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Welcome to my Fan Fiction Page


Most, if not all of the fan fiction stories invole a relationship between Jack O'Neill and Sam Carter, so if the idea of this offends you, go no further!!
(addendum as of July 2000: HAHAHAHAHA to the sam/daniel fans, we were right after all!!!)

This page contains stories written by me (Nevyn)!
Most of these are written in response to challenges posted at the Sam and Jack list at If you liked any of these stories, please tell me. Any comments, critticisms will be welcomed, and flames will be ignored. For the sake of convenience, I have put a standard disclaimer on my fics, so that I don't have to keep writing it out.
I'd just like to thank all my dedicated beta readers, Sciout (my biggest fan!), Sloane, Galen, Flo, Dragonfly_Lady, and any others I have forgotten to mention...

Enjoy the stories!

***Please be advised: this page is still under construction!!!***

I have simplified some of the categories on the stories into some images, so here goes:

Character Death:
Alternate Reality:
Mentions (gasp!) Martouf or (gag) Nareem:
Violence/torture (like any of Vanessa's fics):

The stories :

Nevyn's Fanfiction Archive is a member of the Stargate SG-1 Fanfiction Ring.

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