Clones.


New Graphics

New Sounds

New Levels

Game Type
Full Version



Some people consider this hastily-thrown-toghether addon some of my finest work. I wouldn't be surprised though. This addon is centered around destroying that 12 year old, egocentrical nuisance known as Kurt Fankhauser a.k.a. Fancock.

Hamez gave me the idea one day while he was cut and pasting Kurt's face onto Hans' body. I immediately picked up on the idea and began production on "Eliminate Fancock."

One of the coolest parts of this addon is my vision of what Kurt would do with Wolf3d's graphics if he had the time. First off, the chaingun is painted blue. (I call it "Kurt's baby toy.") The Guards are Kurt's personal body guards that he trained himself. (That's why they're so easy to kill.) DESTROY THIS EVIL!And the boss it Kurt himself. (I'll keep the S. S. a secret. See for yourself.)

Note: I was either high, drunk, discombobulated, imprisoned, drowning, suffocating, famished, dying, being stabbed, undergoing brain surgery, being bombarded with radioactive waves, or watching "Teletubbies" when I made this addon. PLEASE FLAME ME!!!


Nothin' to say here. It's the normal levels just with Kurt's ugly face plastered everywhere.

Eliminate Fancock

New Graphics

New Sounds

New Levels

Game Type
Shareware V 1.4


This is listed as one of Dr. Bob's late night, booze induced projects but actually it's mine seeing as how Dr. Bob doesn't really exist. Anyway, this addon isn't my proudest accomplishment but it's here anyway.

Basically this addon is a waste of my time and yours. I decided to do it one day for the heck of doing something. I hadn't had my brainwave to start on WWI or any other big project. I made this during the period between Schoolenstein and Astrostein when I had nothing to do but waste my time.

The addon is just a graphics patch. Everything is upside down. It's actually pretty stupid. I'm not exactly proud of this addon to say the least. I bet, after playing it What the f@*%?for a while, you won't be able to wait for the release of "Freak Master Gold." It will be the enhanced version of the current Freakenstein complete with reversed dialouge and maybe even inverted maps!


Turn your monitor upside down while playing.


New Graphics

New Sounds

New Levels

Game Type
V 1.4



Recently I uncovered this relic from a pile of old 3.5's. It is actually the first version of "The Nazis Ride Again." It currently goes under the code name "Spifferaneous' Levels." You may laugh at the poor level design, but keep in mind I was only 12.

The levels have no set pattern to them. Some of them I used on later projects such as "Astrostein" "Death Becomes You" and "The Nazis Ride Again v 1.2" You may recognize some of them.

Of the very few graphics enhancements there are, Pierre Grosse. Well, that's about it. I hope you're happy. There are a few gag levels in this such as the Frankenstein A nicely decorated hallway.Level. The level is shaped like Boris Karloff. The other gag level is the computer level. It's laid out in the shape of my old computer/computer desk. They are both quite good but don't take them seriously, especially when you see walls made out of silicon.

Note: It's old. I'll give it that. I've had the benefit of 3 years experience on Western Wall I. Please don't compare my newest addons with this. It was my first crack at making new levels.


Well, there is no set pattern to the levels. Just take it as it comes to you. I don't think you'll have trouble except with level 9, the Bossorama. Cheat to skip over that level. It's unbeatable.

v 1.0

New Graphics

New Sounds

New Levels

Game Type
Full Version



This is the newer version of The Nazis Ride Again. Some levels from the affore mentioned "Spifferaneous' Levels." were used in the making of this addon. The basic storyline goes something like this:

Dr. Schabbs and Prof. Quarkblitz have been working in conjunction with the Grosse family to ressurect 3 of their dead sons: Hans, Trans, and Franz. On a brisk Autumn morning in 1945 residents of Neidlingen, Germany witnessed 3 One of the Grosse brothers."undead" soldiers lumbering toward castle Wolfenstein. B. J. has been sent in specially to flush the castle of these menaces so the allies can re-occupy the old castle. B. J. Trails the Grosse Brothers as they make their way by boat and by train finally arriving at the castle

Like all my addons, there is a combo of Spear of Destiny, Wolfenstein, and homemade graphics. I like to use the Lost Episode graphics because of the quality of them. For example, the ressurected Grosse Brothers are actually Hans "The Axe" from the Lost Episodes.


This game actually has a set pattern. You start out on the S. S. Dolchteuful bound for Neidlingen. From there you hitch a ride on the 7:30 express to Castle Wolfenstein where you must make your way through the familiar hallways up to the ramparts where the Grosse Brothers are camped out.

The Nazis Ride Again

New Graphics

New Sounds

New Levels

Game Type
V 1.4



This is the demo of what will be my greatest work. It consists of only 2 levels but it's still as cool as heck. The readme file is quite limited but it sums up what you need to know.

Basically the story goes, you're captured by the Nazis (wow) for prowling around the bunker. They throw you into a cell where you hear of a lab where an insane doctor is performing experiments with re-animation. Some other captured allies tell you about a secret tunnel leading to an elevator that will take you to that level.

This is actually the first version of The Western Wall I ever made. It went under the Sneakin' Around the Cornername "The Western Wall" and that's it. I'm just using it now as a preview of what's to come. There are no new code changes since I can't hack the shareware code. I really should work on doing that.

This game was originally intended to follow a whole different storyline than the current WWI. There were officers in this version that replaced the guards. But, I can't find that version so we'll have to settle for this.


You'll definately need some ammo to get past the guards if you're playing on Death Incarnate which I hope you are.

Western Wall I

New Graphics

New Sounds

New Levels

Game Type
Shareware v 1.4