-------------------------------------------------------- |******************Begin Transmission******************| -------------------------------------------------------- Listen up Blazcowicz, I have a new assignment for you. We suspected for a long time that Dr. Schabbs is indeed NOT dead. Our suspicions have been confirmed. Dr. Schabbs was spotted by military reconnisance in one of the Nazi's graveyards with his assistant and brother, Professor Quarkblitz. Kind of like an Igor and Dr. Frankenstein thing. When our boys examined the site, they found that Dr. Schabbs had unburied and hauled off the corpse of Hans Grösse. Left at the site by accident was a sketch. This had some notes with it. Down at the bottom in German was a name, Major Hans "The Axe." 2 other graves also of the Grösse family were opened. We suspect that Schabbs has created a fighting force out of the dead Grösse family. This is gonna be tough somewhere in castle Wolfenstein are the 3 Grösse brothers. You've got to find and destroy them! Overview -------- B. J. there will be 3 main places you'll be fighting. To get you safely to Germany, you are required to stow away on the Nazi boat, the S. S. Dolchteufel. Once you get off at a train station somewhere near Berlin, you'll board a train that'll take you to Castle Wolfenstein. There, you must find the Grösses. Conclusion ---------- After you've completed this assignment, you have to go after Schabbs himself. You've got to hurry B. J. the fate of the world depends on your success! Author's Notes -------------- Unzip this to a wolf3d shareware directory. You may want to back up the original files. I can be reached at: wolfengod@yahoo.com or ricketybob@yahoo.com or http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Fortress/7140/Wolfenstein/framewolf.html Sign the Guestbook there.