Dr. Bob's Freakenstein Game type: Wolfenstein 3D (Shareware Version 1.4) Episode, Level #: Untouched Single player: Yes Difficulty settings: 1-4. New Sounds: No New Graphics: Yes New Music: No *Construction* Base: All graphics flipped upside down for a truly disorienting experience. Editor(s) used: Wolfedit and Paint Shop Pro 4 Build time: 2 days Known bugs: None that I found. Level designers: Same as the originals Sound: Same as the originals Graphics: All I did was flip them *Installation* Unless somehow, the file was corrupted, this is what you should have in your folder. Dr. Bob's Freakenstein.txt Road to Insanity.txt VSWAP.WL1 Just copy these files to a working Wolf 3-D registered directory and you're ready to go. Remember to back up the original file if you feel like it. Credits, Disclaimers, and Such Wolfenstein is a registered trademark of Id Software.