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Party Time

Author's comments: I've had this idea for all of about 5 minutes now, and it demanded to be written, so here it is...

*..* indicates thoughts

The doorbell rang. Sam smiled to herself and moved to answer it.
SG-1 was currently on a week's down time, since their last mission had been harder than usual. Acting on a whim, she had invited the others over to her place for once, just to relax and, shock horror!, see what her apartment looked like.
Sam grinned to herself as she opened the door. It was an unusual sight to see the team in something other than fatigues. Daniel stepped inside first, wearing a black jacket, and jeans, and a strange look on his face as he peered at the decor. Teal'c, as usual for when he went out, wore a gray suit with a Texan-style hat to cover his Jaffa's tattoo, and Jack well,.....he was just wearing what he did at home, which meant faded jeans, white T-shirt, and some comfy sneakers. Sam's eyes slid down his back to his ass as Jack entered the room.
*Nice butt, Colonel!* Blinking suddenly, she jerked her eyes away before the others noticed, or so she hoped.
*Eyes front Sam! Don't look at it!*
*Even if it IS cute!*
"Hey, Carter!" Jack smiled as Sam blushed.
"See something you like ?" Recovering instantly, she replied
"Yeah....nice shirt sir.." Rolling her eyes, she led them into the lounge.

While they all found seats, she went into the kitchen and got the munchie bowl. Setting them down, she sat down as well.
"So guys, what do you want to drink?" raising her eyebrow, she made to stand up again. Jack replied first.
"Beer?" Daniel chipped in with his usual,
"Coffee?" Teal'c considered it for a moment before requesting a glass of water. Jack began to dig into the chips and dip as Sam went to fetch the drinks. She came back with the drinks for the men, and a beer for herself. Sitting down, she asked
"So, what do you want to play?" Opening her beer, she leant back in the chair and glanced at the others. Quickly, Jack piped up,
"Poker?" Smiling teasingly, Sam replied,
"Strip?" Chuckling, Jack raised his eyebrows and retorted,
"How much more of that beer have you got? Ask me again later..." Daniel rolled his eyes and sighed. When Sam and Jack turned to look at him, he explained.
"Why is it that when someone suggests poker, someone ELSE always wants strip? It's almost as childish as Truth or Dare." At this point , he was interrupted by Teal'c.
"What is this 'Truth or Dare game? I have not heard of it." Jack looked at Sam.
"You wanna field this one Carter?"
"Why not?" Turning to face the Jaffa, she continued,
"Truth or Dare is a game played by children here on earth. There are two categories: truth and dare. If they choose truth, they must answer any single question truthfully, and if they choose dare, the other players come up with a dare for them to do. The dares are usually embarrassing and funny." She looked at Jack who was trying to stifle a laugh.
"Something funny Colonel?" Jack wiped his eyes and settled down enough to answer.
"Just thinking about a game of truth or dare Kowalski and I played a while ago..." Daniel leant back in his chair, confident that he wouldn't be lured into a possibly embarrassing game. He raised his eyebrows to indicate that he wanted to hear the story. Drawing a breath, Jack launched into a tragic tale involving toilet paper, a hair curler, and a cold winter night. When they had all finished laughing, Jack asked
"You guys ever played the game called sardines?" At the shakes of his friend's heads, Jack explained the rules of the game.
"Well, it's kinda like the opposite of hide-and-seek. One person is 'it', and they have to hide. All the others have to try and find them. When they find them, they have to join them where ever they are, like under beds, behind sofa's, stuff like that. By the end of the game, there is about twenty people trying to hide under the same bed, hence the name." Sam glanced at the others, a mischievous smile forming on her lips. This seemed like the perfect opportunity for something that she'd been planning for weeks.
"I'm game. What about you Daniel? Teal'c?" Sam paused, putting on her most winsome little girl expression.
"Pleeease?" Daniel was getting a bit wild around the eyes, obviously trying to find a way out. He turned to Teal'c for some moral support. Unfortunately for him, Teal'c had recently been taking an interest in Earth customs, especially those of the children.
"Why do you not join us, Daniel Jackson? I believe that this would be an interesting learning experience." Outnumbered on two fronts, he faced his last hope, who was leaning back in his chair, grinning evilly at him. Giving up, he waved his hands at Sam.
"What can I say, Sam, when you are all so damn persuasive? You win, let's play the silly game." At this point, Jack realized that he hadn't said anything remotely sarcastic or cynical for at least five minutes. His reputation was at stake. In a teasing tone he said,
"What's the matter, Danny-boy? 'Fraid you can't hack it with the big people?"
Stifling a laugh, Sam rose and pushed her chair in. Going into the kitchen, she turned the lights down as she passed them. At Daniel's questioning look, she said,
"It's easier to play in the dark. More shadows and corners." He rolled his eyes at this latest sally into childhood. Sam continued,
"Since it's my house, it's only fair that I go it first."

With that said, She told them to shut their eyes while she went and hid. Jack began to count. While he was counting, Daniel was thinking,
*I may be an archaeologist, and I may speak God knows how many languages, but I still don't understand those guys. Why would two grown men and a woman play hide and go seek in the dark for crying out loud?* He chuckled to himself at the fact that he was starting to think like Jack.
*Who knows? Maybe I'll start to call my artifacts rocks soon.*
*Yeah right Daniel, as if!*
*Now you're talking to yourself!*
*Oh, shut up!* Grinning as his alter-ego slunk off somewhere to watch TV, Daniel wandered down the hall, looking for Sam.

Sam quietly opened the door of her bedroom wardrobe and crept inside. As she settled herself, she began to daydream. She was jerked out of her quiet fantasy by the sound of a quiet footstep on the bedroom floor. She held her breath as her heartbeat quickened.
*OK Sam, settle down. Breathe quietly now.* She slowly let out her breath. All her careful calming was blown away as someone opened the door of the wardrobe. Sam swore softly under her breath, marveling at how quickly she had been found. As if reading her thoughts, the person climbed into the wardrobe and closed the door, saying,
"I knew you'd be here Sam, I know you too well." She grinned ruefully in reply, a gesture that was almost unseen in the dark.
"Seems so." She whispered back. She thought to herself,
*You know me well, maybe, but not as well as I'd like.*
*Get a grip, Sam. You can't have him, and you know it.*
*Well, a girl can have dreams, right?*
*Only when they don't split up the team. You don't even know if he's over his wife yet!*
*He'll get over her sometime. Maybe he is over her now. It can't hurt to find out.*

At that point, her companion leant over and whispered into her ear,
"Penny for your thoughts?" He had been admiring Sam for a while, and decided that now would be a good time to introduce the topic. Sam was glad of the concealing darkness that his her blush, not just at his question, but also at the images that her next thought conjured up.
"I was just wondering what the General would say if he knew that we were squashed up in a dark wardrobe at my place late at night." Her comment was met by a smothered chuckle as the other person shifted closer. He took a gamble at that point. Swallowing a gulp, he put his mouth next to her ear and whispered in a naughty voice,
"And would he be right?" He was taken off guard as Sam's head snapped up to look him in the eyes.
*Great one! You've blown it now!* He chastised himself. So intent was he in trying to find a way of repairing the situation, that he almost flinched when Sam moved her face closer to his, so that they were only inches apart.
"Do you mean that?" She whispered, hope igniting in her chest.
*Sam,* Her little voice inside her cautioned. *What are you doing?* There was a moment of silence before he leant forward and lightly brushed his lips across hers. Instinctively, Sam slid her hands around his neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. He wrapped his arms around her and drew her into his lap. The extra weight pushed him a bit deeper into the coats at the bottom of the wardrobe. He tried to stifle a flinch as something dug into his butt. Sam felt the flinch and broke the kiss.
"What?" She asked, hoping that he hadn't changed his mind.
"Just something digging in." Sam smiled as she slid her hands past his belt, reaching for whatever had dug into him. He nuzzled at her neck as she drew one hand out, holding the offending object. Sam shivered in pleasure and replied,
"A popsicle stick. Beats me how it got in here. It could have been Cassie the other week..." She stopped talking as he kissed his way up her neck to her jaw. Smiling to herself, Sam shifted her hands and leant in for another kiss.

Teal'c paused in the door of Sam's bedroom, glancing inside. He spun around as Daniel approached him from behind. A questioning look appeared in the half-light on Daniel's face.
"What's the matter Teal'c?" The Jaffa's non-verbal response was a jerk of his head in the direction of the wardrobe, standing in the corner. The puzzled look remained on Daniel's face until he heard the muffled giggle coming from inside, and a male voice saying,
"Don't know about you Sam, but I could get used to this." Daniel's eyebrows almost set a new high jump record as a blush crept up his neck. Turning to Teal'c he said,
"I think that we ought to go back to the kitchen and play some cards for a while. What do you reckon?" Leading the way down the hall, Daniel chuckled to himself.
*Well finally!* He thought.
*At least those two have admitted it to each other. Took them long enough!*
He and Teal'c spent the rest of the night playing cards as Sam and Jack passed the time in the wardrobe playing a slightly more intimate version of hide and seek.