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Practice makes Perfect

"Shhhh! What did I say about no giggling, Sammie?" Jack grinned as he lectured the delightful blonde Major who was wriggling so distractingly under him. The cause of Sam's giggles was Jack's errant tongue, which was, at that point, tracing little swirls around her belly button, not to mention the way that his fingers were slowly making their way up her ribcage, toying with the bottom of her bra.
Seated straddling his legs, in his lap, Sam was leaning right back, her shoulders resting on his knees as she gave him permission to 'have his way'. He looked up the length of her body to her crystal blue eyes, which soon closed with a moan as his tongue continued it's teasing. He slid his hands up farther, pushing her tee-shirt over her head as he trailed tender kisses up her exposed stomach. Placing the tip of his tongue just above where the cups of her bra joined, he trailed it up until he reached her chin. Sitting her up as their lips met in a deepening kiss, he undid her bra at the back and slipped the lacy material from her shoulders. Between their kisses, Sam managed to mutter,
"Jack…bed…now…" Needing no further encouragement, Jack stood up, placing both his hands on Sam's bottom, pulling her close as she wrapped her arms around his neck, still kissing each other passionately.
Making their way up to Jack's bedroom, he kicked the door closed with one foot as he laid her gently on his bed. Sam looked up at him and grinned, putting on a semi-shocked expression.
"Why, Mr O'Neill! Only a barbarian would enter a lady's bedroom when she was unclothed…" Jack grinned back, a glint in his eye.
"And if I'm a barbarian, does that mean that I have permission to pillage and ravish?" Sam sat up, producing some interesting bouncing. Pulling Jack's head down to hers, she replied.
"Oh boy, do you ever…" Whipping his shirt off, she grinned again and rolled, throwing him onto the bed next to her. Rolling over, Sam began laying a line of wet, sucking kisses down Jack's neck, over his collar bone, and down to the hair on his chest. Her fingers grazing his nipples, she placed a single feather light kiss on each of them. Heading on down, her fingers deftly undid his trousers, edging them lower as her mouth approached the top of his briefs.
Pushing his jeans off the end of his legs, she grinned as her head came level with his crotch. Smiling teasingly, she ran one fingernail up his length, circling the tip as the other hand cupped him, slowly caressing. A wordless moan escaped Jack's lips, despite his attempts to hold it in. She hooked her fingers around the elastic of the briefs and quickly removed them. The annoying material out of the way, she took the opportunity to let her tongue retrace the path that her fingers had taken seconds ago. Sam slowly made her way back up his body, her heart hammering within her chest.
Capturing her mouth with his own, Jack rolled quickly so that he was on top. Breaking the kiss, Jack said,
"My turn now, Samantha…fair's fair." Getting no protest from the Major, he kissed his way slowly down her jaw-line and down across her chest. One hand coming up to cup one breast, he placed a lazy spiral of kisses on the other, never quite touching the hardened nipple.
Running the tip of his tongue around it, he breathed slowly out over the moistened area for a second before his lips drew it into his mouth. Sucking slightly, he ran his thumb lightly over the other nipple as his tongue gently teased the tip of the other.
He continued the sweet torture for a minute before repeating the process on the other breast as Sam arched her back, trying unsuccessfully to control her breathing. Moving lower, Jack trailed his hands down Sam's sides to undo her trousers as his kisses made their way to her belly button once more, his tongue flickering across it briefly before he kept on moving down. Unzipping her trousers, he hooked his fingers into the top of her panties, slowly moving them down at the same time as her trousers. Placing a line of kisses down her left leg, he deliberately not quite touched her curls, just brushing by them on his way down.
Having made his way down one leg and removed the last of her clothes, he began to kiss his way back up the other leg. Placing a kiss just above her knee, he slid his hands up a bit farther, opening her legs wider. Taking his time, Jack kept kissing his way up until his nose just touched her hair once again. Tilting his head back, he placed a tender kiss on her lips, the tip of his tongue penetrating slightly as it made it's way up, the tip brushing her bud.
Gasping, Sam cried out,
"Oh, God!" Jack grinned as his tongue flickered again lightly, his fingers gently caressing her. Pressing tighter against her, he took her bud between his lips, his tongue running it's rough length across it as he slid one finger into her. He swirled his tongue as he drew his finger out, slipping two in as he ran his tongue over it once again. Sam's breathing became erratic, her hands clenching and unclenching in time to Jack's strokes. Increasing the pace slightly, Jack began to curl the tips of his fingers when he drew them out, caressing the inside of her. Sam tightened around his fingers as she went over the edge, unable to make any other noise than a long moan. Withdrawing his fingers slowly, Jack kissed his way back up her body, his right hand still caressing her curls as he looked up into the eyes of his Major. He eased his length up until it was just touching her lips.
"Are you sure about this, Sam?" He asked, worried that she might regret it later. Sam didn't respond. Looking up at him through the fog of lust, she let her hands do the talking as she cupped his buttocks, wrapped her legs around his waist, and pushed him into her. Gazing into her eyes as he stretched her, filled her, Jack lowered his lips tenderly to hers, giving her a moment to adjust.
Sam whimpered into his mouth as he slowly pulled almost out, then thrust in once more, rocking his hips to push deeper. Jack set the pace, keeping it as slow as he could manage, wanting it to last as long as possible. Increasing the rhythm slightly, Jack slipped his tongue past Sam's lips to duel with her own. Feeling herself near the edge again, Sam raked her fingernails down Jack's back, encouraging him wordlessly to go faster.
Speeding up more, Jack fought to retain control as he thrust deeply into Sam, her hands pulling him in as deep as she could. Giving up the fight, Jack let his instincts take over, their bodies responding to the primal urges. Teetering on the edge of climaxing, Jack looked down into Sam's eyes as she tightened again, waves of pleasure washing over her as her orgasm triggered Jack's. Their breaths mingling, they both whispered 'I love you' at the same time, the words finally being said after four years of tension. Their pace slowed as Jack sighed in happiness, still moving inside her. He rolled over, still holding her to him, still buried in her. He kissed her again as he drew small circles on the small of her back with his fingers. Sam smiled happily, whispering to her lover.
"If I had know what this was like, Jack O'Neill, I think we would have done this a lot sooner." Sam's eyes widened as Jack rocked his hips again, feeling his harden inside her again.
"You ain't seen nothing yet, Sammie… we've got a whole week of downtime to get some practice in…" They both grinned as they set about getting as much 'practice' in as possible…